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Everything posted by FriedClams

  1. To me it's 2 different issues... The car is rude and disrespectful. The other is a legal issue. It sounds like it might be a better fit for college student to spread their wings and find their own place/car. It would eliminate the proximity to younger kids, and eliminate the car issues.
  2. I use my primary care for routine stuff, an antibiotic (ear infection, sinus, etc....) and referrals. The PA is great for all these things and takes a lot more time with me than an MD could. Highly recommend!!
  3. FWIW.... I think the recommended level is enough. It seems like the colleges that want subject tests are very competitive (MIT was the only school DD was looking at that wanted them). They're also schools that look at candidates holistically because they have huge pools of extremely qualified kids. The subject tests are one piece of the puzzle and adding a lot more to that piece is likely not time well spent. I'd use the time for exploring passion areas, legit volunteer work, a job, etc. Juniors and seniors have TIGHT schedules so prepping, testing, etc can be a drain. Spending time doing what thrills the student - I think that will be more interesting to read about as an admission reviewer than more standardized tests. Just my 2 cents.
  4. I have a soon-to-be freshman. We were very clear about what we'd pay, and that there would not be student loans. It is inconceivable to me how private colleges stay in business. We've been very clear with our kids that, sadly, colleges are businesses. They sell a commodity. They make money or they don't stay in business. It's a sad reality for me as I grew up in an academic-loving family, but one you have to very frankly accept as you go into the process. The less emotion in the process, the better. As a curious aside, I wonder where college loans stack up monetarily compared to pay day loans over the life of the loan...
  5. When mine were at that stage taking a shower every night before bed and washing hair really well cleared up 95% of it.
  6. This is exactly to the issue. With Hangouts (an app, like WhatsApp) I can use wifi and call other Hangouts accounts. I can also pay to call other non-Hangouts numbers. My ONLY incoming calls/texts are from Hangouts. So, my family can reach me using Hangouts, but otherwise I'm in a cone of silence. With my old Samsung phone, if I didn't have coverage it would switch to receive and make calls on WiFi. So, anyone could call or text me as long as I had WiFi. I travel a lot internationally, so that was really helpful. Not critical, but nice. My father in law has bad cell coverage at his summer house, so his phone just switches over to WiFi automatically and he never notices. The Moto g7 wouldn't work for him since it won't do that (wifi call without a third party app).
  7. I think I must be search deficient! LOL I looked for Moto g7 otterbox and nothing but knock off cases. There's an LG g7 ThinQ otterbox, but I think that's for a different phone. Am I looking in the wrong place? Thanks a million!!
  8. I have a Moto g7 that I really like that I bought after a Samsung 7. I'd give it a solid B+. My only cons: + Can't buy a great case for it. I don't mind spending 70$ on a super strong case, but you can only get cheap cases. I'm concerned if I drop it (or rather, when) it won't be as protected as my usual OtterBox, but we'll see. I bought the strongest case I could on Amazon and a good screen protector so it should be good. +No wifi calling/texts without using an app like Hangouts. It's only annoying overseas when I can't get texts, but otherwise I don't care. +No NFC so no Google Pay. Again, I only use it overseas but it's annoying not to have it (it was always my back up in case my wallet was stolen). Otherwise I like it and it is basically exactly like my old Samsung 7 (with expandable memory, etc). For $240 it is well worth the trade offs for me. If you want great battery life, check out the 7 plus. I don't know the trade offs but it does have a mega battery.
  9. The recommendatios to see your PCP and start over seem spot on to me. I would recommend you take what you've said in this thread, bullet point your history and symptoms and take that with you. I think it's hard for doctors to treat people (not symptoms) in the time insurance allots so everything you can do you be clear and specific would help. Your descriptions are so clear here. I know I get so flustered in the little room that handing them a clear specific list would help me a ton. I'm sorry you're going through this. It sounds terrifying. Please keep us updated.
  10. No, but I would not hesitate to find a sitter when I needed a break when my kids were little.
  11. Of the schools I've toured - GA TECH, MIT. My neice goes to University of Chicago and picked it for the nerdy feel ("They don't tolerate it, they celebrate it here.") Berry College was hippy nerd to me - no Greek; 98% students work; large, pretty campus.
  12. We faced this exact question last year. Oh my. It was only agonizing. DD was a senior applying to top tier engineering schools. After much debate, DD chose the algebra based physics. We felt it was the right choice for a number of reasons... (And "we" was her making the decision with our adding ideas... At the point of the decision she was making all the calls about her academic career...) 1. She'd be taking calculus 1 concurrently and we felt it would be better to have the math before the calculus physics class. 2. If she took physics 1 (and wanted credit for it), she'd be about 2 years away from physics 2 (she wasn't continuing to dual enroll in the spring). With that we would have encouraged her to retake physics 1 later anyway, so there wasn't a hugely compelling reason to take the class now. 3. We felt seeing theory and concepts would be a good base before calculus based physics. 4. On a certain level, we felt there wasn't a need to make EVERY class the hardest possible she could take this making high school college. Yes, "strength of schedule" and all that can be tough to balance as a homeschool student looking at top tier schools. She wanted to be challenged, and we felt college physics with the lab was decidedly more challenging than high school physics (or AP due to the speed of instruction). In the end she felt that saving some harder courses would not be unreasonable. So, there was our reasoning. In the end, she liked the class though it was easy for her. She did get in the top tier school and she excited about it and I think the DE was a fabulous transition. Feel free to PM any questions.
  13. There's a way to split it between each of you so that transferring it later is possible. I'd do that and remain flexible about it's use.
  14. I don't have anything useful to add but want you to know you're not alone. We're here. You have prayers and hugs from me. Hang in there. Your momma heart must be breaking. ((((Hugs))))
  15. I've been konmari-ing in preparation for a move. I've lost count of the number of trips to Goodwill and the dumpster. I have 2 friends who've been through house fires recently, so a bunch has been delivered to them, in addition to the other drops. I'm so so so so so glad it's going. I had a little stress at the beginning but the further I get in the more momentum I gain. The idea of being surrounded and USING the things I love is so motivating. I've also started a spending ban... I'm almost 8 weeks in. It's been awesome. Food, gifts for others (specific, not junk), consumables, specific house needs (we're building)... Otherwise I haven't spent much of anything. If anyone is interested, "A Year of Less" and "The Magic Art of Tidying" have been super encouraging. The Tidying show on Netflix is great, too!
  16. I've used both and BJU DLO was /substantially/ more rigorous. For one kid BJU was great, it would have been overkill for the other.
  17. We used BJU for science from 6 through chemistry. My kid who went took chemistry and biology was extremely well prepared for the SAT subject tests. She also scored extremely high on the ACT science (which admittedly is more reading comprehension than science). So yes, there is a strong YE creationist bent, but the specific science is, imho, strong enough to have your student very well prepared for secular standardized subject testing. I will add that biology and chemistry are HARD and VERY detail oriented. They are NOT easy classes. I think they DLO makes them easily an "honors" level course. My science-loving future engineer enjoyed them but I did not use them for my more easy going student.
  18. My arthritic hip sometimes gets really painful, but normal sickness, no.
  19. Pretty please!! I'm dealing with serious writer's block and it's stressing me out! I don't want to be the reason she doesn't get in! I did not predict the stress of college applications. This is a lonely spot without a guidance counselor and people with actual experience. ? We're traditional homeschoolers so I need to write a great piece for my daughter applying to a competitive engineering school. She's very qualified but I know this piece is critical. We're eclectic, she's done DE, traveled a lot...etc....but... Putting it in writing. Yikes. I know it's a long shot, but would anyone have any examples of a counselor letter or a statement of educational philosophy? Or any tips/ideas/suggestions? Feel free to PM me!!! Thank you so much.
  20. My kids will leave for college as 3rd degree black belts in Tae Kwon Do. I fear for anyone trying to bother either of them. ETA - We also discuss situational awareness and street smarts as we travel a lot and often in areas notorious for petty crimes (pickpokets, snatch and grab, etc).
  21. I'd take a look. It did not strike me as conservative. Lots of diverse clubs advertising on campus. No religious component. It's a huge, beautiful campus and lots of nature so pretty crunchy atmosphere. You might be pleasantly surprised. ? A friend has a student about to go there and she described the orientation as "very relational, very personal".
  22. Have you looked at Berry? Small, quirky, no Greek life at all. I loved it when we toured, but dd is crushing on Tech. ? ETA - Berry is a work school, so nearly every student has an on campus job. Hope applies to GA residents, and they have interesting scholarship opportunities.
  23. This is my experience as well. I use it A TON in the winter. Today I made a crustless key lime pie in my IP. It makes a perfect 6" pie. I wanted a Weight Watchers friendly dessert and I think this is it! I love my IP.
  24. I bought a few skirts from them. They were excellent. I wore them out.
  25. Oh my. I have THE VERY BEST VEGAN CHOCOLATE FROSTING IN THE WORLD recipe. It's from "The Grit" cookbook, which you should totally buy online. 12 oz silken tofu melted with 3 cups vegan chocolate chips. Blend to smooth after it's all melted. I use a hand blender. Let cool to frosting consistency. There are not words. It's so so so rich so spread thin. I used it on a wedding cake this weekend and it was RAVED about. It's divine!!!
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