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Everything posted by i.love.lucy

  1. We love those here too, but I hardly ever buy them because of the fat and salt. We lived on these in college! I have yet to see a healthy option in our local grocery store. BTW, when I have a bad head cold, I get some ramen soup, add a splash of soy sauce (yes, more salt AND msg!), a splash of vinegar, and a dash of tabasco and it's like my favorite Hot and Sour Soup. Clears my head!:D Sooooo bad...but sooooooo good!!
  2. Just got Book of Names to get started on today. Also reading slowly through Holiness of God by Sproul.
  3. My dd LOVES the kids cookbook by Paula Deen. And the rest of the family love, love what comes out of the kitchen!
  4. Okay, I feel dumb. I read the other thread about the chicken and a couple of people commented on "flooding the Nile". Are these projects specific to a book or program? What am I missing?:confused:
  5. That sounds like a great deal!!! I wonder if Costco has a similar deal on Legos...? I wouldn't mind jumping on that one myself and tucking it away for Christmas!
  6. Hi Neighbor!!! I'm in Cedar Park and used to live in Round Rock our first 10 years here. Hi other neighbor!! :D Wonder if I know you...? :iagree:All the main points have been stated. I am not a native. I am from California, but married a Southerner (Louisiana) and knew I'd have to live in the South because California is impossible. We did live in Tennessee for a while and I will agree that it is positively lovely. I'd seriously move back there in a heartbeat, mostly for the scenery and weather. Austin is a great place to live. I am a city girl, so I couldn't go too small in town size. I really love the high-tech and college and music scenes around here. I think it really makes for a very diverse mix of people. I feel like it's a more highly educated populace than in TN too. The weather is just something you deal with everywhere. The only perfect climate is California and it's so darn crazy that you couldn't pay me to live there anymore. So it's either too hot or too cold everywhere. At least TX has a lot of other great things going for it. And we just spent all summer at the pool, so I can't say it's too bad! :D
  7. I like The Daily Plate a lot. You get all the basic nutritional data, can create your own recipes, or use other people's recipes if you are on something like Weight Watchers where there are lots of other people inputting info. I think it's great.
  8. My dd has needed it since 1st grade (7) :001_huh:. But she really stinks without it. Either that or I'm extra sensitive to b.o. because I can't stand it! And yes, only the deodorant, no anti-perspirant (has aluminum). I wouldn't have been offended. If she thought he stinks, well...then maybe he does and you haven't noticed it yet. I would mention the no-aluminum thing though, just in case she's inclined to purchase him more personal care products without your knowledge!
  9. :iagree: I'm in TX, which you already know is easy, peasy. But I might have to consider a move to NM!!!!!:D
  10. I can't answer about 1 and 2, but we are just getting into 4 and we really love it. We had previously used R&S and it was just so. much. repetition. We were both bored! We had gotten to where we were doing almost all of it orally, but then I'd feel bad that she needed a bit more writing, but doing all the R&S exercises would have burned her out. This seems to be a great fit for mixing up interesting topics and activities. DD transitioned out of ps in January and I think she likes the more "workbooky" feel of CLE. We now use CLE Math too, and it's been a great fit. Cheap is good too!!!!:D
  11. I do this with the change of seasons, which is TX is about twice a year. All their short sleeve shirts can stay out year round because of our climate, but for dd as soon as she starts to not like something because it's getting too short or whatever, she has strict instructions to move it to the "Goodwill" basket in the laundry room. We are in the midst of a cold snap here and had to dig for a few warmer things, but it will be back up to 90 degrees in a couple of days. DD: I will hope for 5-6 long sleeve shirts, and 5-6 decent short sleeve ones, 3 jeans or pants, 3 capris, 6 church outfits (could be skirt/shirt combos or dresses). She will need church shoes (not sure yet for winter), crocs, tennies and flip flops. She's just at an age where I can trust her more for what she likes and will wear. DS: same, 5-6 long and 5-6 short sleeve shirts, 3 jeans or other play pants, 3 shorts, 3-4 nicer pants or shirts for church. Crocs, tennies, cowboy boots, church shoes. I wish we got more hand me downs, but I pop in to Goodwill pretty often and can find some good stuff if I keep my eye out. Then I need to be wary of overbuying.
  12. OH! I can't stand the "pop-in"!!! My one friend that is notorious about it finally got the message and it may have hurt her feelings a little. The problem is that she has one husband who works all the time, and one child in school all the time, so her house looks immaculate all. the. time. Seriously, like a model home. I do not think there is any moment where you would find a dish in the sink, much less a dust bunny. But I will say that since homeschooling I have tried to let this go somewhat. I want to be hospitable, but it's so hard with all the dog hair on the floor, and dishes in the sink, and toys all over, and laundry on the loveseat, etc, etc, etc. Maybe a magnet for the front door that says "Welcome! Did you call first?":lol:
  13. Yep. Mine was a preemie, so he's been tracked for growth from the beginning. Seen by endo, nephrology (kidneys), cardiology, etc. He's fine, just small. About a year ago we saw the nutritionist who works with the ped endo and she suggested all kinds of calorie additives in the form of high fat - butter, mayo, cream, etc. I found alternatives like flax oil, and sometimes an extra yolk with his egg. And he's still on whole milk. But the problem is the rest of my family should not consume those foods. (my dd has always been at least 75% and dh and I are overweight) My ped was appalled actually and put a stop to that. He warned about developing poor eating habits, which of course I was concerned with too, but as a worried mom for my tiny guy - well I thought I should try it. We finally had bloodwork done this past month because they are growing concerned that his dad and I are so tall (6'1" and 5'11" respectively - and dd is 90% for height) that his "genetic potential" is so far below the charts. We now have him on Vit D and a med that stimulates appetite. Unfortunately his bone age is slightly advanced which means that he might never have that "catch up" that you see with bone age delay. We might have to go the route of growth hormones someday.:confused: I feel for ya. I always *hope* he's s much bigger than I know he really is. It seems especially hard for me that he's a boy - it's hard to be petite when you are a boy. Particularly in a family of giants. :001_huh:
  14. Of course they are revising LA because I just bought 4th grade. :glare: We need rain too, so I had better go wash my car.;)
  15. Last night my son told my husband "Mommy's the prettiest girl in the world!":001_wub: DH says "Yeah, that's why she's my girlfriend.":tongue_smilie: DS looks puzzled and said "She's not your girlfriend, she's your mother!":001_huh::lol:
  16. Good list! Elliot is my son's name and we get lots of compliments on it. I really also love Silas, Nigel, Simon, Liam, and Quinn. I think I should have been from England!
  17. I am glad you asked this because we just started with LU 301 and haven't gotten to a test yet. I didn't buy answer keys because I understood all the answers to be in the TM. Then I couldn't find the test, even though I was thinking that I am looking at the answers right after lesson 17 in the TM. Finally I find the test in the middle of the LU booklet. Could be organized better. We are liking it so far. DD said with a relieved *sigh* "this is going much better than the other math!" (Singapore just wasn't a good fit) Music to my ears!!!:D
  18. :grouphug: I'm sorry about that. While my mom jumped up in a crisis, I do get frustrated that when it's not crisis-mode and we just want them (her and my step-father) to come and see us and the kids ... just come to our house for a holiday for once...we get the "No, we couldn't possibly!" also.:confused:
  19. My mom is pretty far away but would be here in a heartbeat in a crisis. She did just so when my son was born prematurely and we were in the middle of a move at the same time. I was hospitalized of course, and recovering from a c-section the whole time she was here, but she packed my whole house, helped dh move us, and helped us get settled into a new house all while I was recovering. I had a BFF who also jumped in at the time. She was with my dh the night my son was delivered and went with him to the other hospital when they transported my son. She cried and prayed with him and was there all night that night. She then came over in the days that followed to see us/help. Then our church delivered meals to us 3x/week for months. I was a working mom at that time and had to go back to work. DH worked from home and cared for our daughter (ds was still in NICU), and the meals just kept on coming and coming. It was an amazing and humbling experience. I learned a lot about allowing people to bless me during that time. I agree that a lot of times people don't know what to do. Should they cook? Come pick up the kids? Take your laundry? Clean? Do you need money? So if you have people in your life that are capable of helping, you might need to just ask. That is a humbling exercise in and of itself. Then they can say no - but you might find they are relieved that they now know what you need that they can do. Of course what we should do for people is either call and say "How can I help?" or show up on their doorstep with a casserole and the same question. :grouphug:
  20. My dd just turned 9 this summer and is in 4th grade. I pulled her from ps mid way through last year and put her in Singapore 2A. We breezed through that for the most part, but she didn't have regrouping so I had to slow down. I found that she had some gaps from ps compared to Singapore and it was not a good fit. Like the pp, she hates math - tears and complaining and gnashing of teeth, the whole bit - and S.pore just didn't have enough review for us. I have switched just this fall into CLE 300 and so far we really like it. The gaps are still there, but as I find them I can supplement some. I am hoping to be in 400 in early Spring with the goal to be in 500 by the time she starts 5th grade, but if she's not I'm okay with that too. I find CLE's scope and sequence to be about a grade level ahead of ps. :D
  21. I'm so sorry about this! I missed your post yesterday. Hope you can get settled soon.:grouphug::grouphug:
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