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Based on Faith Academy

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Everything posted by Based on Faith Academy

  1. It is funny how much we crave a different day or daily existence no matter what kind of day we have. Here I am envying all of the moms who have the joy of staying home and home schooling their children while I necessity dictates me to work full time out of the house, work part time editing, and still home school. . What I wouldn't give to spend a week home schooling without working. The pleasure of waking up with my dc each day.I have only not worked, while I was home schooling, for about 1/2 a year in my 13 years of home schooling.
  2. Let him know that the Hive was here for you with many suggestions on how to handle the chirping in his absence.
  3. My dh is also still getting stuff. I think certain peoples end of January deadline is a longer month than the rest of the worlds.
  4. I'm part of Sparkspeople. It will plan my meals for me? I didn't realize that.
  5. How terrible does it make me that I want an app to plan my day for me? I want it to tell me what I can eat for each meal. Then I don't have to think and count the calories because it's already counted for me.
  6. My every morning. In bed and it's pitch black and up in pitch black. I thought 3:45am was when you were supposed to go to bed?
  7. Well I do have a slight Louisiana accent when I get excited or nervous(from the few years I lived there when I was young).
  8. :lol: Should I go make my fifth edit to my post and put my "h" back? I forgot all about the controversy about the "h".
  9. How adorable!! Happy birthday, Mary!!!! :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :party:
  10. Oh cool. That would have been cool to see. My dd is very interested in learning Spanish. Oh my word!!! I'm speechless!!! I've never been #1!!! How does it go.... Booya!!!! And all the rest. I'm on my phone and can't copy the song. By the way, how many times do you think they will let me edit this same post? lol
  11. I spent two days off work to find out I was excused from jury duty. If they would have just asked me ahead of time, I would have told them they'd never use me.
  12. Okay what have I missed about Renai and Spanish classes??? When did this happen? Obviously I'm decades behind.
  13. Thanks, Lynn. People always ask me how I do it and say they could never do it. As I tell them, you'd do anything for your dc.
  14. I took on a higher position and a part time job to help make ends meet until such time as my dh can find something that works. It's paying the bills so I thank the Lord for the blessing of both the added position and the new job. Plus my ds who is in his second semester of college did a great job his first semester and I'm looking forward to him doing just as well this semester.
  15. Yes, it has been. Thanks for noticing.😉I'm still here but I only get to read a few posts here and there. I end my day at 11pm and have to be up around 3:45am five days a week. I have too many irons in my fire, but it is my only means of surviving. How has everyone been?
  16. I absolutely can not stand being sick, yet, I tremendously enjoyed the extra sleep over the past two days.
  17. Abeka teaches is the same way as your grammar book and in my 13 years of homeschooling all the books we used taught that way also.
  18. That's awesome! It always makes you feel good when your dc achieve what they set out to do.
  19. Thanks for all the information. 😪 I was looking for reassurance that it won't be as bad as I've heard, but now I see I'm wrong. When is a good time to go that would fit in a college schedule?
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