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Everything posted by Orthodox6

  1. You are right to be joyful! This is a blessing! :hurray: I don't know what is "HG", but I wish you good health and a beautiful, healthy baby next May! :grouphug: because your relatives are clueless. Congratulations!
  2. My boys all are in their twenties, and they still break out singing this song!
  3. Not for my children. We do have a large walk-in closet upstairs with (very poor quality -- were there when we bought the house) built-in shelving. I keep not-in-use school books and supplies there. When I was in college, there was no place to set up my typewriter for writing papers, so I placed the typing table in my dorm room closet.
  4. I have just posted to the group that the social group cannot be located, and that interest is being voiced on the Chat board.
  5. Orthodox6


    General questions about how homeschooling might provide leadership skills are appropriate. The questions you listed are impertinent, irrelevant, prying. Write down those questions while they are fresh in your and your daughter's minds. After selection is complete, I think a letter focused solely on the irrelevant grilling could be submitted from you. Questions about YOU have no bearing on your daughter's qualifications. Best wishes to your daughter!
  6. You are right. I can't pull it up either, using the search function. The administrator is readwithem. Send her a PM, I guess.
  7. I think I prefer Ms. Chrisman and her smug self-centered blindness to the feces-filled mouth of the author of that one rebuttal.
  8. Parents are role models for their children. A dishonest parent teaches the child that dishonesty is ok, even a good thing. Lying about a grade level in order to gain an advantage over other competitors is, as already noted, bad sportsmanship and actually is anti-competitive. Good way to train up a future Lance Armstrong. Lying about a grade level in order to place a child with possibly/probably less prepared students teaches the child, "I am a hot-shot! I am going to leave the others in the dust because I am so great (in comparison)!" If the result is that the child wins easily, he has lost the chance to know what his actual ability is. He does not even know about himself.
  9. Please don't misunderstand my point. I am not evaluating other types of union. I am saying only that taxes are irrelevant to my desire to be married according to the Church, and taxes never could be a deterrent to marriage for me. Don't extrapolate! (Thanks!)
  10. Other side of the thought: My marriage is so far beyond price value, it never would occur to me to worry about the "marriage tax."
  11. Same for my Asperger's adult son. Nobody ever would guess. His "behaviours" show up only when he is at home. Actually, to be honest, same holds true for me! (I have OCD/Asperger's.) I also am a musician; however, I landed on earth hardwired to be intensely devoted to instrumental music performance.
  12. Thank you! Far more complex than I ever would have supposed!
  13. Do you know why it was abandoned? I would be guessing that common law status would cover the issues TranquilMind just raised.
  14. Works on the iPad but not on the family PC. When I posted to it earlier today, I was on the PC and the thread was working. Glitch surfaced later and persists. Weird!
  15. Has the legal status of "common law marriage" ceased holding force?
  16. When I click on that thread now, all I get is a solid black webpage with a ".gif" suffix in the web address space at top of my screen. ? ? ?
  17. I skimmed only a short portion of all that. It is just reader comment, thus all over the map, and not particularly useful. Yahoo article comments are similarly non-helpful.
  18. Never a happy thought to introduce; however, (based on family experiences) I wonder whether there are any "issues" underlying his personality and behaviour -- anxiety spectrum or similar. Think about your son in other situations and look for any similarities. If it seems like something might be at play, take a deep breath, don't be afraid, and investigate.
  19. I cannot even visit Pinterest any more. If I follow a link to something interesting over there, within a few seconds the page is covered by a demand that I set up an account. I have no interest in having an accout there.
  20. I had four c-sections, and the pair of OBs said they would ask me to stop after six. They were top-reputation doctors in the city where we were living.
  21. I would like to recommend a book that I thoroughly enjoyed, and which I dip into for rereading when the mood hits: Inside the Victorian Home: A Portrait of Domestic Life in Victorian England by Judith Flanders. Today is listed on Amazon.com at $16.04 for a new paperback. If you go to Amazon and pull up the title, you can browse inside. Illustrations. Charts. Ties to contemporary literature. Plenteous quotations from notable women and men of the period. This is a really good "read" in social history!
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