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Posts posted by Dana

  1. Started dating when I was 16 and he was 18. Married after college at 22 and 23. Still happy together and have been married for 22 years.


    I think we've been lucky and have worked to grow together over the years. I think it has been helpful that neither of us was set in our ways when we met. We don't fight about money in the same way I see friends who married after each had lived on their own for a time.

    • Like 3
  2. I got a double major in math and English at UCSB in the early 90s. I entered with sophomore standing due to AP and cc courses. UCSB didn't have minors, so that made the double major an easier choice. I don't recall ever meeting with an advisor though....


    We had a few people who double majored in math and music.


    Be sure to look at Regent's scholarships! I got one at UCSB and it was really helpful. It gave me graduate standing for registration, so I never worried about not getting my classes. It also met any financial need without loans, so that was pretty cool too :)

    • Like 3
  3. So very true! (Says this wife of a tech guru.)


    I missed the whole kerfuffle, and I am sorry that some members feel exposed. But maybe this is a good wake-up call for all of us. The internet is not an anonymous place.

    Anyone posting on the Internet should be aware of that.

    However, there is a large difference in a moderator coming in and deleting posts and a post being public. The first is an intentional act which does IMO destroy trust.

  4. I was referencing your comment on a recently closed thread.


    I'm not clear on the standard. I have a naughty point. I have been edited/ deleted for sarcasm. I recently had a post quoted by another poster with the reply afairly succinct "bull crap"


    I don't get the rules. And I doubt I am alone. It seems to me that moderation needs to have clear objectives and clearly stated guidelines.

    And when there's been confusion and then discussion on the chat board about what seems to be unfair moderation, those threads are locked or deleted with the admonishment not to discuss the boards.


    It's been very very frustrating for quite some time.

  5. Clear communication is my biggest problem.


    I've asked questions about tags in the support board (you can see the thread here http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/443360-is-there-any-way-we-can-tag-posts/


    You can also see how long we have gone without a response. One comment saying it was being looked at, then nothing despite repeated bumps. I sent OtherJohn a PM sometime in 2013 and never got a reply. You can see Moira's questions about TapaTalk on this page...she never got an update.


    This is where the boards have a serious communication problem with the members.

  6. The "likes" should be back shortly. 


    Believe it or not, the boards run with a skeleton crew. It often takes us some time to address issues.


    Incidentally, we have received no PMs from any member about the problem.


    Please be patient and go talk about other things. Thank you.





    Should we PM a moderator or OtherJohn when there are issues?


    I have sent OtherJohn PMs in the past (re tags) and never received a reply. We've also never received a response in the thread here in the Site News about tagging.


    We also have the issue still with private social groups not being able to extend invitations to new members. This has been going on well over a month. OtherJohn has been PMed (to my knowledge) and there has been discussion in the pinned Social Groups thread on this page.


    This is where my frustration with lack of communication comes from.

  7. Agree with others. And reactions are tricky and nasty. It'd be possible for my son to not have a reaction to milk at one point and then have a worse reaction another time. Bees and wasps and yellow jackets are different and so you'd have a different histamine reaction to each. I wouldn't assume you've outgrown it & I would carry an Epi for safety. I've seen my son have anaphyaxis. It was terrifying.



    I envy people who can nap. I just can't do it. I've tried. Unless I'm sick I just plain can't do it. 


    When my allergies are rough, I take a children's Benadryl. My son can take 2 and not have it affect him (other than helping with the allergy). I take one and am shortly drooling on the sofa for the next 5 or so hours. He's joked about drugging my soda when he wants a school break.

  9. Teaching math at the cc, we have standardized required texts through the department, so I have no choice about the text. Even if I were full time, I still wouldn't have much say since it's a departmental decision.


    The looseleaf text saved about $100 over the hardback, so that's why the looseleaf was chosen for one course.


    I find the software to be incredibly useful and I really encourage my students to use it. It is pricey, but it gives immediate feedback with homework problems and I can give quizzes that help prepare students for tests. 


    The publishers do come out with new editions so they can keep making money. They do stop supporting prior editions, so if we want to require the online software (like for an internet course), we do need to stay with the current edition. We do try to use the same text for multiple semesters (so same text for beginning & intermediate algebra; same text for college algebra & trig)


    I do sympathize, but for my class, it wouldn't work well for me to buck the department - and I'll agree that it's a publisher issue more than anything else.

  10. You're fooling yourself. We're living in a dictatorship. A self-perpetuating autocracy in which the working classes have had all likes stripped.

    Keep it up and they'll take our stars too!

    (Although I could actually get on board with that. The combination of those of us with fat fingers and those of us who need hugs is pretty middle school some days.)


    Speaking of fascism- DH says I have to go to bed while I am still lucid enough to walk down the hall.

    Goodnight thread.

    Goodnight mods.

    Goodnight little grumpy poster who needs a cupcake.

    Goodnight and good rest.

    Let's hope the morning brings visible likes.

    (And visible dislikes cuz Dana has it coming!) :P

    Well hmpf...here I was going to give you a :grouphug: and you're angling for dislikes for me.


    Well I've had it.


    Go to your room and don't come out until morning.

    I mean it!


    (Although I'd enjoy a cupcake)

  11. *sobs loudly*


    Why, why, why is Dana picking on me?


    She is so meeeeeeeean.


    *looks around to see if any mod is paying attention*


    Well damn.

    And just for that, I'm going to one star you. So THERE!!


    (I've always told my son, "I teach math; of COURSE I'm mean!" ;) )


    Evidently not. It looks like Dana has appointed herself "boss of the forum".


    I don't wanna stand on that side of the line. And.you.can't.make me.


    *stcks out tongue and puts hands on hips*

    I'm not the boss of the forum....but I AM the boss of you!

    *pulls hair and runs*


    (Boy, am I glad I have an only....)

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