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Everything posted by NanceXToo

  1. WTM MAD LIBS PART 2, THE WTM REUNION One day, a bunch of people on WTM decided that they were going to have a real-life reunion. Blueridge and NanceXToo set the whole thing up and decided to hold it at teAHouse in Egypt. At least 25 people came, and it was interesting, to say the least! Several posters, including Impish, AdventureMoms, and QuirkyKapers got extremely drunk by mixing alcoholic beverages called Belly Buttons, which consisted of strong rum mixed with orange juice and sweet tea and doing shot after shot of the stuff. They then proceeded to recruit still more drunkards, and much laughter and drama ensued. Heather in VA was, unfortunately, found to be a faker. "She" was really a male secretary named Bill who liked swimming and had no kids, but came to the reunion and came clean because he wanted so much to be a part of things and had started developing a real bond with the other members of the hive and had been feeling guilty about his long-standing online farce. Some of the drunker and/or nicer people forgave him. Others gave him the cold shoulder and Susan Wise Bauer made a mental note to ban him as soon as she got home. MiniBlondes and Veritaserum, who, truth be told, had never really liked each other to begin with, got into a huge argument at one point. It started over a discussion about politics and soon progressed to show tunes and before you knew it, others were involved and taking sides, and Lisa Marie was actually threatening Jennifer in MI while wielding an arm pit and screaming "Don't mess with me! I will HURT you!" Kalanamak was fortunately able to break it up before it turned physical, and after some of the tension died down, the arguments became more sporadic and much less volatile, tending to be over milder issues, such as whether Art of Problem Solving was more vigorous than math-u-see and whether Sonlight would set a child further back than Explode the Code, and whether Joanne (who wasn't at the reunion) might possibly be a faker, too, because she sure had been posting some trollish stuff lately. It wasn't all drama. New friendships were formed, current friends became closer, and everyone had a lot of laughs trying to figure out which member was which in the real-life crowd. Scrapbookbuzz was definitely the most outgoing in real life (if watching her sing Who Let The Dogs Out at the top of her lungs while dancing around with a furry bottle was any indication). Parrothead was probably one of the more reserved members, tending to sit quietly in the corner showing people photos of herself pursuing her latest hobby, dancing. And Jean in Newcastle, to everyone's amusement, insisted on handing out "Oak Meadow? Reading Eggs? Let Me Choose Your Child's Fall Curriculum!!" cards to all of the caterers, bartenders and waitstaff hired to help with the reunion, as well as all passerby. Later, everyone decided to play Charades. 425LisaMarie was definitely the funniest with her impression of a stinky bear and won the grand prize, which was a sterling silver cupcake engraved with the words "2012 WTM CHARADES CHAMPION!" At the end of the day, everyone retired to a local hotel for a big WTM sleepover. Farrar Williams made a big impression running around in nothing but a fried cami and a strategically placed kilt yelling "Where's the hot tub?!", but most people were pretty low-key by the end of the night, munching sushi and talking about pencils and religion all night long, much as they would have back home on the WTM forums. It was agreed that the WTM Reunion should become a regular, annual event, and Blueridge and NanceXToo were already talking about setting up next year's reunion at a fire station in Texas, where another good time would surely be had by all! The End.
  2. Food (and keep in mind I've already used the word cupcakes in this story lol)
  3. Oops, I need another poster's name, actually...eta I'll use scrapbookbuzz. Now a song title.
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