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Posts posted by Judy

  1. Our son also used the Practical Drafting - Applied Engineering Graphics Workbook by Melvin Peterman (the same book that Melissa in CA's son used) in high school. He did well with it. I was amazed at the finished drawings. It really helps and improves attention to detail. Here is the website of the author: http://www.sixbranches.com/PD.htm I e-mailed the author with questions about the program and he was most helpful. He also confirmed that even though most architectural drawing is now done via CAD it is helpful to have had the experience of hand drawing first. I hope this helps!!



  2. Kareni,

    Thanks so much for the reply! I would like to take you up on your offer. My e-mail address is: wrightstuff1@verizon.net



    I do not know how to schedule it either, so we are just going at it. The exercises build upon one another and you are actually continuing to do one or more exercises while beginning another. We just began so I can update you as we get further along.


    Blessings to both of you,


  3. I purchased a used copy of Wordsmith Craftsman (latest edition c2003) and just realized that the "Answers for Exercises" page (101-102) has been torn out of the book. Would someone be willing to scan this page (it is one two-sided page) and send me a copy (if this is even a legal thing to ask)?


    I did not know the page was missing until we actually began to use the book. The person who sold it to me graciously offered to send me a refund in exchange for sending the book back, but we are already in the midst of using it so I don't want to send it back and break the momentum here (as we need all the help we can get in this area!).


    Thank you for any help you can provide!




  4. Gloria,

    We are using Government 101 - A Beginner's Guide to the Federal Government by Laura Petrisin. It is not a textbook but rather a short "bare bones" course consisting of two small booklets. It is not as detailed as or deep as some of the other government curriculums but you can definitely expand and go deeper with it.


    When we finish this course (it is not long - approximately 6 weeks), we plan to watch the Standard Deviants Government DVD's (We the People and Government Part Two) which will fill in the more specific information.


    Hope this helps!


  5. Friends of ours who are missionaries in Africa will be coming home for a year-long furlough. When they come home to the States they will be bringing the four African children that they adopted (ranging from 6 years old to late teens). Their desire is to homeschool the children for the time that they will be in the States. They have asked me about homeschooling materials in both French and English. I have no problem helping them out with the materials in English. But I have no idea where to look for French resources and I need help locating sources that carry homeschooling materials in French. Thank you for any help that you can provide!



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