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Shelly in IL

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Posts posted by Shelly in IL

  1. Honestly, being around people energizes me. I feel that that person died with homeschooling. Like I've been living a shut in life only for my kids. Now that I only one kid home who basically is self-sufficient, I don't feel like I have anything going on personally. I love home improvement, but there's only so much of that I can do at once for $$ reasons. I also love automobiles. I would be best suited to something in sales, but at 50 I don't want tied down to a full time job.


    I need to pursue something that gives a social person something to talk about. I'm currently a frustrated social person who sits back and lets everyone else talk, because I lack subject matter and confidence.

  2. Well I ordered it and I'm going to follow through, as a benefit to the girl who is doing it - a fellow homeschool girl going through college. However, I don't plan to reorder. I could use some skin brightening, so hopefully it works. Thanks for your responses.

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  3. I vote "mouth shut." I would imagine she doesn't want to hear it no matter how needed. If she's already hanging her shingle as a pro photographer, she has a certain level of confidence in her work - prob not interested in constructive criticism. I think economics will win in this situation. If no one books, she won't make $, and won't be professional for long.

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  4. My mom was 35, but she was always "old." She had shampoo and sets for as long as I've known her - that kind of old. Although never diagnosed, I'm sure she had some mental health issues. I was youngest by 14 years. It was not a great childhood. Very isolated and my parents were not very interactive.


    That being said, I think that could be somewhat just "them." If you are interactive and loving to your children and can enjoy them, I don't think age matters that much.

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