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Posts posted by LynneMcCormick

  1. Here I sit on Tuesday at 12 noon and I just spoke with reservations at Disney World. Homeschool days are every Jan and Sept....this year Sept 8, 9 for the presetation.


    I pressed him again and again for "special" promotions and he didn't offer anything. We need to do this on a budget so I'm needing to find one. I asked about AAA to no avail. He did NOT mention free dining as so many of you suggested.


    Why is this so difficult to pull off?



    2 adults, 1 child

    4 nights, 4 days on-site at All Star Movie Hotel (does not sound great, but noisy) 2-double beds

    Plus dining (each person/each day: quick/cafeteria meal, sit down meal, snack)

    That park hopper thing is included


    No mention of anything else. He said this IS the MOST BASIC package. Everything else is more expensive. If we stay off-site, which I'm not opposed to, my cousin tells me it's just so time consuming and tiring to go back to hotel for a rest/lunch. Shuttle to hotel and back and etc.


    At least I got the ball rolling, but ??????:confused:


    Where should I go from here?


    Thanks. Sheryl <><


    Have you looked at a site called mousesavers? It talks about deals going on for resorts and tickets. I usually go to Disney every year and I get 40% off Disney resorts. If you need more help .... Just let me know. I'm also thinking about going during homeschool days in Sept.

  2. I was also in tears. The most touching part to me was at the end when all of the kids came in to meet Josie.


    I had been feeling a little confused by why they had all been so excited to hear that she was born--of course, I understand the joy of a new gift from heaven--but they all just seemed unconcerned about the ramifications of such an early birth. Like a little clueless about the challenges that are up ahead--the cousin was like, oh, she's going to be so tiny & so cute. And when Josh was on the phone, he didn't react like I would have expected...granted there was a camera in his face...but if I had just learned that anyone I know (much less my mother) had given birth almost four months early, I think my reaction would include more of concern & worry about if she is going to be okay rather than simple joy at her arrival.


    I don't mean to knock the Duggars in any way--I admire a lot about them. And I did love when JimBob said they were going to praise God through the difficult time, too.


    Perhaps it was just how the show was portraying it all--

    Did anyone else feel like me?



    I think children and sometimes young adults don't fully understand a situation until they see it with their eyes. At the end of the show some of the older kids were crying and some had a little bit of shock in their face. I sort of disagree with you about Josh. I think he had concern for his sister, but didn't want to stress out his mom at that time.

  3. We switched to VideoText a couple of months ago because my DD was having a hard time with another program. She LOVES VT!!! I'm really thrilled she has this program and she is learning a lot. A couple of times she had a problem with a lesson and we didn't move on until she mastered the concept. I also want to add that my DD wasn't a "math person", but now loves to do math and understands it.


    Good Luck!

  4. I am sure there is some level of SPD with her. It doesn't seem to affect her daily life. I'm pretty relaxed with the clothing issues - it's something we just deal with and try not to make it a huge issue. I'll admit, somedays I want to scream when it's taking 30 minutes to get the socks arranged just so on the toes, but after we get them to her liking, we go on and it doesn't seem to affect her ability to function. I have cut out food with red dye in them and it does make a difference in her attitude.


    I guess we'll just keep up with the cvc words/books and work on fluency there. Surely the child will have some desire someday to be able to read books on her own. I don't mind reading to her at all, but the time factor gets to be an issue with 3 other kids needing assistance with school. I keep hoping she'll get tired of waiting for me and use that stubborn attitude to "get it done!"


    She is definately the one that will make me gray.


    I have a daughter that does the same thing. She is a little stubborn, she has

    SPD and we just found out she has a problem with her vision. She has a rare condition in her left eye and amblyopia. If she hasn't had her vision checked by an OPTOMETRIST, I would get it checked out to rule eye problems out. My daughter passed vision tests at her school and at the doctor visits, but they never caught her eye condition.

  5. I've tried everything for my scalp and nothing ever worked. I finally went to a dermatologist and he told me to use Tarsum shampoo/gel. I love this stuff!!! It is over the counter, however, you have to ask the pharmacist to order it or they might have it behind their counter. Also, if you can't find a shampoo that works, go to a dermatologist and they will give you some hair products that will work.

  6. here in Australia, they give you ultra sounds no problem with any bleeding. I was 12 weeks and started spotting. I rushed to my doctor, 100 km away. it was a Sunday. he rang and called the ultrasound technician, who went to the hospital on her day of to do an ultrasound to see if the baby was fine. he was fine.

    just because Brittan has a awful health system doesn't mean that every country with health coverage has awful health coverage.

    what would happen in America to someone who had no insurance? we hear stories all the time of people in America that are turned away from hospital and get no treatment because they have no insurance.


    If you have no health insurance in the US and you are pregnant you can get on presumptive medicaid. The insurance will cover the pregnancy and the hospital stay. Also, the baby and mother are covered for 30 days (with presumptive) and then they will probably go into regular Medicaid.

  7. LOL!


    The irony of all of this kerfluffle over his speech is that this speech is a conservative's dream: take responsibility for yourself no matter what!


    The BIG problem was the old lesson plans after the speech. Now that they changed the lesson plans to be more student focus, most people don't have a problem with it any more.

  8. I find that hard to believe since it is not written any where in the bills. Also, Medicare has been around for 40 years and it has not led to euthanasia. This sort of argument is the talking point of private insurance companies and powerful vested interests who want us to be afraid.


    You need to look at the state of Oregon. A family friend of ours has cancer and received a letter ( a year ago) that they won't cover her cancer medicine, but they will cover the pills for euthanasia. This is not a letter I would want to receive for so many reasons. I also read in a paper the other day that this is still going on.

  9. At a town hall today by Senator McCasgill, she asked those in the audience to raise their hands if they have medicare and they did. Then she asked those who had medicare and wanted to give it up to raise their hands. No one raised their hands in favor of giving up Medicare:001_huh:.


    My dh had health via the military as a military dependent and found the care to be excellent:).



    Coming in late ......


    I hated the military health care! Why? Well, when I was pregnant I couldn't see an OBGYN and I had to go to family practice for prenatal care. In fact, I only knew one family that one the prize to see an OBGYN. The care at the family practice didn't know a lot about pregnancies and couldn't take care of my needs and almost killed my baby and myself. A friend of mine had a baby and the doctor (military FP) sewed her anus up. I have so many stories, it would scare you. Oh, and to get any good care at a military facility you had to complain and fight a TON to get a small amount of quality of care.


    I'm sorry, but I don't trust the government with my health care.


    You also stated something about people yelling and being rude ..... This is nothing new because it went on for the past 8 years.

  10. I use to work as a social worker for abuse prevention program and I worked side by side with DCF. This is how the system works in Florida - They can not take your kids because you left an 8 year old in charge. The reason for this, single moms have to work and most cannot afford day care ..... that is why the recommended age is in most states. Second, the house being dirty is an issue but they will give a person time to clean it up. They will come by again and inspected the home several times and if it is kept clean they will close the investigation. Now that I said that, this is a time for your sister to ask for help. Have her tell the social worker she needs help with day care and a first call for help list. First call for help list is a bunch of phone numbers she can call for assistance in a time of need.


    Working with families .... we have found out that some people can't keep a house clean because they are so depressed. Does your sister have depression?

  11. There already is abuse in the system and people do have tests and use services that are unneccesary because they are perceived as free when they never see the bill and the insurance pays for it. And it goes both ways, doctors order tests and patients request care that is expensive or unneeded. When things are "free" they are overused. When you have to pay for it yourself, suddenly a trip to the doctor for a cold or the flu doesn't seem so necessary. Setting price caps creates a shortage; supply and demand are irrefutable principles of economics. Using an uncomfortable procedure as the standard for not requesting unneccesary services is not a valid argument. If healthcare is perceived as free than people who tweek their back will go to the doctor when he can't really do anything more for you than you can do yourself with a hot pad and some aspirin. No one is going to go in for open heart surgery just because it is "free". That is a ridiculous and illogical argument.


    We do not have a free market health care system and haven't since medicare, medicaid and HMO's entered the system. Even if you pay cash for your visit, your price is controlled by the insurance company because, in many cases, the doctor cannot charge you less than the insurance pays or the insurance then takes that price as the standard and pays the doctor less. There is no such thing as free. Someone, somewhere has to pay for it.


    Centralized care is not going to provide you with any more information or better care than the current system. You will have one person telling you what's what, period. The answer is not to put a medical board in charge but to have an ongoing relationship with a family doctor that you trust and who knows you, and to do your own research and to have choices. If you don't trust the information you receive from your own local doctor, why in heaven's name would you trust a medical board run by the state or federal government? You are living in a utopian dreamworld if you believe a centralized system has your best interest in mind more than your local provider.


    The solution to the financial problem is to have people pay for their own care. Health savings accounts are a good step in that direction. Where did we get the idea that medical care should be cheap or free? Unless you are indigent, in which case your family, church, or community should help you out, medical care is a matter of financial priorities in most cases. For people who have chronic or life threatening conditions, there are catastrophic care policies.


    If health care is changed to a true free market system, the prices will come down.


    Central planning never works, never has, never will and the socialists who answer with "well, we just haven't done it right yet" or "the right people haven't been in charge yet" are trying to sell you something.


    There is no one in the US who has to go without medical treatment and a major percentage of the people without insurance have made that choice themselves. Statists are using a percieved crisis to make a power grab. Some people are honestly trying to help, but their help comes in the form of thinking you are to stupid to take care of yourself and they are more intelligent and better educated and just smarter and will take of you.


    Life expectancy in other countries is not a valid arguement for centralized or government run health care. First, the difference in life expectancy for the 20 or so countries immediately above the US is statistically meaningless. The countries at the top of the list have significantly longer lives and healthier life styles in general and live longer lives even when they come to the US. The US has a high homicide/suicide/auto accident rate which factors into life expectancy averages. Averages are generally meaningless numbers anyway. If you don't die young from murder or accident, then your life expectancy is just as high in the US as in the countries with government care. And the long term life expectancy for cancer and other life threatening diseases is much higher in the US than other countries. Men with cancer in Europe have a 47% chance of living five years or more, while US men have a 66% chance. Most of the statistics come from the Natl. Center for Policy Analysis.


    Finally, have you seen the costs? Even the government admits that the cost per citizen will go up, way up. Taxes to cover all of this will be through the roof and damage the economy as a whole. The tax, as most taxes are, will be regressive and affect the lowest levels of income the hardest. Have you seen the required taxes, premiums, and the penalties for not signing up? Common sense points to the fact that sending money to Washington, having them skim off their portion and then sending you back the portion they believe you are entitled to is going to be more expensive than keeping the money and using it locally. Central planning by bureaucrats is never more efficient or cost effective.


    Yes, I do expect my (my, as in works at my request and for me) to read the bill and be completely familiar with every word of it and what it will do. If they are to busy, then they are passing too many bills and doing too many power lunches. As our good governor/senator Laxalt said, every time the congress is in session, you lose some of your liberty. Maybe they need to do less.


    This whole business of so cavalierly giving away freedom, choice, and other peoples money really makes me sad for the direction this country is headed.



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