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  1. Hi, Becky, math programs like MUS, Singapore, Miquon and Math Mammoth really confused my oldest. His brain just doesn't think that way. I had him take an online profile and it confirmed that he works best with a more traditional type of schooling.

    We finished a week! How did yours go. Mine went well. I can't complain. We didn't fit everything I wanted to in: like McRuffy Phonics and Math for Lance but I may do more night school with him instead. I just can't seem to fit everyone in. I have five kids that I sit in on with Math, 4 with Phonics, 2 with spelling and all six when they need help or need to make corrections. I tell ya, I'm pooped =) wouldn't have it any other way though. My dh will hopefully be able to help once our apartments are all rented. Have an enjoyable weekend (and restful)

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