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Everything posted by NanceXToo

  1. Ok, here was where I needed two more WTM member names. I'll use Imp for the first, give me another...
  2. The next three will actually be curriculum names, too; I'll take the next three to be posted!
  3. This will be fun, play along! I will post which "fill in the blank" type word I need one at a time. The first one to answer it is the one I will use, and then I'll post the next one I need. I've got quite a few, so a bunch of you should be able to play along! Feel free to post more than once, but try to give others a chance to post in between. When I have everything I need, I'll post the end result, and I'll update this post to state which page it is on. Ready? Someone give me... a WTM Member's user name! ETA: COMPLETED MAD LIBS STORY POSTED ON PAGE 13 :). I'll be starting a new one for you guys in a few minutes! ETA again: I started another mad libs story in a new thread. Round 2 can be seen here: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/showthread.php?t=414988
  4. I still read aloud with my daughter who is turning 12 in less than two months. No plans on stopping! For ancients, we read most of the recommendations in the Story of the World AG, and we still read lots of fiction together just for fun, too!
  5. My daughter's name is Alexa, and even people who have known her for years call her "Alexis" all the time!
  6. Yeah, I would never want to use just the book. The lecture is more detailed, conversational, animated, and interactive, so it engages the kids more and makes everything easier to understand. There are prompts during the lecture for the kids to fill something in to show they are getting it, etc. The lesson in the book just summarizes what's in the lecture. Then when the child fills in their answers on the computer, they can have an animated buddy who will sometimes give hints and will always give encouragement for correct answers. If they get it wrong, they have a chance to try again in case it was a simple error, and if they still get it wrong, they have the option to "view solution," which shows and tells step by step what they should have done to get it right (mandatory here if you get an answer wrong). It keeps a gradebook of all the lessons and quizzes. It has some cute cartoons to further engage the student. To me, TT without the CD's just wouldn't be TT and I wouldn't bother using it.
  7. Are you more likely to regret doing it- or not doing it? :) I think it sounds awesome! I wish I could do something like that! I haven't gotten to travel much and my dh just isn't that into it, but I get wistful sometimes thinking of all the places there are to be seen and experiences to be had, if only. In your situation? I would go for it!
  8. Agreed! I think PA is too regulated, and, worse, the regulations are not always crystal clear in the wording of the law and districts vary in their interpretation of them and what they try to "require." Still, PA has groups of hardcore radical unschoolers, for example, who figure out ways to meet the requirements. Either they are in more lenient districts or if they're in stricter ones they do some fudging of portfolios etc, yet sometimes this seems to work great for their kids. I fall in the somewhat relaxed/eclectic range. Like someone else pointed out, studies have shown that kids don't seem to fare less well in less regulated areas, so I do wish we didn't have so many hoops to jump through here. Especially when you have to report to failing districts whose time could be better put to use with the kids they do have to teach. :P
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