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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. ooh ooh, your post reminded me of my friend. She has 2 foster kids that she cares for. Both are boys. One boy is black and one boy is white. They are both the same age though. She always dresses the boys the same, ie. khaki shorts and a red polo shirt. And she told me that whenever she goes out people ask her if they are twins. :) hehe
  2. Oh you did!! I'm so glad it was helpful. I hope you and your daughter enjoy the book. Feel free to PM me anytime if you have a question since I'm using it as well. :) I'll be happy to help you any way that I can. :) Blessings, Jen
  3. Ah, God bless you!! :grouphug: You are just so nice. Everyone is so nice and helpful. It makes me want to leave Fla more than ever. People aren't like that here. hehe
  4. Oh that's sounds so lovely. What county do you live in?? I'll tell my husband about the Volvo plant. If they need computer people he can fit the bill. When is it due to open do you know? Thanks so much. :)
  5. Oh thank you so much for the links. I will sign up for that. :) My brother told me about zillow.com where you can see listings, satellite photos and all kinds of stuff. I've been looking on there as well. :) Thank you so much for all the great information. I really appreciate it. :)
  6. Wow!! That's great!! thank you so much. I would have never imagined it was possible to have 70 acres of country 35 minutes from the city. Ah, to be out of urban sprawl!!! That would be so wonderful! :) How is the landscape in Raleigh? I'm not exactly sure how close/far Raleigh is to the mountains. Thank you so much for your reply. :)
  7. :grouphug: Thank you so much. That must have taken some time to type out and I really appreciate your doing that for me. :) A 30 minute commute for us is nothing. Where we live, everything is at least 20-30 minutes away so we are well used to that, but we only have one car which hubby lets me have since I have the kids. He takes the city bus to work and home which is an hour ride for him. I wouldn't say that he is "specialized" per se. He worked in the probate division of the courthouse for several years and then got tired of working in that division. He was interested in computers and did alot of study on his own reading books and he took some Microsoft Certification classes at the community college and then applied for a job opening in the Clerk's computer division. He mostly does help desk types of things. Wow, your town sounds really nice. 1,500 people is wonderful. Do you know all of your neighbors or do people keep to themselves?? Your house sounds so beautiful. I can't believe you have all that for that price. And in '08 too!! Weren't the housing prices inflated up there then?? They were ridiculous down here. My house was last appraised at 120-130,000. It is around 1,200 square feet in total. It has 2 bedrooms 1 and a half baths, no garage and we own the land up to the fence which is about a 10x5 foot area. It's true that most of the houses now are not moving, but fortunately, one of my neighbors is buying up all the houses where I live. It is only a 16 unit townhome complex and he already owns 4 of the units. I suspect he ultimately wants to own them all and then he'll probably renovate them and rent them out for a high price. I'm pretty certain he'd want to buy it from us and if not it is close to the beach which is desirable and the city has spent alot of money renovating the downtown area which is walking distance from my house. It is now an artsy type area and we have lots of festivals and outdoor concerts in the art's park. I too live right off of I95 sandwiched between Miami and Ft. Lauderdale and it is a 30 minute commute to either city. So it's in a pretty good location. I will tell my hubby what you said. The thing is I don't know how his sister would feel about commuting. She only recently learned to drive (she lived in NYC for a long time and didn't need a car) and she is still very nervous on the roads. I guess he would have to call her and see what she says. Thank you so much for giving me good town names to look into. I'll go on zillow and see what listings I find. :) May I ask you also, what does "BE" mean? I'm trying to figure it out, but I must be especially thick because I'm just not getting it. :tongue_smilie: Also, what types of temps did you experience this last winter and were they typical?? Thank you again so much. I cannot tell you how invaluable your input is to me. Blessings, Jennifer
  8. I don't know how you ladies feel about using a computer game to reinforce the times tables, but I just got an email notice that there is a $10.00 off sale on Timez Attack that is good through 5/1/09. I used the free base version of this game with my daughter for 3rd grade and she really loved it. She wanted to play it all the time and it really helped her with her multiplication. I just wanted to give a heads up to any moms who might find this useful for their little ones. You can download the free version here. http://www.bigbrainz.com/Download.html And the full version sale link is here. http://www.bigbrainz.com/Sale.php I hope this is helpful to somebody. :) Blessings, Jennifer
  9. Wow!!! Those are true pearls of wisdom. Man, I wish you were my mom! :) hehe
  10. OOOH I was guilty of this one as well. I am the youngest in my family and my mom is the youngest in hers as well and I never was around babies growing up. Actually, my first born child was the first baby I had ever really been around. I remember when I was pregnant people would tell me that newborns sleep most of the time. I thought that was great, I didn't realize until she was born that they sleep for an hour and wake up all night long. That was a big shock to me. hehe :)
  11. ROFL :lol::lol::lol: Oh my gosh!! I feel guilty laughing because that is REALLY sad, but that was just too funny! hehe
  12. hehehehehe I have one, when I was a kid I would use the word "nationality" all the time thinking that it meant heritage. I don't even know how many American kids I have asked in my life, "so what's your nationality?" hehe
  13. Sadly I think you are so right. It's tragic. I always wonder how many kids are born with the natural potential to change the world and we will never know who they are because they are a victim of their education. :(
  14. :) Aww that's a cute one though. hehe ;) Arg. I know I've said so many stupid things in my life, why can't I think of one?? Ah, here is one, but I was pretty small when I said it. I remember when I was in the cafeteria breakfast line in Elementary school. I think I was in 2nd grade. The kid in line behind me was on one of those, "my dad is better than your dad, my mom is better than your mom" kicks. I said to him, "oh yeah, well my grandpa is better than your grandpa because he's Spanish. His name is Abuelo." hehehehe I had no idea that abuelo meant grandfather. I always just thought it was his name. hehehe
  15. Yes. It was just that that week happened to be the week of 4th of July so I guess she thought it was a good question at the time. hehe She had her own opportunity though because in that same class we had to do papers on a certain topic and then give an oral presentation before the class. She did her paper on the Berlin wall. When she mentioned in her presentation that she was from Berlin a girl in the class asked her, "Is it true that it's all dark and cloudy on the East side and all sunny on the West side of the wall?" My friend just looked at her and said, "no, the weather is the same on both sides of the wall. The wall isn't that high." hehehehehe :tongue_smilie:
  16. hehehehe I would imagine not. I felt so sorry for her too because no sooner did she hear that man's reply that she realized what she had said, but it was too late by that point. Poor thing! hehe :)
  17. Ah! I stand corrected. I just checked on Amazon.com to see if they had it for you to look inside and apparently the new version has a CD! :) http://www.amazon.com/Spanish-Now-Level-1-CDs/dp/0764177745/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1240549768&sr=8-1
  18. I did. It was very moving. I think she did an amazing job on that memorial. It is very powerful. I've never seen it in person and I cannot even imagine the emotions that would come over me if I really could take in its scale and size. Just seeing it on tv moves me to tears.
  19. Oh your post about the Welsh man made me think of my best friend when I was in high school. She and her family had defected from East Germany and finally wound up down in South Florida where I met her at school. One day in English class we had "special visitors" from England. They came to talk to us about England and to answer questions. My friend raised her hand and asked them how they celebrated the 4th of July. hehehe The man just said, "ummm, we don't really celebrate that holiday." hehehe
  20. :lol::lol: ROFL Ay, ay, this thread is too funny. I know that I have said some real whoppers myself, I just wish I could remember one.
  21. You know, that's what gets me too. I loved to learn when I was a kid. I was curious and wanted to know about everything. When we had study hall in Elementary School, I would read the encylopedias and take notes! NOTES!! hehehe I love to read and most of what I know I taught myself. I can honestly say that most of my time in public school was totally wasted. I learned absolutely nothing new beyond the 7th grade! I was a good student. I was rarely absent, always got A's and B's and my schools failed me miserably. I cannot even imagine the kids who didn't like school and who had no interest in learning. It's an outrage really!
  22. Oh man!! LOOOL I wish I could say I was being ironic then it would have looked like I was clever or something hehe, but the truth is I've always written a lot as alot. hehehe I told you that there is A LOT I don't know. And trust me, it wasn't humility, it was a statement of fact. I'm still mad about the poor education I got in Public School. I was totally unprepared for college when I got there and it really cost me, financially as well as in time. Grrrrr. But don't get me started on that one... hehe :tongue_smilie:
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