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Posts posted by motherdear

  1. Does anyone have remedies for ridding the house of fruit flies? I should have sprayed while they were swarming a forgotten pear in the bottom of our fruit basket, but I threw out the pear and the flies dispersed into almost every room in the house! DH sprayed RAID, which made everything slippery or sticky and they're still readily found. I'm afraid they're multiplying.


  2. as reinforcements or just to brush up on a certain topic. There is no lip from my kids. They're easy to use. I even did the Algebra course myself a few years back to refresh my knowledge. We are NOT a mathy family!


  3. My 15 y/o Aspie cannot organize his thoughts well enough to tell stories that make sense. I am his "interpreter" in many instances, inserting additional details, reminding him to give background info (i.e. when, where, who was there). Over the years I've tried many different ways to help him. The most successful has been to take a story (event in his life he'd like to tell) and draw pictures, numbering them in the correct order of how they occurred, then practice telling the story step by step. THIS IS A LOT OF WORK! Is there some sort of "curriculum" that can help me w/ this? I'm tuckered out!

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