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Everything posted by Catwoman

  1. I bought the book quite some time ago, but we haven't used it yet, so I can't comment on whether or not it's dull. I was just joking around about taking a picture of my ds with it. :) Cat
  2. Well, I don't, but I know some people do; I guess strict adherence to the methods prescribed in WTM works beautifully for some families, and a somewhat more loosey-goosey approach works better for others. My only objection to the "Trivium Mastery" book has nothing to do with the book itself; for me, it's all about the, "you've been robbed" type of nastiness that's used in promoting it. Cat
  3. Which grade level(s) do you need? I don't know about others, but my responses would be different for some grade levels than others. Cat
  4. It's kind of cool to think that I might be imaginary, and part of a legend to boot. And all this time, I've been stupid enough to pay all the bills that show up at my imaginary house. Go figure. Cat
  5. MEOW! Sounds a little catty to me, too! Also, I hate to say this because I have no proof, but the single review of the book sounds like the work of a shill to me. The reviewer has only posted this one review, and it's so incredibly glowing that it's a bit sickening. There is not even one slight criticism, which I find quite suspect. "Trivium Mastery" may or may not be a wonderful book, but I think they could have promoted it without bashing anyone else's hard work. I don't have time right now to do the "look inside" the book feature, but I will check it out later to see a sample of the author's writing style and to see if I agree with her ideas. Cat
  6. I have that book, and if you'd like, I'll make my ds read a few chapters and take the picture when he dozes off. It shouldn't take long... ;) Cat
  7. Wow, Jenn -- you're the homeschool mom I've always wanted to be! You sound so creative!!! :cheers2: One quick question: What would you suggest for logic for a gifted 9yo boy? I have looked at several Critical Thinking titles, but I'm not sure what other options are out there. THANKS!!! Cat
  8. I don't consider BJU to be a mastery based program at all. I think it hops around quite a bit, and that's one of the reasons why we'll probably be switching to something else next year. Also, this year's DVD teacher (4th grade math) did not click with us at all, and I felt that her explanations were ridiculously confusing -- too many steps to reach a simple answer to a problem. I also don't like BJU's emphasis on estimation in 4th grade. I want my ds to know how to solve the problem first, and then worry about things like estimation. I felt like a lot of time was wasted with unnecessary concepts, and not enough time was spent on things like mastering the multiplication and division tables (as an example.) Cat
  9. I think it's a great idea! I would probably use the BJU Science, even if you're also using something else. My ds thinks BJU science is fun. He also likes Heritage Studies, although you won't need that if you're using MFW -- unless the periods in history happen to line up. I like BJU English a lot, but I think the Reading courses tend to be a bit on the easy side. Ditto for Spelling, so you may want to visit a motel meeting before making a purchase, as you will be able to see additional DVD samples and look through the books. Since you're able to move up or down in grade levels for up to two courses per child, it's worth trying to see everything in person. Also, I have found that my ds "clicked" with certain teachers more than others, so the sample DVD classes are well worth watching. Cat PS. We're thinking of doing something very similar next year. We've been using the BJU DVDs for a few years, but are getting a little burned out on them, so I'm going to combine Oak Meadow or Tapestry of Grace (bought both -- can't decide which to use!) with a few of the BJU courses on DVD. Like you, I think it's worth the money even if we only use a few of the classes. Also, I have to admit that I'd like to have the BJU DVDs on hand in case my other choices turn out to be complete failures for us!
  10. :iagree: Most of those photos are so obviously staged, but when we're looking for new curriculum, it's so easy to picture ourselves in their places. I wonder how many of the Sonlight families are really that ecstatic every day... and how many of them had to scream at the kids to, "Sit down and be still while Daddy takes the picture of us reading together! NOW!!! I'M NOT KIDDING! SIT DOWN NOW! LOOK HAPPY!!! NOW!!! Do you want your pictures in the catalog or what??? Are you listening to me??? SIT DOWN!!!" ;) :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Cat
  11. Ok -- soprano recorder it is! Thanks again for all of your help! Cat PS. Alessandra -- I've never seen a pentatonic recorder/flute. Clearly, I have a lot to learn about this stuff!
  12. I hope all goes well at the doctor today -- please keep us posted! Cat
  13. This is so sad. The only solution I can think of, is that you speak with the other mom about your concerns and suggest that one or both of you be present at all times when the boys are together. It would really be best if you were both there, as she could correct her own son, and you could watch out for yours. I hope you're able to find a way for this to work out for both boys, but of course, my main concern would be for your son's safety. I still find it a bit odd that the boy only picks on your (smaller) son, and not on any of the boys his own size. He may be mentally ill, but he's obviously sane enough to know how to choose a victim. Cat
  14. I enjoy reading Jenny's posts, and would hate to think she feels uncomfortable here. Sometimes threads can get heated, and there are probably a few people whose sole interest is starting and/or perpetuating an argument, or in hurting other people's feelings, but from my brief experience here, I honestly think that most people mean well. Sending Jenny a :grouphug: Cat
  15. Welcome Ann and Skywards!!! :grouphug: Cat
  16. Thanks for posting the update -- I've been wondering how you were doing. I'm sorry to hear that your son is having a tough time with all of this. I hate it when kids are frightened -- especially over something like this. Cat
  17. I was hoping for that, too. Oh well, at least I had my dreams... and they were such happy dreams... They were a far cry from, "Do we HAVE to do school today?" :glare: Cat
  18. Thanks for posting your happy news!!! Cat
  19. This is the first I've heard of this book, and it sounds like something we could use, but are there any sample pages available anywhere? I'd like to see it before I place an order. Thanks! Cat
  20. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Sorry your birthday isn't much fun, Joanne. I hope it improves later! Cat
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