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Posts posted by Hilda

  1. Sounds like my DS10, who  read The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind at least five times! 
    We have engaged him with Snap Circuits and classes over at Quick Study Labs - highly recommended. 
    (On his own, he took apart his bicycle, and watched Jared Owens videos. After listening to The Bobiverse Books, he decided he was going to be an engineer!)





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  2. I am using Right Start with two kids (DD in A and DS in B) we love it. 

    I would have to sit with my DS no matter what curriculum we used, so it doesn't seem particularly teacher intensive. DD probably would do fine with a more independent workbook-type program, but we enjoy the one-on-one math time together.  Playing games with the three of us is probably my favorite part of the school day.

    It did take a while to get my grove with manipulatives, and there were some that didn't work at all for us (I'm looking at you Math Balance and Stupid Base Ten Cards). But overall Right Start has been a success for our family.  

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  3. We checked out the local shelter yesterday. We may have lost our minds but we're seriously considering adopting a pregnant stray that came to the shelter. She is a beauty for one thing, a stray, which is a plus for potential rat-hunting disposition, very sweet and friendly and the kids like her. We're thinking of letting her have the kittens at our house, let the kids pick their favorite so she can have a friend to live with, and then finding homes for the others when they're weaned. 



    A mama cat might be a great choice if you are worried about allergies; My cat allergy is not a problem around female cats.

    But male cats (especially non-neutered male cats) cause non-stop sneezing, wheezing, and itching.

  4. Looking through these curriculum lists, it appears your kids read pretty fluently then? We are at CVC books and basic ones at that.

    DD will go to school first semester of 1st, home the second. After schooling Singapore 1b and MEP.


    Nope.  I do most of the reading for my boy.  He can sound out CVC words, but it is still slow going.  

    I worry about it sometimes, then remind myself that he is still just a kindergartener, and very much a boy.  

    No doubt it will "click" when he is ready.  (Probably about the time his sister catches up to him - peer pressure is nothing compared to "little sister pressure!")

    • Like 1
  5. The plan for my K5 DD.

    * Literature - Burgess animal/bird/plant books, Fitch-Perkins Twin Books, Anything else that strikes our fancy
    * Phonics - Phonics Pathways and The Phonics Pages

    * Math - Right Start 
    * Handwriting - Barchowsky Fine Hand

    She will be invited to tag along as she likes with Big Brother on science (BFSU B thread, plants, animals, and nutrition) and his survey of various countries/cultures.  

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  6. * Literature - Burgess animal/bird/plant books, Fitch-Perkins Twin Books, Anything else that strikes our fancy
    * Grammar - First Language Lessons

    * Phonics - Phonics Pathways, The Phonics Pages, ECT, Easy Readers from Library
    * Math - Right Start 
    * Handwriting - Barchowsky and copywork from Grammar and Science

    * Science - Basic Foundations for Scientific Understanding "B Thread" (mostly animals and plants)
    After much though, I've decided not to do History this year.  DD4 is not ready, and I'd like to keep both kids together. We'll just survey various countries/cultures together via the Fitch-Perkins books, and the First Grader will do a little extra reading on those countries.  

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  7. I usually make alphabet/vegetable soup from a ham bone. No real recipe - I just make ham stock, add a few cubed potatoes and carrots to boil until not-quite tender. Add some alphabet noodles (or other noodles, but alphabet noodles are what my kids like) and boil a bit longer, add a bag of frozen mixed vegetables, a can or two of diced tomatoes, and some sauteed onions/garlic. If I have it I will add bacon, cabbage, or spinach.

  8. Totally out of the box . . .


    I needed an easy, super fast, hearty breakfast for me and stumbled upon the humble liver sausage sandwich, made with a high fiber multigrain bread. It is fast, savory, and full of protein/iron. Perfect (if unusual) breakfast.



    Unrelated to OP, Hubby thinks liver sausage is gross, and is not shy on sharing his opinion. This worked well on two counts -


    1. He absolutely will not eat *my* breakfast for his late night snack (which would totally happen it were a ham or turkey sandwich!)


    2. I have incentive for to wake up earlier and jump start my day. Being awake up before hubby means avoiding the "that is so gross I hate liver sausage" comments!

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  9. Knowing no one at college was not a problem. It was easy to make friends because almost everyone was in a similar situation (and the Residence Life Program means that there are people who were paid to basic ally make sure students had a social life!)


    It was much much much more difficult when I got my first job/apartment. There was no movies on the green, or picnics at the presidents house to go meet people, and the people around me were in so many different stages of life.

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  10. Rice Salad - sounds weird but is yummy, cheap, and different enough that it feels special. You would probably want to double or triple.


    3 C. Cooked rice

    1/4 c chopped chives (opt)

    1 c grated carrot

    1 1/2 c defrosted frozen peas

    1 c diced (or shreded) cheddar cheese

    1 Tablespoon dry Italian salad dressing mix

    Mayo or miracle whip to taste


    Combine everything and chill before serving



    For dessert, I would do jello and cool whip (or whip cream if there was enough money in the budget)

  11. I will have a young K4 and a K5 this year. 


    - Right Start Math A 
    - Letters/ Sounds/ Rhyming words 
    - Barchowsky Beginner Handwriting

    - Right Start Math B 

    - Phonics Pathways (possibly Explode the Code)
    - Barchowsky Handwriting



    My big dilemma is balancing school consistency with flexibility.  (Or maybe I should be more positive and say the GOAL is balancing consistency with flexibility!) Not sure we need a lot of academic discipline for kindergarten, but this is probably the time to start establishing some kind of consistent expectations for daily school work.  

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  12. I would call your local council and talk to someone there. When i was leading a troop, it was tough to find a pool that met the SafetyWise and insurance requirements for a troop to go swimming as a troop.  If your facility can get "council approval" it will be a hundred times easier for a troop to plan a swim outing (and the council will probably give you free advertising!)

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