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Posts posted by sbartow

  1. I realize this thread is a bit old but my son and I are finishing up America the Beautiful book 1 and I will say I really am enjoying and he is too. Some of the chapters he gets a little impatient with but for the most part he likes it. He asks to do history first every day and we both have enjoyed the readers. I will say that I didn’t notice at first that each chapter starts out with an overview which I find helpful and we’ve also incorporated some YouTube videos as well. It’s a really well done curriculum. 

  2. Hi! I am really looking for some guidance.  My ds, 10 has a hard time with math.  We used MM 3 last year and I liked it but I can't decide if I loved it.  He would forget some things that we went over and I felt like I was constantly going over past topics. Has anyone else experienced this? I feel like the spiral approach in Saxon might be better for him...thoughts? Or other suggestions? Thank you so much! 

  3. So I am trying to get this whole Math U See thing down....I just started and we went back to Alpha with my 3rd grader so he would grasp the concept behind the program.  The problem I am facing is this, they don't want a child to count on for  any of their facts even if it is mentally.  My son says he does this especially when adding 2 to a number.  So my question is...how do I know if he really is?  Is it a big deal?  When do you decide to try something else?  Please, please help!

  4. Hi, I recently pulled my 3rd grade son out of an online public school.  It just wasn't working for him but we have tried to make it work thinking he would "catch up."  Long story short...he is lacking confidence in math especially as well as reading to a lesser degree.  I have tentatively chosen my curriculum.  Here are my choices so far are:


    Math U See - starting in alpha for a few weeks because he does still count on to get some of his math facts but after that he should be able to go straight into gamma


    FLL3 - Love this so far but I'm wondering if I need WWE as well and if so what level to start?


    AAS - This one was a hard choice but I do think I prefer him to learn to spell with the rules rather than list style


    SOTW - I think I want to start in the Ancients.  Do I need the activity book or is it optional?


    Literature - Reading good books aloud and some discussion


    Am I missing anything here? Do I need less or more, any supplemental?  MUS vs. TT opinions?  I am very thankful for ANY advice or help!



  5. Hi, my name is Stacie.  I am in my seventh year of schooling my children at home.  We have always been in an online public charter school until this year.  I finally took the plunge and have decided to school my son using TWTM approach.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!  My ds is in 3rd grade.

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