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Everything posted by ikslo

  1. He goes to daycare for a few hours a day between DH's start time and my end time. But I hardly think that is justification for $100 sneakers. We homeschool mostly evenings, so I totally understand the confusion! :) But no, he has never set foot in a public school building. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)
  2. I can't think of anyone better to love, care for, and teach that precious child. Good luck! ETA: Added in the love.
  3. Yeah, I made a comment, very calm, about how I was going to go out and buy myself plants for my garden since I just worked OT. :) And how I hoped they held up well.
  4. DH took DS to play and look for sneakers today while I put in some OT from home. They came back with $100 sneakers. For an 8 yo who homeschools. I'm a bit peeved. They are cool, though.
  5. Just finished school for the day. Typed long post and my internet went down. Gah! Shortened it went like this: Ugh. Tired. DS attitude improved though. Likes human body. Skeletons. Harry. TGIF
  6. your you're It's Friday night and I am homeschooling a whiny, fussy bear, so I am picking apart people's grammar online. I am so lame.
  7. I hate when coworkers throw out lame excuses and then look offended when you call them on it, citing evidence. Because truth.
  8. The Barracuda (ds 11) - Majoring in saving the world with a minor in mischief. FTFU. YW. Awesome job!
  9. I prefer it made fresh, with cream. But if Campbell's - then definitely with milk. But we don't ever have it anymore because DS is allergic to tomatoes. :( Maybe I'll buy some Campbell's and bring it to work. Now I am craving tomato soup.
  10. Love the subtle ink. It's part of the composition and suddenly amusing when viewed in the context of the title. But explain the water droplet. It doesn't jive for me.
  11. I would buy that for a kids room. It's wonderful. Love the title.
  12. Okay, no lie, this is creepy. I just got an email from Time4Learning in my inbox. I haven't received anything from them in ages. See? Stalker.
  13. If people would just start spelling it cuppah, I think I could get on board. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  14. Then you are really good at presenting two totally different personas - and keeping them straight!!! Ooh. Look, a Booyah! This is the thread that never ends, It just goes on and on my friends. People started posting not knowing what it was, And they'll continue posting forever just because... This is the thread that never ends You'd best come join it with your friends 'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days This is the thread that's always there They'll cheer you up so don't despair The group is growing well as more people start checking in And we'll keep sucking them in because our cheer is addictive This is the thread that never ends... GESUNDHEIT
  15. I don't know why, but the term "cuppa" irks me. Well, actually I do know why. It's because one of the moderators for Time4Learning used to overuse it, and she irritated me, so I stopped frequenting that forum, and then SHE MOVED OVER TO BE A MOD ON THE OTHER FORUM I WAS ON (yes I am shouting) like she was following me or something (LOL - I don't really believe that, but still...), and continued to annoy me with it there. It was like homeschool=cuppa to her. Ugh. Every post was like, "Have a cuppa!" But I don't know why the term should still bug me all these years later. I think I need to let. it. go. #JeanIstillloveyou
  16. Sounds too much like the recent online health form I got at work in order to get a "free" flu shot by an independent provider, not our health insurance, where the form asked for my mother's maiden name. Um, no way, no how. You can give your free to someone else, TYVM. I agree you should dig in your heels and do what Katy just suggested. :thumbup1:
  17. Not to mention you can't really hide a car on your person and go undetected. Not getting the comparison... :confused1:
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