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Everything posted by Catwoman

  1. I'm back! Well, it turns out that Janice Van Cleave has written about 60 million books, so here's a link to her titles on Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=%22janice+van+cleave%22&x=0&y=0 She has written books for kids on everything from ecology, biology, and chemistry, to dinosaurs and geography, so you may find something of interest to you. Amazon has the "Look Inside" feature for several of the books, so you can get an idea of the author's writing style. These books are quite popular, so your local library may have them. We also use the Eyewitness book series for some science stuff, as well as a few Usborne titles. I know I have another set of science books packed away to use this fall, but for the life of me, I can't remember what they're called. (They were also bought during the "new-homeschooler-must-buy-everything-frenzy" several years ago.) Cat
  2. Thanks, Michelle -- You posted while I was still typing! ;) Have you considered any of the Janice Van Cleave science books? She has written several books, and they are both fun and educational. I bought some of them years ago after several people recommended them to me, but at that time, I was in a buying frenzy and promptly forgot I had them, so we haven't used them yet. They look like they'd work well for 4th-5th grade, though. I will go to Amazon for some links and post them for you in a minute. Cat
  3. When we used Calvert, I thought their textbooks were bright and colorful, and contained "just enough" information for younger children, without getting too bogged down in details. If you check their website under the grade level you need, they'll show the books. I believe they were Harcourt books, but without digging through a lot of boxes to check on it, I can't say for sure! One thing to consider when looking at "school-type" textbooks, is that most of them are intended to be used with a teacher's manual. The student books contain some information, but the real educational value comes from the extra material and suggested experiments from the teacher's manual. (That's not always the case, but it's good to be able to see and hold the book before purchasing, so you can read a chapter or two to see how it's structured.) Do you have a specific area of science you'd like to study? We have a ton of science books (thanks to lots of library book sales!) and I'll be happy to provide as many suggestions as I can. Cat
  4. I don't know you, Pam, but I'm praying for you and the baby right now! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Cat
  5. How old is your ds? Are you looking for a particular grade level? Cat
  6. Thank you! I have been intending to join anyway, so this is a great start! Quick question -- what did you fill in for the question, "During what hours will this person be involved in teaching? E.g., 9 AM–5 PM?" We don't have a set schedule, where we start at 9:00 every day and end at noon (or whatever,) so I wasn't sure what to say. Also, I said that DH teaches 10% of the time, but it's not on a regular schedule, so again, I didn't know what to enter on the form. (I saved the form to finish later, in the hope that someone will have some ideas for me!) Thanks! Cat
  7. I haven't used them, but hopefully someone will have some info for you, and perhaps also be able to compare the DVDs with the DIVE series that are also made to accompany Saxon Math. Cat
  8. We just bought LoF Fractions, and will start using it as soon as we finish BJU Math 4. I plan to use it on its own, and then continue with the LoF series (assuming it works for us.) I have to say that ordering Life of Fred was a great experience -- the author of the book is very nice, and mailed the book (very nicely packaged,) the same day I placed the order. He also autographed the book, and seems to be very willing to answer questions about his books. Honestly, how many other author/publishers give you their direct phone numbers so you can contact them whenever you need them? I am quite impressed by what I have seen so far of the Fractions book, and hope to be able to use the entire math series -- mainly because I'm so impressed with the author's accessibility! Cat
  9. Thank you, Melissa and Nan -- I'm relieved to know that I'm not the only one who has experienced a delay. I was getting a bit worried that maybe Yahoo Groups messed up my application or something! I just signed up for the Live Oak group at the Oak Meadow site and was already approved. The email I received said it may take up to 48 hours for my membership to be activated, so I'll try logging in every now and then over the next few days to see when I can get into the forums. Thanks again -- it sounds like the OM Yahoo group owner really has her hands full. I know some people get annoyed when there's any kind of delay, but I always try to remember that these group owners are doing all of the work out of the kindness of their hearts and not getting paid for any of it! Maybe I'll get lucky and won't have to wait too long for my membership to be approved, though, because every time I check on the group to see if I'm in yet, I see that new messages have been posted and I wish I could read them! (Ok, so maybe I'm a little nosy... ;) ) Ca
  10. Hi, I registered for the Oak Meadow Yahoo forum (OM_HS) several days ago, but my membership is still listed as "pending," so I can't view any of the messages or participate in any of the discussions. I know the group is active, because it appears that close to 150 messages have been posted this month, and the numbers increase every time I check the group to see if I have been approved yet. If anyone here is a member of the group, can you tell me how long it took for your membership to be approved? When I signed up, I said we were considering OM for next year, but since then, I ordered the Fifth Grade curriculum, and can't wait to get started. (Oak Meadow ships FAST -- the books I ordered are here already!) Sorry to post about this here, but I don't know how to contact the Yahoo forum owner, and I don't know what else I can do. Thanks!
  11. I don't know, but if you figure it out, let me know because my house sounds a lot like yours! Cat
  12. OMG!!! You're ME!!! Needless to say, I will be following this thread with great interest! Cat
  13. Praying for her and her family -- I hope the reports are wrong and that she will make a complete recovery. What a terrible shock for her husband and children! Cat
  14. I hope everything goes ok for your dh today -- since he's already expecting the worst, maybe it won't be as bad as he thinks, and he will be able to remain calm and collected throughout the meeting. It sounds like the stress may be even worse for you than for your DH, though! You are waiting for the new baby and I'm sure you're dealing with everything else at home, plus you're trying to encourage your DH and help him with his stress -- and now you're sitting at home worrying about the meeting, over which you have absolutely no control. AAARRRGH!!! Sending you a big hug! :grouphug: Cat
  15. :grouphug: It's so hard to have your heart set on a house, only to have things fall apart. It's exhausting to think about starting the process of looking at houses, researching neighborhoods, worrying about how much to offer, wondering if the home inspector will miss some major problem with the house... can you tell I've been there and done that? ;) Ultimately, though, it will be worth it to be away from this neighbor. I'm glad you and your dh discussed your options, and that it looks like he's becoming convinced not to buy the house. I also think you're right to adopt the attitude of loving and seeing people "through the eyes of Christ, albeit with prudence." You're praying for this neighbor, yet still taking action to keep yourself and your family safe, and I really can't imagine that there's anything more you can do. I wish you the very best of luck with finding a new place to live -- and instead of feeling sad that your current house isn't going to work for you, try to look at this as an exciting new beginning for your family. I'll bet you'll look back on this a few months from now, and think about how lucky you were to have moved into a new house that's nicer than you could have imagined -- and with nice neighbors, too! Cat
  16. Any updates, Monica? I hope you had a fun weekend with no neighbor troubles! :001_smile: Cat
  17. I agree with Bill. The worst thing that can happen is that the other mom will say that she intentionally didn't invite your dd to the party. She may say that the party is only for school friends, but if you've already invited her dd to your party, it is incredibly rude that she wouldn't reciprocate. Is there a possibility that this mom doesn't want her dd to be friends with your dd any more? If so, it's probably best that you find out now, so you can help your dd deal with it. Personally, I would forget about emailing the other mom and just give her a call. You said they live a few blocks from you; you could even stop by and ask her what's going on. I don't see any reason why you couldn't approach her in a friendly way, and see what happens. Honestly, even if the mom isn't that receptive, so what? It's not the end of the world -- and while I hate to say this, your dd's feelings are more important than the bit of discomfort you may feel if the other mom gives you a hard time about the party invitation. At least you'll know where you stand -- and chances are actually pretty good that the other mom had no intention of hurting your dd's feelings. She may have even sent your dd an invitation, and it was lost in the mail. Whatever the case, I'd call the other mom and clear things up, rather than making assumptions that may be entirely off-base. Give the woman the benefit of the doubt and see what she has to say. Otherwise, you might be getting upset over a simple misunderstanding, and that would be sad for both little girls. Cat
  18. I hope you won't take this the wrong way, because I honestly mean it very kindly, but have you ever considered the possibility that God is holding your family in His hands by letting you know about this potentially dangerous person before you buy the house? You could have purchased the house and then had trouble with this neighbor, but you were fortunate enough to have experienced it while there was still time to get out of buying the house, and to move out of there. I know you hate to hear the "psycho responses," but even though many of us don't really know you, we're worried about your family's safety. If you were looking at a different house and the people who lived there said they were moving because their neighbor hated them without any just cause, and that he heard voices, would you honestly even consider buying that house? Personally, I wouldn't live there for free. Let's face it, even if this neighbor will never resort to any form of violence, it looks pretty certain that he's never going to stop trying to make your lives miserable -- and who wants to deal with that every day for years to come? I really believe that you have been blessed with the knowledge that this neighbor could be a danger to you, and I truly hope you will heed that warning. There are so many great houses that you can buy, and although moving is a lot of work and can be very stressful, I don't think it compares with the worry you'll feel every time you are afraid to let your dc play out in the yard because your crazy neighbor is home. Sorry to have posted again about this, and I hope I'm completely overreacting, but this guy just sounds so strange to me. Cat
  19. I have to agree with the advice you've been given so far -- I would move. One other thing -- have you spoken with any of your other neighbors to find out what they think of this guy? Perhaps the association could tell you if there have been prior complaints about him, as well. Also, perhaps the guy who owns your home knows more than he's saying, and everyone who has lived in your house has had trouble with this neighbor. Realistically, though, whatever anyone says, you're living next door to a potential lunatic who is paranoid and hears voices saying mean things about him. This does not bode well for your future happiness in that house. If you already owned it, I'd probably still suggest considering a move, but since you rent, my best advice would be to be glad you found out about this man before you bought the house, and start shopping for another home to buy. Prices are down everywhere, so you can probably find a good deal on a house in the area of your choice. My biggest worry is that this guy could be dangerous. What if his voices tell him you're going to hurt him, or that one of your dc is the spawn of Satan? For all you know, he's got guns in his house, or has an affinity for starting fires. I hate to put scary thoughts in your head, but your neighbor is not normal. Be very careful filing any complaints about this man, too, because he already thinks you're out to get him. You don't want to do anything to push him over the edge. It wouldn't hurt to ask around about him, and even ask your local police if he's ever caused trouble for anyone, but if it were me, my focus would be to get out of that house as soon as possible, with as little interaction with Mr Crazy. Good luck with this - I'm so sorry you have to deal with it, but thank goodness you found out about this nut before you bought the house! Cat
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