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Everything posted by ikslo

  1. You should stop yelling at him. You can tell him I said that.
  2. I hardly see my husband because we work opposite shifts. When we do see each other we usually talk about bills and vacations 😀
  3. I'm taking to myself, it seems. Even DS is ignoring me. And DH is at work. I'm trying to avoid doing the dishes.
  4. A skull similar to the one on loan to us goes for 2K online. I guess it has to go back to its owner. I can't afford that. Bummer.
  5. We examined the inside of a bone before and after cooking. Check science off the list.
  6. DS made a salad to go with dinner, on his own, with no prompting. I think he really wanted a salad.
  7. My day in one word: Acquisition At least it's not: RIF
  8. Mark - did you decide on curriculum yet for your daughter?
  9. Would you use it if you had to pull it out from under the bed and put it back each time? I think not. Besides, you make the girls move the plant.
  10. You can use the bike as a plant stand when you're not using it.
  11. Yup. It doesn't have to be life-threatening to impact your life. Some of DS's allergies (confirmed with blood work and not "insensitivities"), even though they could become more severe with no warning, manifest in ways that just make life really sucky if he consumes them - not necessarily anaphylaxis. Puking, diarrhea, irritability, mood swings, rashes. And one of his insensitivities (citric acid) manifests as psoriasis on his scalp, which we have to attack with medicine. I always know when he sneaks dum-dums from the library. I think the food everywhere thing is a big reason why DS doesn't want to play sports. It's definitely a big reason why we homeschool. Even when we go to the park to play, everyone has food these days. My goodness, the amount of people who bring PIZZA (I've even seen people have it delivered!) to our park astounds me. Can't go anywhere without food.
  12. Yeah, it's annoying, and falls right there with "natural flavors." Although usually garlic is labeled. But his egg/nuts/peanuts/soy allergies are the really awful ones. #foodallergiessuck #blandfood We try to keep it in perspective for him. He doesn't have cancer. He's not forced to eat out of the trash. He has a sweet life. He's a cute kid (and no matter how much people say that shouldn't matter, the truth is it doesn't hurt you to be cute :) .) But it's hard when everything revolves around food, everywhere you turn, everywhere you go...
  13. I was able to audit some classes at a seminary near me some years back. Very informative and didn't cost me anything. Great discussions from a surprising variety of viewpoints. Just a thought.
  14. Debate is kind of boring but DS is still sitting here.
  15. So long as one isn't allergic to garlic like my DS...
  16. I ate a lot of Chinese when I was pregnant. And eggs. And DS is allergic to eggs, peanuts, soy and nuts. Coincidence?
  17. Harry's owner said there used to be a femur and pelvis, too, but they were lost prior to him taking possession of Harry. Totally bummed me out - a pelvis! How cool would that have been?
  18. He can go talk to Harry if he gets bored. Or we can hang with Harry while we're watching. If he rolls over we'll know which way he leaned.
  19. I can let DS skip school tonight in favor of watching tonight's debate, right? Politics trumps grammar, right?
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