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Posts posted by luckymom

  1. Hello all - 

    I am going to be homeschooling and working simultaneously, so time will be limited.  Please share which literature/biography/non-fiction books you consider essential to go along with SOTW 4.  I will not be able to do all of the recommendations in the workbook and am not sure which to pick and choose.



  2. A lot of parents who never intended to homeschool and found themselves at home trying to manage their kids' zoom time with teachers think that that is what homeschooling is and they have not liked it.  They are asking me "if that's not homeschooling, then what is?"  I know what I think, but I want to give a solid answer that is helpful, honest and inspiring. 

    • Like 2
  3. Carpal tunnel might explain the hand/arm symptoms, but I don't like the dizziness and faintness.


    I would be worried, too. Do you have a fever or any other symptoms of illness?


    I don't even know what kind of doctor to suggest you see.


    I'll try to keep bumping your thread so as many people as possible will see it. I'm hoping someone will have had the same thing and be able to give you the information you need. :grouphug:



    Many thanks for caring and helping!

    • Like 1
  4. If you take a heart issue out of it, what could all of this be related to?


    dizziness and faintness (sometimes after speaking for a while or if trying to breathe deeply)

    tingling in the hands

    short-term (1-5 minutes) of cramping/contraction in the hand(s) making it impossible to use the hand until it passes


    The last few times it has happened more frequently and of longer duration.  The last time my left hand became completely paralyzed in a weird "squeezed" gesture for several minutes while the right hand was tingling/numb, my breath was short, and I was faint and nauseous.  


    My blood work and cardio tests area ll normal.  It is really worrying me. 

  5. Thank you for replying!  :)  My freaking out was magnifying in the face of silence.


    I'd like to place my cats with a different friend who was willing to take them but I had already said yes to the first flakey friend!  Or, I would like them sent to me so that I can figure out another plan for them.  But, I think that the woman who got them is going to resist. 

  6. Please help me think this through.


    We moved two days ago.  A friend said he wanted our two cats (which could not move with us).  We agreed to leave them in his care with the understanding that any time in the future - when we could get them back - we would.


    On the same day that we left, a different person in the town, contacted our friend and insisted she wanted the cats for her daughter.  This person never contacted me about the cats even though she knew we were moving.  Our friend gave in.  Now the cats are living in a house/with persons we did not choose and who do not have an agreement with us about the future. 


    Moreover, we do not trust that the cats will be well cared for!


    I am now in a town 600 miles away.


    What are my recourses?  Can I get me cats back?  I appear on their tags as the owner (it's only been 2 days), but do I have to involve the dog warden and/or police to get them back and do I even have a legal claim?  


    I am freaking out!

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  7. I am not entirely sure.  I had him tested because I wondered about his learning.  The results are superior IQ with below average processing.  So, he is very capable and hampered at the same time. It takes him a really, really long time to cement concepts and feel as if he can use them.  One of the areas where this is most apparent is in math where we have worked at his pace, used tutors and aids, tried several programs, etc.  He seems to understand and works hard but then it becomes vague or confusing to him again.  There are no LDs except for the processing. He is hard working and willing.  

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