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Posts posted by momster

  1. Our older dd was 4 yo when she prayed the prayer at the end of the Jesus movie (after she had seen the movie two times), and I was grateful she was at home with me when that happened. I would have been sad in a way if she had been with another adult -- sad that it wasn't me, but not sad that she had prayed.


    Your son, at 3 yo, is young and probably eager to please his teacher, so you might be wondering if what he heard was clear to him and if his response to it was sincere. While he certainly isn't going to understand the gospel message at the level that a 12 yo or 35 yo would, remember that the Lord is able to use His Word to touch your son's heart in an age-appropriate way, even unto salvation.


    Maybe you could 'read' the Wordless Book with him from time to time so that he can 'see' a more understandable picture of sin and salvation. He might ask questions or share his thoughts, thus helping to put your mind at rest.


    Wouldn't that be wonderful if he indeed became a believer at such a young age?!

  2. I didn't worry about note-taking until our older dd was in high school. What I did was tape the evening world news on Monday night, and the next day she would watch the tape and take notes on what was being reported (names, places, events). If she missed something she felt was possibly important, she could rewind and view it again. Afterwards, she would write a summary and locate all the places mentioned on a world map.


    If you're wanting to start note-taking earlier than high school, I would say waiting until age 11 or grade 6 is a good time to start. I don't think it's necessary before that.


    Maybe read to them from a short newspaper article, having them take notes as they feel led. Afterwards, they can compare their notes with what you've highlighted in the article as the main points; then review it with them.


    You wouldn't have to use newspaper articles; you could use a passage of scripture, an Aesop's fable, anything that's interesting and relatively short.

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