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Everything posted by KRG

  1. I'm leaning towards making chicken taquitos, spanish rice and guacamole.
  2. When I sent the email to the counselor I said my son was in 10th grade and we homeschooled. I asked if they allowed homeschoolers to test at the high school and did they have a space for him. Friday I handed my son $17 cash and dropped him at the front door(I told him where the front office was--I graduated from this school). He went in and told them who he was and who he needed to talk to. I waited in the car. He was gone about 20 minutes. He said everyone was super nice. They gave him a pre-test booklet. They told him what time to be at the school, where to check in and they showed him where the test will be held. No problems at all! He doesn't have to follow the dress code but he cannot have his cell phone at school.
  3. BBQ chicken thighs. I haven't thought of any sides yet.
  4. I did contact a counselor and she did respond today. All we have to do is go to the school this week and pay and then he will have to sign in at the day of the test. She said they will have someone to take him to the room where the test is being proctored.
  5. I know everyone will have a different experience but did your high school student have any trouble registering for the PSAT at the local high school? Our local district is not exactly homeschool friendly so I'm not sure if I will even hear back from them.
  6. I think it's pretentious. 'Meaty' to describe anything bugs me, too.
  7. I have an inexpensive Bissell steam mop. I paid less than $50 for it. I like it well enough and it gets the job done.
  8. With the details you have told us I would not allow it any longer.
  9. We are using LOF and on the author's recommendation we are doing Alg II before Geometry. Geometry is usually recommended between Alg I and Alg II because of the Geometry material on the PSAT.
  10. Bad drivers piss me off all the time. I don't think that anyone will disagree with that. I have never felt compelled to follow a bad driver in the store and confront them. I think that is the part that has people shaking their heads. I'm not going to lose sleep over this post and I probably won't think anymore of it after today. It has been an interesting read and I for one will now be worried that if I make a mistake driving someone may feel compelled to track me down... I can't believe that you have never made a mistake driving(you seem to be setting yourself up as some kind of super-driver) or that you can really know what will happen anywhere on the road from point A to point B. Have you never been distracted, missed someone in a blind spot or thought a car was actually farther away than it was?
  11. This will be our 2nd year to use Excellence in Literature. I use it as a guideline and it does offer a nice selection of books. The instructions seem a little awkward at first but once you get used to the layout it's not a problem.
  12. Maybe she was new in town and that caused her to drive erratically. There are so many what-ifs to this situation. I am stilled floored by your actions and justifications.
  13. Oh WOW! Even though you say you are a very cautious driver I hope for your sake that you are never the cause of an accident or even 'an almost accident'. WOW!
  14. We stopped Latin in 5th grade, flirted with Greek in 6th grade and started Spanish I last year in 9th grade. No regrets here.
  15. My son's strength is in writing so he does a separate writing program. The last two years he used One Year Adventure Novel and One Year Science Fiction and Fantasy. This year he will be using The Creative Write Level 3. I also have him write about the Literature he is reading as well as a couple of History research papers and several essays for Science.
  16. Teaching Company's Foundation of Western Civilization I & II
  17. I am on their email list and I get coupons at least once a week if not more. They have also partnered up w/Audible so that is an option. It is a huge savings if you are ok with audio only.
  18. I have 2 boys. They are 13 years apart. Don't worry--it all works out! Mine are now almost 3 and almost 16 and right now they have made a fort in the living room and are having a great time playing :) Dh and I were both in our 40s when we had #2(a very much wanted surprise but we gave up on the idea a long time ago of every having another one). We briefly thought about having a third child but our ages by the time they are grown was more of a concern than having another baby in our 40s. Just relax and enjoy--you'll be surprised at how quickly time flies this time around!
  19. If my boys had been girls they would have been named Sarah Elizabeth and Jenna Suzanne. Once we picked their names there were no other considerations.
  20. I found this in the Target dollar bin. It came in a plastic 'ziploc' bag with a marker(they are dry erase), I punched a hole in it and put a ring in it. My almost 3 year old is not into writing letters yet but I figure he will be soon enough.
  21. Could you make a schedule where she could work on the computer for an hour or 2 each day and you work around that or in the evenings?
  22. Bio--You cannot go wrong w/Bozeman science. We used this in addition to a textbook but he covers a lot of info and has chapter onlines that go w/the videos. It is all on youtube so I don't know if you can access that with your computer(Public library near by?) http://www.bozemanscience.com/science-videos/ Also google virtual Biology labs--there are tons! Literature--pick some books. If nothing else she can write book reports, analysis, research the author Home Ec--teach her budgeting, cooking, house repair, menu planning
  23. Yes, it makes sense. I used to work for a school and did a lot of high school transcripts and what I posted is what we were told. We had many of the students doing high school classes in 8th grade and were told to list it that way. The other school of thought was to leave those courses off the transcript because if the level of courses increased it was obvious that the other courses had been taken. I'm not of the mind of trying to tell anyone to be dishonest, this was just my experience when preparing transcripts.
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