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  1. What does it matter how many times the information has been made available? All that matters is whether the information is factual and correct, and subsequent news stories and statements from the George Wythe College board have all affirmed that everything I wrote back then is correct. And THEN some. In fact, George Wythe College/University has been closed; one commentator said "The George Wythe brand needs to die." Here is something from the 2010 settlement with the state of Utah: Law enforcement found that previous administrations had violated the Charitable Solicitations Act by misuse of funds and misrepresentation. The initial assessment against the school during the summer of 2010 was $20,000, which the state lowered in this settlement with the Board. Even though the perpetrators had been removed from the school over a year before, to prevent future violations the state required the Board to agree to prohibit specific previous administrators such as Brooks from ever returning to any position with control over funds. This provision is located in section 5.Those "perpetrators" are none other than Oliver DeMille and Shanon Brooks, mentioned above. Go ahead - look them up online. DeMille's and Brooks' "defamation" suit against the GWC administrators publicly announcing their malfeasance, mismanagement, and general ineptitude was thrown out of court. Stay far away from these conmen, people. Everything they are involved with is aimed at transferring YOUR money to THEIR accounts. Also, I'm sure that everyone knows that Andrew Groft, former President of George Wythe University, was arrested some years back for soliciting prostitutes, just months after his SIXTH child was born. You can look THAT up as well. Some have described George Wythe College/University as nothing more than a "glorified book club", and that goes for their TJEd product as well. Avoid these grifters.
  2. "Try to inspired them to want to learn something of their own choosing. When they show interested, help them run with it. But don't force them to do any kind of work that they don't want to do because that will squash their love of learning." In a "Face to Face With Greatness" seminar, which is just one of a great many, expensive little add-ons that are said to be "essential" if you're going to "do" Thomas Jefferson Education "effectively", "Dr." Shanon Brooks told everyone that, if the children did not spontaneously begin spending several hours a day on something that qualified as "learning", they should be forced to do housework for that same number of hours. When I raised my hand and said that my children had no interest in the books being recommended, he said, "You must have the cleanest house in town." In other words, punish them until they begin to "love learning". Because it really doesn't work - here is MY favorite quote: That said, anyone who thinks that the best method of math instruction for elementary-aged children is for mom to sit on the couch reading Euclid and muttering “that sure is interesting†until the child is so inspired by her example that s/he decides to begin to study math . . . wow . . . I just don’t have the words. - Julie M. Smith http://timesandseasons.org/index.php/2008/05/a-thomas-jefferson-education/ Thomas Jefferson Education, or TJEd, is a cult of personality surrounding Oliver DeMille and Shanon Brooks, primarily - both present themselves as "Dr" though they hold invalid, unaccredited certificates. What it promotes is a fascist, right-wing, conservative perspective that is conducive to Tea Party leanings. You know how there are places where fundamentalist Christians are trying to get science education replaced with Christian creation mythology? This is similar - they want to indoctrinate everyone's children into a very right-wing, Christian Dominionist worldview, where the only real solution to society's problems is a Bible-based Christian theocracy. If the Mormons had the numbers, they'd make it a Book of Mormon-based Christian theocracy, of course, but they're having trouble even keeping their numbers up. Funny story - when Oliver DeMille was having some health problems (which he cited as his reason for resigning to save face because they were going to fire his...self because of his mismanagement, fiscal malfeasance, and complete lack of ethics), one of the local TJEd leaders sent out a spammy email to everyone in the group, exhorting us to "pray and fast" that he would recover. I'm sorry, but I just don't see how my NOT eating a cheeseburger is going to help some old fart with his health issues! In one "Face to Face With Greatness" seminar, Shanon Brooks actually said that the reason Chuck Yeager was the first to fly faster than the speed of sound was because all the other pilots were afraid that, if they tried it, their hair would fall out. He SAID that. The TJEd people are also fond of the urban-legendy Tytler "Cycle of Civilizations", which basically says that civilizations crumble unless they get a whole lot more religion. Of course, we're on the brink of disaster, and the only thing that will save us is more Jesus. I brought this information to his attention so that he could present accurate information instead of misinformation: http://www.lorencollins.net/tytler.html Brooks told me that he didn't care - people *liked* thinking it was from an older, more reputable, more respect-worthy source, so he wasn't going to change a thing. And Dr. Andrew Groft, former President of George Wythe University, was convicted of soliciting prostitutes in broad daylight shortly after leaving GWU, but he himself said it had been going on for quite a while. Just look him up - his mug shot and all the information is online. His wife had recently delivered their 6th child. That's the sort of thing you'll get from TJEd, all wrapped up pretty in an American flag and blessed by God.
  3. I realize this thread has gone dead and this is way late, but here is some important information for anyone who is considering Oliver DeMille's "A Thomas Jefferson Education": Please be aware that Oliver DeMille and Shanon Brooks have invalid academic credentials and thus are improperly appropriating the title of "Dr.", which neither of them has earned. This usage is misleading at best. The Board of Trustees of George Wythe University no longer refers to either of them as "Dr." Both were forced to resign from George Wythe University for mismanagement and financial malfeasance. The position of "Chancellor," which DeMille had created for himself so as to move Brooks into the President position, has been eliminated. In a serious breach of ethics, DeMille awarded doctorates to individuals who completed no coursework at George Wythe College, while misrepresenting his own academic background, which included at least one bought doctorate from a diploma mill. This is all a matter of public record; here is a statement released by the George Wythe University Board of Trustees with the details: http://news.gw.edu/?p=393 Brooks received his academic credentials from George Wythe College (now University) during his employ there, while he was teaching classes to other students. George Wythe College was never accredited, and George Wythe University remains unaccredited. George Wythe University is seeking accreditation for its undergraduate program; if secured, this accreditation will only be valid for its BA degrees, and will not be retroactively applied to previous degrees distributed by George Wythe College or George Wythe University. Because of DeMille's and Brooks' financial mismanagement, George Wythe University was hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt and on the brink of closure by the time their misdeeds were discovered. Legal charges may be filed against Shanon Brooks in the future over his egregious misconduct and misuse of funds. The Utah Division of Consumer Protection stipulated, in fact, that, as part of GWU's licensing requirements, Shanon Brooks must be permanently banished from any position at GWU that handles funds - the GWU Board of Trustees signed off on this requirement without reservation. Brooks' claimed 'PhD in Constitutional Law' is from George Wythe College; it is not a law degree, though it deceptively sounds like one. Because of this confusion, GWU has renamed the degree "Constitutional Studies." Brooks continues to misrepresent himself as "Dr." and cites his misleadingly-named "PhD in Constitutional Law" on the Monticello College website, but I have not been able to find his curriculum vitae (cv), which is a document that is normally posted publicly by higher education professionals at reputable institutions of higher learning to show the dates and locations where they completed their degree(s). These are the same people responsible for creating "Thomas Jefferson Education" (TJEd), the "Face to Face With Greatness" seminars, and all the other money-making ventures marketed to the Christian homeschool community. Caveat emptor.
  4. I know, it's a dead thread, but there have been some very exciting developments in the world of Thomas Jefferson Education. I wrote this for someone else, but it really belongs here :) Please be aware that Oliver DeMille and Shanon Brooks have invalid academic credentials and thus are improperly appropriating the title of "Dr.", which neither of them has earned. This usage is misleading at best. The Board of Trustees of George Wythe University no longer refers to either of them as "Dr." Both were forced to resign from George Wythe University for mismanagement and financial malfeasance. The position of "Chancellor," which DeMille had created for himself so as to move Brooks into the President position, has been eliminated. In a serious breach of ethics, DeMille awarded doctorates to individuals who completed no coursework at George Wythe College, while misrepresenting his own academic background, which included at least one bought doctorate from a diploma mill. This is all a matter of public record; here is a statement released by the George Wythe University Board of Trustees with the details: http://news.gw.edu/?p=393 Brooks received his academic credentials from George Wythe College (now University) during his employ there, while he was teaching classes to other students. George Wythe College was never accredited, and George Wythe University remains unaccredited. George Wythe University is seeking accreditation for its undergraduate program; if secured, this accreditation will only be valid for its BA degrees, and will not be retroactively applied to previous degrees distributed by George Wythe College or George Wythe University. Because of DeMille's and Brooks' financial mismanagement, George Wythe University was hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt and on the brink of closure by the time their misdeeds were discovered. Legal charges may be filed against Shanon Brooks in the future over his egregious misconduct and misuse of funds. The Utah Division of Consumer Protection stipulated, in fact, that, as part of GWU's licensing requirements, Shanon Brooks must be permanently banished from any position at GWU that handles funds - the GWU Board of Trustees signed off on this requirement without reservation. Brooks' claimed 'PhD in Constitutional Law' is from George Wythe College; it is not a law degree, though it deceptively sounds like one. Because of this confusion, GWU has renamed the degree "Constitutional Studies." Brooks continues to misrepresent himself as "Dr." and cites his misleadingly-named "PhD in Constitutional Law" on the Monticello College website, but I have not been able to find his curriculum vitae (cv), which is a document that is normally posted publicly by higher education professionals at reputable institutions of higher learning to show the dates and locations where they completed their degree(s). These are the same people responsible for creating "Thomas Jefferson Education" (TJEd), the "Face to Face With Greatness" seminars, and all the other money-making ventures marketed to the Christian homeschool community. Caveat emptor.
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