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Everything posted by ikslo

  1. 100, within a rolling 24-hour timeframe Problem recording your vote is usually when you have already liked something and tried again/double clicked/etc.
  2. My son is disturbed by your eye makeup. And he is not a sensitive child. He was a zombie for Halloween as both a four and a five year old, and carried a hatchet around scaring other kids. But your picture disturbed him he said.
  3. Happy Sweet 16, Openhearted's dd!! :party: :party: :party: :party:
  4. My boss is actually way cool. And I don't get micromanaged, have a laptop I can bring home, and just got a raise because I put out feelers to move to Tampa and my boss said, "NO!" He wuvs me. If I worked in one of the other departments and had to deal with their bosses, I would have quit a long time ago. :lol: :lol: And I can take off or work from home to be with DS when DH suddenly has to work in-earlies. I complain, but I like my job.
  5. Dang. Wherefore. I knew it sounded wrong when I typed where.
  6. I laughed out loud, and now my boss wants me to get back to work. Peace out!
  7. Well, if you are going to stay, you need to go back and read the entire thread. Speaking of reading the entire thread - AMJ - Where art thou?
  8. I posted this: Before I read this: And I just want to say that I think both comments may be taken differently than intended. So be it. :lol:
  9. I'm picturing your avatar wearing nude-colored pumps right now. Hmm.
  10. I love the passive aggressive French one, and the cat on the head. Thanks for the laughs!
  11. The bottom Star Wars is shredded. That's the email I got from DH at work. Translated it meant I had to stop on the way home and get a new set of sheets for the queen bed and new pillows too. I have decided we will not do school today. Because #itsmykidandwelllearnwhenwewantto
  12. Yeah, she probably spells Kreme "cream." #dunkindonutsisbbetterthankrispykreme
  13. Quoting myself to add: #thestruggleisreal How did I miss that????!!!???
  14. Thanks, guys. I know I WANT to this, I'm just not feeling it. If I can just make it to Thanksgiving... Maybe I need to break out our Foldscope tonight for something different. Foldscope and art class. And German. Because foreign language. No math or grammar. I'm fairly certain DS will be onboard with this plan. Time to make the donuts. Have a good day everyone.
  15. Just in a rut. Non-enthusiastic. No time for enrichment though we need it. Work - got a promotion which is good money-wise, but I used to be able to leave it all at work and not care. Now I bring it home on weekends (and home in my head on weekdays). I used to plan, plan, plan and now I have no desire to even open the books when it's school time, never mind to plan. I'm burnt out, I guess. Also have no time for real exercise, so I'm feeling at and lazy and tired. I need to change things up, but I have no energy to do so. Blah. SWB's burn out talk? No. Where would I find it? I haven't even read her book. :leaving:
  16. :iagree: Focus on you/finishing. Besides, sounds like she's figuring it out just fine on her own. :laugh:
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