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Everything posted by Dana

  1. No. It's really clear. I have read (although haven't seen it) that some IP topics may be out of order to the text. I have seen some topics in the Standards don't have practice in IP, but that's for very few topics (less than 10% at a guess).
  2. Intensive Practice isn't out for the Standards editions, so you have to get them from the US editions pages of supplemental material (on singaporemath). We've been using the IP books with 2A and 2B standards and they work just fine. IP is a higher-level thinking and practice than Extra Practice. I didn't feel that Primary 1 had enough extra work, so I supplemented a lot. Got the EP book for 2 this year. I haven't decided if I'll get it for 3 next year, but I'm definitely getting the IP books. I generally move through the textbook and workbook rather quickly, then spend more time on IP and CWP for the topics. I fit in Extra Practice as needed. EP is at the same level as the workbook problems. IP is a couple of levels above (in my opinion).
  3. My husband was diagnosed with swine flu today. Or at least the swab came back positive for the flu and we were told H1n1 is the only one around right now. He's on Tamiflu since he's asthmatic. I've been watching for the vaccine for ds, but I haven't found anywhere that has it. Dh's dr said there's a clinic that has flumist. Now I need to decide whether to get it for ds tomorrow or not. I'd be more comfortable with the shot rather than the mist and with dh having the flu, ds is likely to catch it anyway, so I'm just torn about what to do. He'll need 2 doses anyway. Leaning towards getting the mist tomorrow and keeping fingers crossed. :confused:
  4. Did you try turning them when you put them in? I'm not sure, but I think ours were inserted and turned so they'd stay in.
  5. Just as an FYI, Rosetta Stone products aren't supposed to be resold; it's how their license agreement for the software works. You may have problems loading and using a used copy.
  6. I really would like to get rid of it entirely. I enjoy "getting" the extra hour in the fall, but spring really hurts. And I don't look forward to going around and changing all the clocks. (I need to remember how to change the clock in the car and on one of my watches. Just a pain!)
  7. :iagree: That's the hard part. On the plus side, I avoided buying a Language Arts curriculum over the weekend! (Instead I spent a couple hours looking over ideas for high school. I may be hopeless. :D )
  8. We school year-round, so we'll start 3rd grade in June. I've already bought science books:blush: Trying to decide about writing and have at least talked myself out of buying the MCT books to look at this weekend. (Although I don't know if that'll last through November.)
  9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_and_tackle Block and tackle is a way to move things.
  10. My son got very cranky with me last year when we first started homeschooling. He drew a picture of me with a circle around it and a slash through it (like the do not enter signs) and posted it on his door. In case I didn't get the point, he told me, "That's you." This year we had a pretty bad day a couple of months ago. He wrote a note and posted it on his door, "I am very angry with you, Mommy. I wish you would melt into a puddle and go away." I figure there was an effort to equate me with the Wicked Witch of the West with the note as well :D My feelings were a bit hurt, but I was also pleased that he's expressing himself with writing. When he came out of his room later, we had a rather calm talk. I told him his feelings were fine and it was okay to be that angry at me. It may not have been terribly clever to tell me that though. He said that writing helped him get less angry. I helped him figure out that it may have been smarter to write his feelings in his private journal rather than publishing them by posting on his door. No nasty notes since then! And we've still had some rough days. So if there's a way you can avoid taking it personally, that may help. You can still punish for disrespectful behaviors, but any way to let the feelings be acknowledged and let your son know you still love him even when he's feeling bad, sad, angry, and mad will be good in the long run. It's tough on us, but I think how tough it is for my son - dealing with being angry with his teacher and his mother at the same time. :grouphug:
  11. See if this helps. I really like this site for explanations.
  12. My load had a bunch of t-shirts that did have printing on them. I probably used about a cup of bleach (maybe less) to a full load of water and the pink came out but the printing did not. Of course if there are better things to try first, try them. I do think that soaking made the shirts wear out faster than they otherwise would have.
  13. I turned a set of clothes pink once. Caught it before the drier and soaked the load with bleach for a while (don't recall if it was for a couple hours or overnight). Got the pink out, but I probably used a bit too much bleach.
  14. Dh grew up in CA. He hadn't seen roaches the size we get down South until he moved out here with me. We get the 2" ones that come in from outside. Of course it's me who's petrified of them. Had one in the house a couple of weeks ago. I got ds to kill it for me while I cowered in the other room. It's nice that he's old enough to kill the bugs. Last time there was one in the house, we left the house until dh came home. I stayed in the car for about an hour while he searched the house to kill it.
  15. I just received MPH for 3-4. We won't start it until next year, but I'm impressed with it from looking through the material. I think we'll have enough hands-on experiments for my comfort. I did buy everything though... There are extra things to do listed in the Teacher's Guide and an extra experiment for each main section (so roughly 2 per book) in the More Notes book. No extras in HOTS or Tests, but I like how it looks like they'll require extra and deeper thought. Looking forward to getting started with it! (Although I've got equipment to buy...)
  16. Very good organization. My folks research where they donate and they donate to Heifer.
  17. In similar genre, I've enjoyed the Ilona Andrews books, Patricia Briggs, Kim Harrison, and Kelley Armstrong.
  18. Book 1 is logic. You can do it along with Bk 0. You may not want to do all the Bk 0 chapters (the MEGSSS outline gives some ideas for approaches/pacing), but you definitely wouldn't want to skip. I think I did most of Bk 0, all of 1 and 2 (logic sequence) and I'm not sure we got any further. The later books (bought because I was worried I'd never find them again) are seriously college-level maths. For Stripe, I think these books are an outgrowth of the CSMP books. I'm not sure which came first, but these would be for middle school & high school rather than for elementary school.
  19. No. I'm probably going to write my own. :glare: Just ordered the expansion for MathType so I'll have all the set symbols (Z, R, Q, etc). I keep going back-and-forth on it... The material is good, so if we work through it, and he's understanding it, there may not be a need for tests. But practice taking tests is good... and it will demonstrate whether he really understands the material or not. I was wondering how you're handling it. Are you still working in Bk 0 Ch 1 or have you moved on? (Think that's where you were in the earlier thread.)
  20. I don't think that any of the replies from those of us living with food allergies are saying sugar sensitivity isn't serious. We know more than anyone else the importance of listening to parents about food. We're not the ones who'll be slipping your kids sugar. However, we are saying, "Don't say that sugar sensitivity is the same as a food allergy." Yes, the sugar sensitivity is serious. Yes, you shouldn't be undermined. But my son can die from a snack that's brought. It isn't the same. That's why you're getting the debate about allergic reactions. It's the comment saying that the hyperactivity/sugar reaction (not denying there's a reaction) is equivalent to a true allergy that's causing the problems for us who are terrified that if our child gets their allergen, they die.
  21. The books are Elements of Mathematics and I used them in a MEGSSS class in 7th and 8th grade. We did group theory, logic, and other things I didn't see again until my 2nd year of college in a math major. Very good books - but all the company owning copyright will sell is the books. All well and good, but I'm finding myself second-guessing how to actually implement it (and also really wanting the ancillary material). IMACS (also has courses at some locations), email them for a list of books to purchase. Project MEGSSS (in St Louis) Book 0 Chapter 2: Integers (someone posted online...) And here was the thread where we talked about this... good stuff there too. (And in that thread, Reya mentioned "a lot of writing" in Book 1 (Logic) and I'm seeing it now... truth tables galore... to the point of "ugh...another one?" But I don't remember it that way when I took it, so I don't know if we did all problems, only some problems, or if it was just cool since it was new and at my age it grows more tiresome ;) )
  22. Reya - Are you doing any testing or just working through the books?
  23. :iagree: My son is dairy and nut allergic. I hate that at soccer they have people bring a snack which they hand out after the game and then everyone immediately scatters. If that's the case, why have a snack at all? We've said we won't participate due to the allergy and have asked people not to bring anything with nuts (anaphylactic reaction to nuts where we were told don't drive - get an ambulance) and they've still been there. His dairy allergy is a problem, but it's probably more in the sensitivity range now. If he eats something with cheese he'll probably have hives all over his body but he's unlikely to die. If he has anything with nuts (we know cashews do this), his throat closes up. Within 20 min of ingestion we were injecting the Epi and halfway to the ER. Hives only subsided three days later. The sugar sensitivity needs to be taken seriously, but it just isn't the same.
  24. I know some of us have talked briefly about this on another thread. I'm working through the books (slowly... just about finished Bk 0, Ch 1) and am curious if anyone else has the books or has used the books. We've still got about 4-5 years before I start them with ds, but I'm trying to figure out pacing and testing (and may be interested in checking some solutions with others too). So if anyone else is using the books, I'd be interested in hearing - and figured we can also have a thread for questions etc (or can do in PMs if we don't want kids to ever see work).
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