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Everything posted by i.love.lucy

  1. Thanks Michele! Um...DUH! Should read the stuff!:lol: I'll find some time to do that tonight and maybe I can come up with some combos that are more appealing. Right now I'm rockin' out to Wynnona while cleaning like a crazy person, so the protein I've had is sticking pretty good!:D
  2. I'm eating cottage cheese and peanut butter. Can you hear the "blah and blech" in my words?:glare: Some of these combinations are very strange. I am supposed to have nuts at 3 meals today!!! I wish now I had been much more careful in what I selected! Justkeepswimming, justkeepswimming, justkeepswimming...
  3. My dd is like this. She about to be 9. She puts on the brakes and creates a scenario of failure or pain around just about everything. She never wants to try new things and if something has the remote possibility of being painful if she fails, or if it holds the possibility of embarrassment, then NO WAY. I have successfully used peer pressure. I don't like to do this too much because I don't want her friends to later be able to talk her into smoking pot or something, but to try the big slide at the pool, yes. No amount of me talking to her about it and how safe and easy and fun would make her do it. But a friend pressuring her, gently, to do it got her up there and now I can't get her off of it. Maybe using a friend to partner with him in trying some new things will give him confidence.
  4. I feel like I'm already trying to conceal balloons!:tongue_smilie: Getting the air outta them is the point of this diet!!
  5. I posted in the confessions thread that a lack of desire for tea has plagued me my whole marriage. But I want to be one of those women in her 40's whose ingnition kicks on! :D What kind of concoction of herbs? How did you find out what to take and how much? Is it the herbs or the oil or what? Please 'splain it to me!
  6. Julie, YOU are obviously a sweet and tenderhearted person who loves to help people feel good when they are with you. And what a generous heart to notice and think about the good qualities of your cyber-friends. :)
  7. Hmmm...So I've been told: *I'm tall, so my excess weight is distributed fairly evenly. *I have pretty eyes. *I'm often fairly funny and get a joke, and tell good ones too. *I make people feel comfortable and like they've known me. *Even though I feel lazy or like a procrastinator, when I set my mind to workin', it WILL get done. *I'm an optimistic, "glass half-full" kind of person who tends to look on the bright side *I love my family and friends dearly and would do anything for them *I'm a good daughter, pretty good mom, and working on being a better wife Thanks for asking!:D
  8. Regal Cinemas does this also if you have them in your area.
  9. I have a very low sex drive and always have. It's not his skill or anything like that. I just could care less. I mean obviously I have my moments. I thought about saying something about "after 20 years", but no, it's been like this most of our marriage. I just have never had much of a drive. I really, really wish it was different and if I could find a magic pill I'd take it. And please don't suggest all those intimacy tips because I read Ladies Home Journal too and have tried all that. I think it's tied to my self-esteem, bitterness towards him, low energy, all of it. It's not an easy problem to fix.
  10. Well, it's no wonder I like so many of you. Many of our confessions are similar: - I won't have tea with my husband if he has a cigar in the evening. Or if he eats onions. - I encourage him to have a cigar to relax so that I'll get out of having "tea"...a lot. - I hate dishes and laundry. - I have never, ever stuck to a diet for more than about 3 days before having a small cheat, if not a big one. - I take Benadryl every night to help me fall asleep or DH's snoring will keep me awake for hours. - I love vodka and Fresca so much that I don't keep it (the vodka) in the house anymore. - I'm annoyed with how super-modest some of my new homeschool friends are. Like as if when it's just us moms going to the pool you need to be so covered? - I love to lay out in the sun. I am usually in a much better mood if I've had sun exposure. - I only agreed to DH's encouragement of homeschooling because I figured it would guarantee me staying home and not having to go back to work. - If I'm around people that swear, I will do it too. - I absolutely hate all forms of seafood. - Please don't touch me in bed. - Please don't drop by unnanounced. (Actually this one was common. The only friend I have IRL that likes this is the one with the house that looks like a model home all the time) - I don't have a secret stash of food but have been known to buy Pringles and eat the whole can immediately. - I am still considering giving myself a perm.
  11. Thanks so much for all the replies. I think a lot of this has to do with me projecting on to my daughter some of my own insecurities from my youth. I was overweight since puberty, didn't date really, and felt like I didn't have a lot of friends. I usually did (and sometimes still do) whatever the gang is doing so that I'd "fit in". So even though I think I have a lot of friends and people seem to like me, those old feelings of not fitting in or not being liked are still there I guess. I went shopping for dd just now for the b.day and had an epiphany of sorts thinking about some of the things said in reply here. She will not be like me! Or if she is, I have BTDT so I can help her through it. She's a girly-girl, not at all into sports, very sensitive, but funny too. She likes to shop, likes fashion, and loves bubble-gum pop music. She's kind and sweet and loves animals, she's not mathy but is a fantastic reader and loves LOVES a good book. What's not to like?!!! And I can think of reasons why she likes all the friends she likes, so mixing them together will be fine. Maybe when I dig down, it's the moms I'm more worried about and I need to let that go. I feel somewhat judged because dd likes Hannah Montana, wears a one-piece (instead of more coverage), is in to fashion and sometimes superficial things. Some of my newer homeschool friends don't approve I think. Anyways, thanks for letting me type it all out. DH was blowing me off!:D
  12. I got all my CWP's from Christian Book because I was ordering some other things that RR didn't carry. 3 of them were bo'd but did come in, so now I have all of them 2-6. Maybe try them?
  13. My dd is hosting her 9th b.day party at a local community pool in a couple of weeks. She wanted to invite everyone she's ever met in her life. After talking her down off that cliff, I have been trying to gently steer her with "these friends go with these friends" kind of mentality. Is this wrong? She was pulled from ps only 6mo ago. So she still has a handful of her ps friends who do seem somehow more worldly or mature than some of her new homeschool friends. I am not trying to say that they are nerds or anything, but some of them are a bit younger as is normal in groups of homeschooled kids (and if I'm honest, they are nerdier). The easy mixing of ages is something I have loved about hs'ing. And I don't think that the ps kids will say anything or even act differently towards them (probably), so what am I worried about? It seems like as adults we can classify our friends and don't have an issue with not mixing certain friends, but kids don't have that. Am I wrong to be worried about this? Girls can be mean, and I would really hate it if some of the ps girls went home and told their moms what nerds my dd's newer friends were. But...maybe that reflects on me and shouldn't care a bit...
  14. Alrightythen, Down 4.8 this morning.:w00t: Guess I had to give my body a day or so to let go of some water! I made it through yesterday (Day 2) with all fruit but can I just say that sandwich for dinner was like manna from heaven!:tongue_smilie: I think I did something wrong when I was selecting my foods. It's probably been mentioned, but I would guess a key is to select all 15 from each category to maximize your choices. And I selected nuts, but not bacon or sausage thinking I don't need that stuff. So one meal today (and coming up several more times) is scrambled eggs and macadamia nuts. :confused: I can see that the diet is trying to up my fat and protein for today and I sure should have selected some bacon!!! Today it's raining so I'm going to take the kids to a movie and I.Will.Resist.The.Popcorn. There, I said it. I will do it. My in-laws also have invited us out to eat lunch on Friday to Olive Garden and I can't for the life of me figure out how to go and stick to plan. Thinking about sending dh and the kids and staying home. Not to cry in my broccoli or anything, just to avoid the many temptations. Melissa, Reg...What do you do when faced with eating out mid-plan?
  15. Is that the whole recipe? Chunky guac so they are in there with the potatoes, or no? Do you use reg peeled potatoes or baby reds or what? This sounds right up our alley around here in summer!:tongue_smilie:
  16. Thanks for the words of encouragement Reg! The nice thing I was noticing is that I don't have that heavy kind of sleepy feeling I always get mid-afternoon. And let's face it, it's not so bad to get to eat all fruit. It's not an all spinach day or anything! :ack2: ETA: forgot to answer, I got my scale at the WalMarts, it's a digital. It was pretty cheap if I recall...maybe $20.
  17. I'm STARVING!:nopity: Well, okay, not really I guess. But I am very hungry. Today is day 2 and I am having fruit only today, with a sandwich for dinner. And I was UP .2 this morning. :glare: But I don't think it means anything and I will hold off on judgement until the end... I am very much dealing with PMS, causing me to retain water I think. If I don't lose today there is something really, really wrong with me! So far I have had a grapefruit, a cup or so of strawberries and a plum. I need to go make a fruit salad of sorts and sit down to eat it like it's a meal and I bet it will carry me to dinner. On the success front, I took the kids to a b.day party and didn't touch anything. Just munched on my strawberries. Justkeepswimming, justkeepswimming, justkeepswimming...
  18. We used joint compound/plaster right on top of our wallpaper. No priming. It's been fine. Did it in the kitchen and a bath and plan to do it to the other two baths. I has a nice terxture-y finish - like Tuscan I guess. In the small bath we painted and then used a stain glaze over top for an old world finish - like Venitian Plaster. In the kitchen we just painted a color called "Ale". Looks good if I do say so myself.:tongue_smilie:
  19. All I keep thinking is that is sounds like a pretty good deal for the man of the house. There's always a wife around to have "tea" with, cook and clean, care for the kids, etc.
  20. Mine was in the worst mood last night. Just grumpy and moody and not wanting to be around us. I almost asked him if he was PMSing, but thought better of it. He went to bed at 9. :blink: I went in a little while later to see if I could talk to him and figure it out and he was okay, just still grumpy. I think it's the heat. His office was hot all day yesterday and he can't get in the garage to have a cigar and work on his old car because it's been over 105 for like 2 weeks. It's making me grumpy too!..Just weird that you'd post that!
  21. My kids like oatmeal with protein powder added. Wraps of ham and cheese melted are good too. Waffles dipped in yogurt. Is she allergic to all nuts? No different nut butters would work? My kids like Nutella on a whole wheat flax waffle. (But Nutella is like frosting, so it's saved for a special treat only) Sub out bacon and sausage for Canadian bacon. Much lower in fat and you can find nitrate free. Make "egg in a hole" - which is like French toast. Or grilled cheese sandwiches. Those would be good for b.fast.
  22. What's the skinny on substitutions? Like I have one "meal" left for today and it's supposed to be apples and cashews (and ham but I don't want that right now). Those two are fine and I could crunch away, but I was thinking apples w/peanut butter instead. I have the all natural pb that's just peanuts and salt (prob less than the cashews). Would that be okay? Day 1 went well, but I was hungry, or maybe not hungry but wanting to eat...cause that's what I do. :tongue_smilie: But I made it through! Tomorrow should be good because I can eat lots of fruit!
  23. Can you link please? i can't find it.
  24. Just bought an 07 Hyundai Entourage minivan w/43k miles. I'm in love :001_wub: with it's space and features and most of all the safety features. Going to sell the 96 Explorer I was driving. 125k miles. Last year we replaced the transmission for $2500 and the year before that about $1400 in brakes. Right now it has major electrical gremlins. Overall a pretty good car, but good riddance. We bought it about 4 years ago for $4500, so when you add the repairs...:glare: DH drives his mom's (we borrowed when gas prices spiked and she doesn't drive it) 94 Honda Civic hatchback (it's white and we call it "the egg" :lol:) with - get this - are you ready - remember it's a 94 - 25k miles. She was very literally the "little old lady that drove it to church"!:D Oh, and he has a 1966 Mustang w/95k miles but you don't really count the miles on a classic! :auto:
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