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Everything posted by RubberChickenGirl2

  1. I just sat down to read the letter and it is already interesting in the first 3 paragraphs of the introduction to it: Cuneo accompanied the Second Voyage as a gentleman volunteer. There were at least four other Genoese in the fleet; perhaps Cuneo was instrumental in bringing them to Cadiz. He took part in the first exploring expedition under Hojeda to the interior of Hispaniola, and with Columbus made the voyage of discovery to Cuba and Jamaica of April-September 1494. Returning to Savona in 1495, he addressed this letter to a friend and fellow-citizen, Hieronymo Annari, who had asked him for information about the New World. His language is literary Italian, but contains a number of Genoese dialectal expressIOns. "*The original letter has disappeared.* The *existing manuscript, a copy* made about 1511by one JacopoRossetto,belongsto the Library of the Universityof Bologna,whose librarian, Olindo Guerrini, first gave it to the world in 1885. *Its authenticity was then challenged* because of inconsistencies in style; but it has passed the scrutiny of the paleographer Carlo Malagola, Director of the Archives of Bologna, of Henry Harrisse, and of Cesarede Lollis, who printed it in full in his Raccolta Colombiana III ii 95-107. De Lollis'stext is the one used for this translation, which Miss Luisa Nordio, then Assistant Professor of Italian at Vassar College, made for me in 1940, and which is, I believe, the first complete one to be published. Michelede Cuneo was a jolly dog and good raconteur, in contrast to Columbus" 2°9 210 THE SECOND VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY 1493-1496 "and the rather solemn Spaniardswho wrote on the early voyages. He didn't care whether or not this was the Orient, or whether its discovery had been foretold in the Sacred Scriptures, so long as he had a good time, which obviously he did. Although his narrative is somewhat confused, it is valuable for personal touches, incidents that nobody else related, and a lively account of fauna, flora and native manners and customs." I don't know what text this was taken from to give an attribution at the moment. *** ETA: It is just interesting to me that the one quote I find plaster all over the internet to disparage Columbus has the features, that A. It's a copy B. It's authenticity was called into question although it eventually passed muster with the guy who wanted in on display in the museum C. incidents no one else has described. D. The guy was party boy whose character was not similar to the rest of sailors including Columbus. So based on this, Columbus has been besmirched. I'll continue in my quest...
  2. Mergath, I got sidetracked with 52 open links and dinner and adult children descending upon the house. You know the drill. I will revisit the links you provided hopefully this afternoon, but I do think if this bee in my bonnet lasts I will be reading for months. Thanks so much for you help!
  3. Last spring (at 47) that hit me as well. I was painting the ceiling and I just started getting up and reading online, dancing, listening to worship music, praying. It turned into one of the most insane, fun stretches of my life. I had some of the most intense times with God I have ever had in my life. I read Rabbi Ben Ezra by Robert Browning and wept like I never had (that is sooo not like me). I was sort of manic and spent a lot of money I didn't have. Found my lead foot. Danced and lost weight! Started working out. Anyway, I am getting intermittent hot flashes not and am sleeping better, but it looks like this peri-menopause thing is sort of an on-and-off roller coaster. No advice except that I concluded it can be a lot of fun if you let it and don't let it get out of hand (don't become a tart and run away from home). Have you listened to Martina McBride's When God Fearing Women Get the Blues? Perfect. Watch the video. You're welcome. ;O) ETA (again): I forgot. I listened to this guitarist at like 4 AM every night when I just had to go back to sleep and he just put me out. Like head-clonking -on-the-desk out. Every time. It was like David and Saul. It was a great relief. So, after I had my couple hours of poetry and music and whatever I'd listen to him and pass out.
  4. Slavery was standard practice unfortunately. I still want a source of the quote by the friend about receiving the chick as a gift.
  5. The Oatmeal that you linked above lists its source documents as such: "Sources:All of the information in this essay came from A People's History of the United States, by Howard Zinn, and Lies My Teacher Told Me, by James W. Loewen, both of which uses primary sources such as eyewitness accounts, journal entries, and letters from Christopher Columbus himself." Not the type of source documents that I am after. WHERE did Fernando write/say that his father did this?
  6. It's been 20 years, but I think I had the anti-gliadin antibody but I am not sure if they have false positives. I did have the gold standard endoscopy, but you are put under for it and it would be expensice if uninsured. The proof is in the putting. If your child has overt symptoms like D (loose stools) and they go away, I'd go with it.
  7. Thanks for this. I will have to take some time to read it to see if he is merely making observations or embracing these practices.
  8. I am finding this quote all over the internets(sic): “While I was in the boat I captured a very beautiful Carib woman, whom the said Lord Admiral gave to me, and with whom, having taken her into my cabin, she being naked according to their custom, I conceived desire to take pleasure. I wanted to put my desire into execution but she did not want it and treated me with her finger nails in such a manner that I wished I had never begun. But seeing that (to tell you the end of it all), I took a rope and thrashed her well, for which she raised such unheard of screams that you would not have believed your ears. Finally we came to an agreement in such manner that I can tell you that she seemed to have been brought up in a school of harlots.†Can anyone provide a source document? I am finding many accusations with little to no substantiation other than sources such as the Huffington Post. I have a feeling that I will be reading many, many pages of Columbus journals and logs. Unless someone can save me the time. ETA: I just sat and read the first place I found this reference again and I guess it was attributed to a friend of Columbus: "On Columbus’s first trip to the Caribbean, he later returned to Spain and left behind 39 men who went ahead and helped themselves to Native women. Upon his return the men were all dead.With 1,200 more soldiers at his disposal, rape and pillaging became rampant as well as tolerated by Columbus. This is supported by a reported close friend of Columbus, Michele de Cuneo who wrote the first disturbing account of a relation between himself and a Native female gift given to him by Columbus." Read more athttp://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/2013/10/14/8-myths-and-atrocities-about-christopher-columbus-and-columbus-day-151653 I'll have to read more closely, but I still would like a source document and more documentation of Columbus alleged attrocities. I have just begun to read his journals and his tone is really quite lovely. He seems eager to learn and quite sincere and gentle. I am just wondering where the truth lies between Columbus the Saint and Columbus the Devil.
  9. If you read up on this kid's dad, he is an attention seeker and you can also find happy instagrams of the fam on the way to the lawyer.
  10. Maher’s response? “No, the message is you can see why they would err on the side of caution because only 25 miles away somebody DID try to kill people…What if it had been a bomb? So the teacher is supposed to see something that looks like a bomb and go, ‘Oh wait, this might just be my white privilege talking…I sure don’t want to be politically incorrect, so I’ll just let it go.†Check it out on youtube.
  11. Loan dissenting opinion apparently. A. I was imagining a homemade clock-like thing when I first read the story. The thing is not clock-like....hmmm ticking thing in a backpack with wires dangling off of it reminds me of....what? B. The teacher did not want to be the one who ignored something peculiar in a backpack and had his school blow up. She is responsible for those children and erred on the side of caution. C. Now we instantly have a poster child for racial profiling and in one fell swoop everyone is desensitized to reacting to odd situations and circumstances. Someone may very well bring a bomb to school and no one will be willing to face the wrath of the collective media and social media to report it. D. The teacher should not be expected to know all the forms contemporary home-made bombs can or cannot take. This teacher lives in a post 9-11, post Columbine, post-Sandy Hook world. Giver her a break.
  12. Looks like UNR is now $5,000 per year if you live at home. Huge jump from 1985, but nothing compared to the averages nation-wide. Sigh.
  13. Thank-you, Lori. This is all overwhelming to me. I was born into a family that lived in Reno and just auto-pilot went to the University of Nevada @ Reno for about $500 per semester (1980's). It was easy and painless. This is new terrain.
  14. Oh, man. We applied to about 5 colleges and didn't do a specific search for colleges offering a full ride for a 30. The schools we found (probably too late now, but I'll revisit that post haste) were out of state. Do you or does anyone know if those merit based scholarships are usually offered to in-state students only?
  15. So, the ACT score is pretty much for the freshman and not something you can hope to ride on later?
  16. These questions are full of ignorance and are probably cracked, but here goes: If you get a scholarship based on ACT scores / Merit and you want to go to a community college because said college is offering nearly free credits, can you either defer your scholarships or can you reapply again in 2 years and get the same scholarships offered? Or are those scholarships only for freshman? Is transferring out? I know some of you have done a ton of research and I could use some last minute input! Thx much.
  17. My son was awarded several scholarships to colleges. They are good, but not great. They are like 2/3 scholarships. We are all of a mind to avoid as much debt as possible. If he chooses to do a program at the local community college that is nearly free and then transfers in two years, can he defer the scholarships until then and still receive them? I read an article in US News and World Report that said you can often defer until after a Gap Year. Does anyone know if transfer students can do this? Thx for any input.
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