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Everything posted by ikslo

  1. Maybe. I heard spoon got laid by dish and realized it wasn't such a good match. Age could be part of it.
  2. It's noon and all I've had is coffee. I guess I should get out of bed.
  3. Never did circle time. DS got it at daycare, though, and I don't think he enjoyed it much because the one time I tried at home he screamed, "No!!!!!!"
  4. I met a really nice dad from Iran the other day. They now have permanent residency and we talked about how well his kids are integrating since they are young and its easier for them to drop their accent. One just started college, the other a normal hyperactive kid who was doing parkour with DS. Another dad I met asked about homeschooling after he asked where DS went to school. Anyway, dads aren't scary. Fear is scary.
  5. I make a point of speaking to single men at the park. If they are talking to me they aren't messing with my kid. That's a joke. But really, there are dads at our park all the time. More than moms some days.
  6. Haven't read either of those titles. (Sorry, Susan.)
  7. Well, Google translates it as, "Nehmen Sie Ihre Hand von meinem Bein Sie haarigen Affen." However, my German teacher in HS who taught it to us taught us using the familiar "du" - "Nimm deine Hand von meinem Bein du haarige Affe!" I actually used that in Germany when I was there. On my host dad. We had a good laugh. He was standing next to me in line and it was really crowded so he didn't mean anything by touching me, which made it funnier. Because I deadpanned it.
  8. I used to do that. Until I discovered AlphaBetty. It's better for your brain and will help prevent Alzheimer's. (That's my story excuse and I am stickin' to it!)
  9. I really should learn Latin. I had to Google that. Finding solace in the fact that we can't know everything, and at least I know how to say, "Take your hand from my leg you hairy ape!" in German. #itsallrelative
  10. Bought balloons for a coworker's b-day tomorrow. "Not my problem" coworker (remember her-you all were going to ninja elephant stampede her for me) made birthday girl coworker cry the other day. Mean people suck. Ignorant mean people deserve to have ninja elephants hunt them down.
  11. Love Tyler is the only one I recognized. Still sounds better than my day.
  12. HO is really just an outline. You do the parts you want and leave the rest. I love it because as a working mom I can open and go with the three main books, and if I have time every few weeks I check out a bunch of the readings from the library and strew. It's also fairly secular, except for some wording in CHOTW, which is how i lean for curriculum. But that might not be a selling point for you😱
  13. We use HO which uses Usbourne, SOTW, and CHOTW. And gives suggested readings, has maps. DS' favorite subject.
  14. We have a huge flat screen in our break room, and there are currently a dozen big macho techs in there yelling out answers to Family Feud. I was amused.
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