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Everything posted by mama2cntrykids

  1. I would LOVE to bring my oldest boys, but with only $61 in the bank, it's NOT happening. Phooey!
  2. My second was 12 days late and the doctor really wasn't pushing too hard for induction. I really think it depends on the doctor/clinic. With my last baby, it was a different doctor and clinic. She said that if I didn't have the baby by 41 weeks, that she'd like to induce. Luckily, the DAY I was supposed to go into the clinic to talk about options is the day my water broke lololol.
  3. We worked together. We didn't start dating until I had been there for about a year. It's been almost 8 years!
  4. mama2cntrykids


    Try taking a heartburn pill. I've had heartburn before that I could have sworn that I was having a heart attack. I actually DID go into the ER the first time I had it b/c I was convinced that I was going to die. Nope...heartburn.
  5. If someone doesn't have enough monthly income to cover a state run nursing home, what happens? I mean, for example (just throwing out numbers here). Say the person has an income of about $1500/month and say the nursing home costs $2000/month. Where does the extra $500/month come from? If the person has stocks and a checking account with a little money in it, do they take that? Just checking on some stuff before any more steps are made. Thank you.
  6. Not only hard working, but in my experience, more willing to give a helping hand (no matter how little they have). It's fine if you disagree with this, but it's *my* experince.
  7. Personally, I would and have. If you qualify for it, there's a good chance it's needed. Besides, if your family is paying taxes, you're paying for the program anyway.
  8. I know exactly what you're saying. My mom is dealing with my termanially ill grandpa and has been for quite some time. Before he became terminal, she and her siblings tried to convince him to go into assisted living and he refused. Well, now his health is taking a huge dip and it's looking like hospice will come into play soon. I've had the convo with my mom many times about going into assisted living when she can't care for herself properly and she totally agrees. She has first hand experience on how hard it is to deal with a stubborn parent when it comes to this stuff and she doesn't want me to go through what she's going through. Hugs to you. It's HARD!
  9. As to the bolded statement, what do you have your dc do then? Not being snarky. I'm sincerely curious!
  10. I know that with the Prime membership there are certain movies you can load on the Fire. My question is, once they're loaded are they always accessible? Or is it a one time deal? I'm trying to decide if when we get our Fire HD, if it would be worth it to also get a prime membership. Thanks!
  11. Isn't the bolded how it usually goes? I have to hold off until we get our taxes back to get one, but we do plan on getting one (and possibly a different kind of tablet in addition to the Fire HD).
  12. Some one was selling her sons on another board that I frequent. I've been eyeing it for the past week. I just saw that she ended up lowering the price by $10, so I jumped on it! It was $40...SHIPPED! That's the best score I've made in a long time. My dd will be sooo excited with it! What's better is that I had sold some stuff recently and had $20 in paypal, so I only had to take $20 out of our checking acct. Yay for deals!
  13. Our budget is about $50 each for five children (ages 18 years old-18 months old). I wish it was more, but we deal with what we have. I'm blessed just to be able to stay home with them :). Over the years, it's been anywhere from $35-$100 per child and that was before the baby was born. It's hard b/c they really get nothing during the year (except for birthdays and then it's about $25 per kid). They understand though, it's just tough on the mama!
  14. I CAN'T STAND the movie A Christmas Story...ewww! It's just awful between the dad and his issues and the younger brother's WHINNING about everything, I have to leave the room. I sit at the computer and keep saying, "Why do I let you guys watch this garbage?". Seriously, WHY? Sorry, that's about the only Christmas movie that I just can't tolerate. Ick.
  15. Good thread! Deo. is the first thing that came to mind Body wash Beef Jerky I'm still thinking on it!
  16. Good thread! Deo. is the first thing that came to mind Body wash Beef Jerky I'm still thinking on it!
  17. It's 69 down stairs and probably 78 upstairs. Yes, there's THAT much of a difference between the two levels lol.
  18. ~a tablet...not sure which kind, but it's not happening until after tax time anyway. ~time ALONE...that will WILL happen SOON!
  19. I am so, so sorry, Joanne. I wish I had some profound words. Hugs to you.
  20. Yes, I'm thinking they'll be married before he's stationed as well. Especially since she has no college plans and is currently doing factory work. Not that factory work is BAD, just that it can be very temporary.
  21. I see...I was going to the Kindle store and looking that way. I will try the android app store. Thanks!
  22. I'm having a hard time searching on amazon for their apps. It doesn't seem very user friendly? I'm trying to decide between a Kindle Fire HD (7 in.) or an ipad mini. Am I missing something as far as looking at apps on amazon?
  23. Thanks for this thread! I'm looking at getting a Fire HD as a family gift since my dh sold two of his cars that he no longer needed.
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