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Everything posted by Catwoman

  1. :lurk5: Just giving this a bump in the hope that someone has a recipe to share! Not that I am addicted to chocolate or anything. That would be wrong. Cat
  2. I hope the man is found safe, and that your son and his entire team stay safe, as well. Please post an update when you hear something! Cat
  3. Praying for all of you, Jen! :grouphug: I hope your son feels better soon, and that no one else in the family gets sick. Could he have had a reaction to something he ate last night? Is he feeling any better now? Keep us posted if you can get online. Cat
  4. It might be worth a change, just to see if it makes a difference. (Or else you could be smarter than I am, and wear rubber gloves when you wash dishes.) Cat
  5. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Ok, who's been spying on me?!?!?!?! Cat PS. I'm on a first-name basis with the UPS guy and the FedEx Guy, but I think the neighbors are beginning to suspect I'm having a torrid affair with the mailman. (Like I'd have time for that, unless he wanted to come in and do some vacuuming or something.) Thankfully, he's cuter than both the UPS guy and the FedEx guy, so at least if anyone starts a vicious rumor, I'll be the envy of all of the neighborhood ladies... ;)
  6. I wish we had some sort of "separated at birth" smilie-icon-thing, because I could have written your post five years ago... or yesterday, for that matter! (I guess the research and curriculum addictions are tough to kick!) Cat
  7. This may not apply to you, Aubrey, but have you changed your dishwashing detergent lately? I was having a similar problem with my hands, and finally figured out that I'm allergic to the Palmolive liquid green dish soap. I don't normally buy that brand, but every now and then, I'd get it because it was on sale or something... and my hands would start peeling like crazy, just like yours. I kept thinking the problem was simply that I was washing my hands too much, so I didn't find the connection right away, but once I stopped using the Palmolive, my skin was fine within a day or two. I waited a week or so, and tried the Palmolive again, just to see if I was right, and within a day, I was back to peeling hands. The only reason I mention this is because you said the problem is only on your hands, which would rule out many other possibilities. I hope you figure out what it is, as I hate that disgusting "furry hands" feeling, and I know that when my skin was like that, it eventually started to split and bleed. :ack2: Cat
  8. I ordered from LoF, too, and was amazed at how quickly I received my order. The author is such a friendly and helpful man, too! Cat
  9. I can't believe I missed Rich with Kids' story! Poor me. :nopity: Perhaps someone could shoot me a detailed PM... (hint, hint!!!) Cat
  10. You're very welcome -- although I've probably just added a whole new layer of stress to your househunting... ;) Cat
  11. Very interesting! Thanks for posting the link! Cat
  12. :iagree::iagree::iagree: I might advise your dh to do something different if the guy wasn't a co-worker, but in this case, I'm not sure I'd want to make a federal case out of it. Return the CDs, tell the guy that he couldn't really get into them, and if the guy insists on knowing what your dh didn't like about the CDs, your dh could simply say that the preacher seemed pretty extreme to him, and that your family tries very hard not to be prejudiced against other races. Let's face it -- this guy is listening to some nasty stuff, and if he thinks your dh adamantly disagrees with him, who knows what he'll do? I'm not saying he'll get violent or anything like that, but if he starts to view your dh as an enemy, the workplace could get pretty stressful. I'd try to keep things as friendly as possible, and then have your dh gradually begin to distance himself from the guy. Cat PS. Malaysia is looking better and better, isn't it? ;)
  13. I'm so glad to hear he is safe -- you must have been a nervous wreck! :grouphug: Cat
  14. I don't know if you saw this thread, but I thought I'd link it here, because if you look at any newer homes (or those that have been recently remodeled,) this toxic drywall issue is something to watch out for: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=97458&highlight=drywall Cat
  15. :party: Wow, Melinda -- I would have LOVED gifts like that when I got married! Hey, who am I kidding -- I'd love them any time! You are so creative, and so generous with your time, as well. Your ideas are just incredible! I think the gifts sound absolutely beautiful, and I can't imagine that anything from those ticky-tacky multiple registry lists could ever top your ideas. Again, WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! Cat
  16. This is scary stuff! I wonder where Lowe's and Home Depot get their drywall. Cat
  17. Same here! I really go overboard with things like handwashing and hygiene, but I am probably extra-cuddly when ds is ill. Cat
  18. Only twice? Don't worry; there's still time for you to buy more! ;) Cat
  19. That's good to hear -- it made the trip worthwhile for you! I'm glad everything worked out. I can imagine how worried you were about going, because I wouldn't have known what to do, either! Cat
  20. I want to order it, but I'm concerned that it will be too similar to the older editions. Any more comments on the New vs Old editions? Cat
  21. If anyone is doing this, I would appreciate a heads-up when you get to the History of Doritos unit, as I will be more than happy to serve as a research subject for you. I'll do anything I can to help fellow homeschoolers. ;) (Ditto for the chapters on Ben & Jerry's and Dunkin Donuts.) Cat
  22. I think the CLP books are fun read-alouds for younger kids, and the BF selections may or may not work for you. My ds wasn't at all excited about the D'Aulaire books at that age, but yours may like them. My personal reason for ditching BF, though, was that I felt that some of the recommended books were historically inaccurate, and seriously exaggerated the Christian intentions and motivations of some of the major historical figures. But that's just me -- others feel differently, and I have seen some very favorable reviews of the BF program. Cat
  23. I'm glad all went well, HappyGrace! Was the doctor able to answer all of your asthma-related questions? Cat PS. I would have done all of the same things others are mentioning -- all the way down to washing the clothes when we got home! I'm glad I'm not the only one.
  24. Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt. And then I bought a couple dozen more t-shirts, because I thought I might like them better than the first one I bought. ;) I just posted my curriculum addiction issues in the "are you a curriculum junkie" thread. It's a sad and pathetic tale... and expensive, too. Cat
  25. I don't think any of us was passing judgement on the father; we were just mentioning the first thing that came to our minds. Of course, there are other possibilities, but I would think that whatever the reason, it had to be pretty extreme and urgent for that girl to have done what she did. Whatever the reason, a man is dead, a young girl's life will be forever impacted by her actions, and a family is facing horrific tragedy. Cat
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