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Everything posted by ondreeuh

  1. We use Pandia (REAL Science Odyssey) and it's not so much that the science would be too easy, but just too bare. I heavily supplement the program with Usborne books to flesh it out and my son is just 8. However, I like to do it that way, because I prefer to customize the program to our interests and our schedule. We did Life Science last year and I have planned out Earth Science for next year. The Chemistry is better for an older student IMO - I'll probably do that for 5th grade. You can download samples of Life, Earth & Chemistry from Pandia which basically gives you the first quarter of each program. It's a very good way of seeing what it's all about.
  2. I read here because it offers something I haven't found elsewhere - a vibrant forum for homeschoolers that isn't overly religious. I have no problem with people who HS for religious reasons or who talk about their faith, but the other forums I've tried seem to focus more on prayer requsts than actually talking about homeschooling. And that's just not what I am looking for. I bought a copy of WTM and returned it when I got to the part about teaching very young children to memorize information by rote without any attempt to make it meaningful. I disagree with that and it just turned me off. There are other reasons why I'm not interested in using a Classical model, although we do use SOTW :)
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