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Posts posted by CSL

  1. We are going in 3 weeks. CTMom, thank you so much for your sharing, it is very helpful for us. We have already decided that we will not buy the London Passes, and instead we will buy the subway passes and use the 2 for 1 coupons. I'm glad to read that you did the same thing.


    How were the walking tours? How much did you end up paying per person if you don't mind sharing? Do you think doing the All In One London tour is an overkill? Walking for 6 hours, I am not quite sure about that.

  2. Your family must be so excited! What will he be studying at U of Toronto?






    Yes we are very excited since he is our oldest and the first to graduate from our homeschool.


    He decided to study biochemistry instead of engineering for undergrad. He is not sure whether he wants to pursue law school, medical school or getting into medical research in grad. school. Too many decisions for such a young age. We are just trying to be supportive in whatever path he wants to take. Thanks for asking!

    • Like 5
  3. Brag alert. This is the only place I can do this, I don't talk about his accomplishments with anyone IRL.


    DS finished his two exams this year: Physics C and English Language. He felt both exams went well. He has now officially finished high school and homeschool. He is accepted into U of Toronto (#1 school in Canada, top 20 in the world) and will start in September. He just turned 16 a couple days ago and will be going into university with 6 APs under his belt. I'm so proud of him. Thank you for letting me brag here.

    • Like 17
  4. The AP coordinator at the school DS will be taking his AP Physics C sent a note to all AP students stating that calculators were only allowed on Calculus, Chemistry and Statistics exams. DS almost had a heart attack. I had to check the College Board policy on calculator, and informed him calculators are allowed for all physics exams. Apparently this is a new change, and he did not know that. I'm glad we clarified that before exam day, or else it would definitely cause problems for my DS and other students.

    • Like 1
  5. How this works for those under 14 I don't know since I think either 13 or 14 is the age at which you can have an account.

    DS took his first AP two years ago when he was 13. We had no problem signing up with College Board to get his result. I didn't even know there was an age restriction, but maybe things changed since then.


    Edit to add:

    I just checked the 2013 exam schedule, his exam was only a few days before his 14th birthday. I don't remember if we signed up for College Board before or after the exam. Knowing myself, it was probably before.

  6. My son will be taking AP Physica C exam in a couple weeks. He is struggling with rotational motion, specifically with moment of inertia, tangential and centripetal acceleration, angular momentum, and other topics along those lines. Can anyone suggest good review material to help him? I am thinking of online videos or websites from other AP teachers. He has asked his own teacher, but he has not responded to his questions yet. I have learned so much and have gotten lots of valuable resources from this board, I'm hoping some of you can point us to the right direction. Thanks so much!

  7. That was Laura Corin who talked about walking, but I agree ;), and am glad she pointed that out. In fact, some of my best memories of London are of walking all over ... along the Thames from, say, Westminster to the HMS Belfast, enjoying all the unexpected sights in between; or from Dr Johnson's house to Fleet Street through the Inns of Court to the Thames, crossing a bridge (or two!), watching boats and people, wandering into enticing back alleys, finding quiet courtyards and gardens just a few feet from a bustling street; popping into cook shops or bookstores or chemist's ... As someone said, just shopping for toothpaste is fun!


    hmmm ... I think it's time for me to go back to London. My husband is in Paris now (for work) ... sigh ... :)

    Yes, my bad. It was Laura Corin. Thanks Laura in CA for sharing too.


    I hope I am doing this quote thing right.

    • Like 2
  8. Wow, thank you everyone for sharing. I think I now have enough knowledge to make an informed decision.


    Laura in CA, thanking for pointing out the closeness of the attractions, I knew they were close but did know they are within walking distance.


    We are staying in central London, close to the London Bridge. I think we will just get the 7 day Travelcards for all of us at the Victoria train station (so we can use the 2for1 for all). The Travelcards will also allow us unlimited rides on buses, which we will enjoy very much. So no need to apply for Oyster cards for the kids ahead of time, just bring our passport size pictures to the train station and get our cards there. Since we only need a zone 1&2 pass, the price is quite reasonable.


    I would be so lost without all the pointers I got from here. Thanks hive!

    • Like 1
  9. Thanks Matryoshka and mumto2 for the clarification. I am reading from the London Toolkit website as well, but the Travelcard vs. Oyster card thing is so confusing, especially for the kids. I think we will go ahead and apply for the child's and 16+ Oyster card for the kids now and pick them up in London.


    Matryoshka, did they look at all the Travelcards when you use the 2for1 coupons? I was thinking to get 2 adult 7 day Travelcards at the railroad station for hubby and me, and use the Osyter cards for the kids. Can we just use our Travelcards to buy tickets using the 2 for 1 coupons? Do they require all to have Travelcards from the railroad stations? If we can't use the coupons on the kids, then it might be cheaper to buy adult Travelcard for the 16 year old.


    So much to read, but so exciting!

  10. Thank you all for your help, I appreciate everyone single suggestion.


    After reading all the replies, I think we will skp the London Pass and get the 2for1 book at the railway station as suggested by Matryoshka. We will definitely do a few walking tours and the Thames cruise. I am also thinking of seeing "As You Like It" at the Shakespeare Globe Theatre, doing some Harry Potter stuff, some Doctor Who stuff, some Sherlock stuff, the Magna Carter exhibit at the British library. There are so many things to do in London, i am so excited!


    Has anyone got the Travelcard/Osyter card for their teenage children before? I know you can get one for teens 11-15 at certain stations, but one website suggests that maybe you can get one for 16-17 year old as well. Has anyone done it before? I have a 16 year old and a 13 year old. The teen tickets are half the price.

  11. Are there better days to visit the attractions? Weekdays or weekends? Or it doesn't matter. Are the attractions closed on certain days? Is mid-June considered a busy season for tourism in London? I've heard stories about long lineups to get into the attractions, I would like to avoid it if possible. I'm thinking about getting the London Pass to avoid the lineup, but not sure if that's worth it. I started another three about this.

  12. After reading the thread on London attractions, I thought I should ask here too. I didn't want to hijack the original thread, so I'm starting a new one.


    Our family of 4 is going to London, Paris and Barcelona in June, I'm doing my research right now. We bought our air tickets and booked our apartments through Airbnb already, now we have to decide what we want to do there. We will be in London for 6 nights, 5 nights in Paris, and 5 nights in Barcelona. This will be our first trip to Europe and we will be doing most of the tourisy things. Has anyone use the London Pass or Paris Pass before? www.londonpass.com. I'm looking at them and can't decide if we should get them. I think the biggest draw for me is that the passes allow you to skip the line at attractions. Has anyone gone to these places in mid-June before? Are the lines long? I read for some major attractions, the lineup to get the tickets can be up to 2 hours. Is that normal? If it is, I will definitely want to buy the passes.


    Please share your experience, thanks! I would also appreciate any other tips regarding travelling in Europe. Thanks!


    Both of my dc's started with Code Academy http://www.codecademy.com/. Great program with really nice people and FREE. My son loves to code and the moderators were great to him as he learned.


    Thank you for the suggestion. I just took a quick look at the link and I'm wondering if there is a different between the website and the app. Which one did your children use? Were they able to work through it on their own without help from you? I know nothing about coding, I don't think I will be much help for her and her brother will be away at university.


    I will also look at the coursesea one as well, but I feel my DD might feel intimated by university courses.


    Thank you so much for the suggestions, they are very helpful!

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  14. 50% is the guideline I use too. I won't pay more than 50% for any used books or curriculum. Also when I price my items for sale, they are always at around the 50% mark or lower. I always assume that's how the second hand market is, nothing personal.

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