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10 Good
  1. I have made lots of mistakes - but I think the biggest one that I could have avoided if I had listened to my gut and my child was letting a curriculum vendor convince me that my very bright child could go ahead into Pre-Alg/Alg with his program. He could do the work - mechanically, but he just wasn't ready to go there. So we ended up spending more time and effort going back and picking up things he didn't really get. He is an extremely bright kid - but he thinks he is bad at math. :(
  2. I would arrange a visit to the conservatory while you are there - if you have the time in your schedule. None of my kids are gifted musicians - but I was...and visiting conservatories early really focused my goals and my practicing. I went to summer conservatory in the summers before was to go to high school at a conservatory - and loved it. For me - it was inspiring! My parents took me to Interlocken at age 10 - I was hooked and knew exactly what I needed to do if I wanted to get there.
  3. Our country doctor is an Eagle Scout and so when does my boy's BSA physicals - he asks for two deep leadership like at the troop - either 2 adults with one boy or both my boys with him. The boys are comfortable either way - my boys are very modest as well. I will step outside the door if asked to - but our doctor expects the parents to come in. This time he asked for a private min with my 15 year old, but he left the door open
  4. My ds would like to take Chinese for his High School modern language. We do not know any native speakers and the somewhat local community college doesn't offer any Asian languages. Do you have any suggestions for curriculum? Rosetta Stone is expensive so I am looking for alternatives. Thanks! Eva
  5. My 13 year old thinks it is goofy, but he likes the pace and has learned every lesson well. He and his 10 year old brother go to work on it with minimal reminders from me.
  6. I rearranged my kitchen so that I could store art & science supplies in the kitchen cabinets. I keep only the pans I use regularly in the kitchen space, the rest I store in the laundy pantry. I use the cabinets farthest away from the stove & fridge and so had the items we used the least. The change hasn't really changed how I cook - but it has changed in a positve way how we store & use our supplies. We found that we don't need everything we used to store in the kitchen and having the school supplies right there has been great - and they are out of sight...most of the time. Eva
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