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Posts posted by Livingfate

  1. I have a 5 yr old who knows her letters and there sounds but thats it right now. Looking for a LA program now. I like the whole vertical phonics method. I like how Spalding has a marking system. That seems to be what is making me choose Spalding over OG.


    I ordered Peterson directed handwriting so I don't want to over kill with writing. Which makes me lean more towards AAS. They use the tiles which is still a marking type system without all the additional writing as much...


    I have a weakness with phonics and spelling so I defiently need to be able to understand it so I can teach it....


    Can AAS be used to teach a K child to read if she doesn't know her first 26 have a 5 yr old who knows her letters and there sounds but thats it right now. Looking for a LA program now. I like the whole vertical phonics method. I like how Spalding has a marking system. That seems to be what is making me choose Spalding over OG.


    I ordered Peterson directed handwriting so I don't want to over kill with writing. Which makes me learn more towards AAS. They use the tiles which is still a marking type system without all the additional writing as much...


    I have a weakness with phonics and spelling so I defiently need to be able to understand it so I can teach it....


    Can AAS be used to teach a K child to read if she doesn't know her 1st 26 phongrams? Could I use SWR to teach her her beginning phonograms and then switch over to AAS?


    What is the difference between AAS, SWR and Phonics Road?

  2. Ugh my head has been spinning since yesterday! After all this reading and research, I have now learned that LA apparently is a weak point of mine. I am bilingual as well. I was taught Portuguese as my first language and didn't really know any english until mid 1st grade.


    I was taught LA more on sight vs the vertical method and I defiently do not want to go that route w/my dc. I am not a strong speller, and I hated speaking and reading out loud. I was in speech services throughout grade school. My ds who is 4 has been stuttering since last oct ish since we moved. My dd could bear to speak a bit more clearly. So speech in itself is something that I want to work on, since its a weak point of mine I like how I believe its spalding that has the underlining, numbering etc of the words. I have ordered Peterson directed handwriting so I really don't want a program really heavy on writing since I have a seperate one. I looked over Phonics Road- I like how it comes with the DVD that pretty much walks you through things since I do tend to mispronounce things I think I DVD would help alot on that aspect...ugh....

  3. Thankyou for all the replies. Yesterday was my first day here on the forum and I learned a ton! You guys are great. I have a 2 yr old in the mix as well that will sit in and absorb what we do as well but he's to young so I don't do anything formal with him.


    I will look into all the suggestions, thankyou. I though math was hard! I never knew there were so many different methods and ways to teach LA.:confused: I just want to get it right from the start and not mess things up. I don't have the support for HS'ing. My dh is fine with it I guess, but no one else supports my decision to HS which makes it even more important that we suceed.

  4. I don't even know where to start, so I'll just jump right in LOL.


    From what I can tell, there are 2 main "methods" to teach phonics - word families (a la BJU - cat, rat, mat, sat) and the "other way" (not sure what it's called, a la A Beka - ca, ce, ci, co, cu). Right?


    Which way is "better?"


    We have always used word families simply because I personally couldn't figure out the other way. To me "ca" should have a long a sound, not a short one. I do realize that they put a consonant on the end eventually, but maybe I just haven't read enough of that sort of instruction to actually "get it?"


    On the flip side, I can see where word families can cause problems because it kind of forces the child to sort of start at the end of the syllable rather than the beginning.




    Someone just posted a link to "Why Johnny Doesn't Like to Read" and I can so totally see my kids (and my dh!) in that.:sad: My kids haven't learned whole word (or whatever it's called), but one ds in particular does a L-O-T of guessing when he reads. I swear, sometimes he is just making up words as he goes along and I have NO clue what he is reading.:confused: He is the one I have to force to read, and I don't think I've ever seen him pick up a book to read for pleasure. He is 10.5.


    I know next to nothing about "proper" phonics instruction - I taught myself to read using phonics off of Sesame Street, and that's been the extent of my phonics instruction LOL. We've always used the word family approach since it made sense to me, but I'm totally willing to learn the other way, if it's "better."


    I just want to help my kids.:sad:


    never mind found it thanks!

  5. I have a 5,4, and 2 yr old. I have ordered:



    Peterson directed handwriting



    My dd who is 5 is really stubborn when it comes to schooling. She gets bored very easy. I still need to pick a phonics program which I'm really struggling with. I want something I can use with my 4 yr old as well which is way I have LHFHG. My dd knows her letters upper and lower case, and knows the sounds they make. My son almost all that. But thats as far as they know right now. My son is a VERY active little boy, and attention span can be an issue. My dd gets fustrated and bored easily.


    Can someone provide me with more info or links on the whole spalding/orton-gillingham pro/con thing as well.


    Do I need to incorporate anything else as well? We do cooking, nature walks, zoos, gocery shopping etc..as well


    Thanks :)

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