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Everything posted by Tanaqui

  1. I can understand it, but my explanation isn't very pretty. It's a sign that they aren't the ones making the rules - and that loss of control can be very scary when you're accustomed to your rules being the ones everybody goes by. Not that anybody phrases it *that* way, but you'll note you can never pin anybody down on how it's a loss of freedom or how it could possibly be damaging to anybody other than the people involved in the relationship*. * Not that there's any evidence that it is damaging to them either, but you know what I mean.
  2. Oh, I bet there is. For generations, Christians have had special privileges that other groups didn't, and yes, now some of those privileges are being taken away. Christians can't have it all their own way anymore. But cutting the pie into even slices isn't taking away freedom. It's just making things fair.
  3. 1. It's not a boy/girl thing. Some kids are just more sensitive than others. 2. You and all your kids should read No More Dead Dogs right now as a remedy. Go and cleanse your palate :)
  4. Probably because black people aren't dumb, and recognize the risky legal precedent when you allow businesses to discriminate against certain people.
  5. Somewhat inaccurate. Weren't wheels used for pottery almost at the same time they were invented for locomotion? And even today, in some areas it is much easier to forgo wheels and use beasts of burden like camels, horses, or mules.Carrying things without wheels isn't unlikely, it's quite common.
  6. And people coming out of the closet - both about being LGBTQ or about being a straight supporter - is how others change their minds. The more you get to know actual gays and people who accept them, the harder it is to see them as aliens and monsters. That goes for other things as well. The biggest factor in whether or not somebody gets a solar panel on their roof is whether or not a neighbor has one. People who see breastfeeding in their daily lives - even if it's the same person breastfeeding every time! - are more likely to breastfeed and support it in public than people who don't. If your friends all quit smoking, odds are you'll quit too.
  7. I don't cut the sugar, but since I use raw sugar instead of white the end result is the same. Raw sugar, as it comes in large granules, has less sugar per cup than white sugar.
  8. And Scalia is not really a flaming secularist liberal patsy. The laws are unevenly enforced and applied in a racist, classist way. Surely that's obvious to everybody, given recent events. You keep using that word "discriminate". I do not think you understand the purpose or application of affirmative action procedures.
  9. I would love it if laws in this country applied to everybody equally. Alas, they currently do not. I would also love it if everybody was given the same chances at birth with no regard to class, gender, or race. That's not the case either. The two statements are related, but only one of them has to do with my previous comment.
  10. ...you do realize that Christianity has ALWAYS coexisted with other religions, don't you? It's not just "secularists" who say that Christians are not the only people allowed to decide what marriage is. And, yet again, MANY CHRISTIANS ARE OKAY WITH SAME SEX MARRIAGE. Many Christians consider that there is no rational Biblical basis against it. You do not get to singlehandedly decide who is and isn't Christian, and I'm pretty sure that's in the Bible.
  11. TranquilMind, once again you are engaging in the etymological fallacy. I think you know perfectly well that the word "homophobia" has nothing to do with "fear", in the same way that "Lord" has nothing to do with the person who literally guards the bread and that a "hydrophobic" material is not literally afraid of water. When you rely on already refuted points - and that is not the only example on this page - you make your argument look weak. Is that the impression you are trying to make?
  12. Tangent, why do those people always talk about gays "shoving it down our throats"? Can't they come up with another idiom? Like... ANY other idiom? Why is it always always always THAT one? Freudian, much?
  13. Because I have serious doubts that anybody can really do that. I'm not paying money for unconvincing arguments.
  14. If you can do that, by all means! I would pay good money to see such a thing. It would be amazing - if you could pull it off.
  15. It's like we tell the kids. Fair isn't that everybody gets the same, fair means that everybody gets what they need. Equality doesn't mean justice.
  16. Paige. Curly Girl will CHANGE YOUR LIFE.
  17. Visa gift card in a nice card holder.So what if it's exactly the same as cash?
  18. What you seem to be forgetting in your analysis is that if people don't make a special effort to remember to hire blacks, or women, or whatever, then they automatically hire almost all white men.
  19. The arc of history is long, but it bends towards justice.
  20. Like that song. Change the voices in your head. (Pop culture. It teaches us so much.)
  21. Yes, it is, and if they want that they can go with it. In real life it was rather meh. I'd thought I was getting videos. Turns out I was getting a small crockpot with no temperature control or timer and a rather useless-to-me book. Kept the one, freecycled the other.
  22. Wait, we are still talking about poultry, right?
  23. Have you read the Curly Girl book?
  24. If he thinks a cheese ball is tacky, let him bring something. As far as him thinking he does everything, I'm thinking of that old joke. A man comes home from work, and all the doors are open, the children are running around in their underwear with their hair all messy, one of them has a huge chunk of hair gone. There are toys and clothes all over the floor, and in the kitchen there is a pot on the stove of... something, and sticky stuff on the table, and the milk has gone sour on the counter. The TV is blaring in the background, competing with two different radios. The games are scattered, the cat has been confined under a hamper in the living room, the dog is wearing a diaper on its head. He peeks in the bathroom, the tub is full of toilet paper, the toilet is running, the litterbox has been overturned, and make-up is on every surface. Confused and concerned, he picks his way upstairs to find his wife lying in bed. "Honey! Are you all right?" "Well, yes, dear, why?" "What happened???" "Dear, you know how every day you get home and say you had a hard day at work and you just don't know what I do every day? Well, today I didn't do it." If your husband really thinks he's doing more than 50% of the work, and your description of what goes on is accurate, then what you really need is a nice long break. LOL, you ever watch Wife Swap? Every once in a while they have an egalitarian family swap with a very Traditional Roles family where the wife does everything. And every time the swapped wife makes hubby do all the work for a week when it's time for rules change. And every time, the husband is humbled and chagrined to see how much work it is to keep a home running smoothly. If what you said is accurate and fair, seriously, your husband could use some serious trial-by-fire like you've been having. Seriously, though, if this is a long standing issue and not recent, you can't go wrong with counseling. Go by yourself if he won't come with you. It could help you sort some things out in your head.
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