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Everything posted by inactive

  1. :iagree: We have LOVED SOTW -- it's pretty much "open and go".
  2. I ordered on the 26th of August... On the 27th, I received an email telling me that 5 of my items were on backorder -- with no specific date that they would be available. They would hold my order for 5 business days to see if those items came in. If not, they would ship what they had. This AM, I received an email with a UPS tracking #...looks like my books should be here on the 9th. :glare: (Although they didn't say WHICH books were being shipped...so I still don't know what I'm getting.)
  3. BLEACH?!?! :w00t: (I knew there was a reason we get our milk fresh from "the girls" -- in glass containers.)
  4. I just took a look at my Year 1 Evaluations -- it appears that you can choose what quizzes/tests you want to print by level and the only level that includes Literature is Rhetoric. So, I think you could use the R History Evaluations without using the R Literature Evaluations.
  5. :grouphug: :grouphug: Are your MIL and my MIL related?? :lol:
  6. I've purchased some from Hands of a Child and Knowledge Box Central. Usually you can purchase ready-made kits OR a CD that allows you to print as many copies as you need. I have a couple that I'm done with if you're interested: Presidential Election Process (KBC) Horses (HOAC) Blessings!
  7. I'm just starting AAS this fall... I purchased a 2x3 magnetic board at Wal-Mart for about $15. I found it in the "back-to-school" section. It is very sturdy with a metal frame... Best wishes!!
  8. I have used MUS Epsilon (fractions) with 2 children so far... I feel the fraction manipulatives were "KEY" to the program. We used them almost daily in the beginning, (+, -, x and / lessons) then less frequently as we progressed. I'd try to find them used first. There is a MUSwap yahoo group that has been a blessing to me. HTH,
  9. Two of my children struggled with penmanship because they were applying too much pressure and their hand would get tired quickly... We found that mechanical pencils with the rubber grip worked wonders!! I think it has something to do with the texture of the lead... Just a thought...
  10. :confused::confused: Well, fact is is that K12 is being "pushed" on NEW homeschooling families -- families whose children have been in the PS and they are now removing them to home educate. Families that maybe haven't done their research and ARE enticed by the word FREE... This *is* happening -- you just aren't aware of it. Great -- I'm glad you like it. I'm glad it works for YOU... I just didn't want to see an unsuspecting person get "sucked in" to this program... I won't say another word...
  11. have you considered having the binding cut off and putting the pages in a 3-ring binder?? Just a thought...
  12. in MOST states, the K12 program comes with "baggage"...like weekly in-home visits by a "trained professional"... There are also a lot of restrictions on what you can/cannot teach your own child. I'm not going to be told what I can/cannot do with MY child... That's not something I take lightly or something that I consider "no big deal"...
  13. I agree with giving it the "sniff test"...you'll know immediately if you should eat it...or not. :thumbup1:
  14. K12 was originally founded by William Bennett...then there was some sort of a "takeover" and he was "booted to the curb". K12 is now being marketed through public school districts to homeschoolers...they entice you with FREE equipment and curriculum. What they don't tell you about is all the "red tape" that goes along with it!!:glare:
  15. :iagree: Have your friend google "Exposing a Trojan Horse"... I think she should be able to view this video online for FREE. It's an eye-opener as to what this K12 program REALLY is...
  16. Do you have a local university nearby?? Sometimes they have swimming programs where you can pay by the session... HTH...
  17. The second link is to Cathy Duffy Reviews homepage... Is it "100 Top Pick for Homeschool Curriculum"?
  18. *WHICH* Cathy Duffy book are we talking about?? :tongue_smilie:
  19. I haven't done notebooks this way YET... I can't wait for my shiny new copy of WTM to get here. :D We have always done a TOG binder but I'm in the process of "switching things up" around here...we're going to continue with TOG but do the notebooks more like WTM. BTW, I really like your setup...very polished/neat looking.
  20. a "bootcamp"!! :lol: Seriously...it's going to be HARD (I've BTDT with my 3) but you basically need to come up with a list of expectations, talk about them with him, (give him a copy if necessary) and then follow him as he completes the jobs -- correcting if necessary and all he's allowed to say is, "Yes" or "No". NO ARGUING... if there is ANY resistance, etc., he starts losing priveleges. (mp3, TV, computer time...anything that he enjoys) and he has to EARN it back. It might take a week or so, but I think you'll be pleased with the results.
  21. Bought the Biology and the Companion CD but forgot the lab supplies... Guess I'll be calling Home Science Tools soon...
  22. Thank you all SO much!! You've set my mind at ease about switching approaches...I am SO excited about the WTM approach to *all* subjects! (i was somewhat familiar before, but only did History classically...we used textbooks and workbooks for other subjects.) I've been busy researching and ordering...researching some more...ordering some more. LOL Now, I just need to take a deep breath and wait for the packages to arrive...:lol:
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