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  1. Thanks! I should've added that he did a credit of Physical Science already as well.
  2. For a child who has no plans to go to college is it a bad idea to not do the traditional highschool full year courses of chemistry, biology, physics? He already has a credit for Physical Science. My thoughts to replace it are to have him do a very light course in Chemistry and Physics to learn the basics- for example about a 1/2 credit worth of each, possibly a full year of Biology, and use the remaining time to due more interest based subjects such as an electronic course, animal health, small engine maintenance etc. Would there be any negatives to this? Could these count as science credits?
  3. Does anyone still use this curriculum? Is it open and go? Any recent reviews? Most of the information I can find on it is older.
  4. Thank you! That was very helpful! What did you find to use with your 10 year old?
  5. Does anyone have any reviews on the ULAT Spanish? Is it effective? Do you as the parent have to help or is it independent? What ages would you recommend to use it for? And how do you scedule it out? I checked the free lessons and it looks like the lesson length various.
  6. Does anyone have a favorite Spanish curriculum that your children can do independently and you have found to be effective? My children are 2nd and 4th grade and 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. I am fine with the older ones doing something different than the younger grades.
  7. Does anyone still use Family Time Fitness? I can't seem to find any recent reviews on it. Or are there other similar programs you would recommend for Physical Education?
  8. I'm looking for some resources for books arranged in order of historical topics. Something like All through the Ages. Are there any other options either online or in a book?
  9. We are doing Mystery Science this year and loving it. Is there any curriculum similar when we've done all their lessons? We love the video lessons and how it is played out step by step.
  10. I love the looks of Sonlight with the big pile of read alouds, but I want to do a chronological study of history with my 4th, 5th and 6th grader. Any ideas of for a curriculum like Sonlight but chronological?
  11. Thanks for the ideas! I'll check those out. As to the type of memory work-just in general what they should memorize from the different subjects such as math, history dates/facts, spelling rules, etc. All in one easy resource that we can do as a family. We do scripture, hymns, and poems already.
  12. Are there any resources for memory work that are similar to Classical Conversations? We dont live near a group and if I understand correctly you cant just by it?
  13. I'm looking for a writing curriculum for my 3rd, 4th, and 5th grader. I think IEW looks like a good fit as they dont know how to even begin putting words on the paper when I ask them for creative writing. But I would prefer something much simpler to use and preferably more independent. Any ideas?
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