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  1. My friend and I are planning on starting a co-op. Everything has been smooth sailing for planning the co-op, except for conflict resolution. I've hosted homeschool classes in the past, and while the majority of people follow what I would see as common sense, I've had some issues, such as a parent leaving their toddlers unattended in the room while I was running a class. We don't want to make a million rules (besides it seems someone will always find a way around them) but upon enrollment we will have a parents meeting to discuss what we think is common sense expectations. While most of the parents have been a joy to have around, I have encountered one person that consistently gave me problems. I was hoping to setup some sort of system for the co-op to deal with on a case by case basis any issues we have. Has anyone instituted some sort of system or way to deal with conflict? I would appreciate any feedback or ideas, thank you!
  2. My first grade daughter seems to be doing well in reading with one stumbling block. She over-anticipates when reading sentences. It seems no matter how much she knows the word she's looking at, once her mind has filled in that piece of the sentence she wants to say it. For example, she was reading a sentence that began "Late that night..." and she just kept saying "Late last night." (She knows the word "that" like the back of her hand, so that wasn't the problem.) I covered the words for her to say one at a time, but she had already seen it and just kept trying to quickly say it, and in her eagerness just kept saying the phrase that had originally popped in her head. She knew she wasn't saying it right, and kept trying to re-say it. It seems like she just wants to read quickly and guesses/fills in the words to help herself move faster. This happens a lot and she also does it for words she's not sure of. Instead of taking the time to sound the word out she makes her best guess off of the beginning sound. I've started using OPGTR with her, focusing on slowing down and sounding out. I've been trying to reveal the word letter by letter with my finger to force her to slown down, and she just pushes my finger along to say it faster. Any tips or tricks for helping a young reader slow down and not anticipate/guess? Thank you!
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