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Old Dominion Heather

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Everything posted by Old Dominion Heather

  1. Ok. You said at the beginning about the curriculum "LOVE IT!", but from what you are writing, it sounds like maybe you love it, but the kids don't. I would consider whether changing curricula is an option. Also, you may have to hold going back to school as an option out for them. I regularly remind my boys that doing school work is not an option. They are legally required to attend and do schoolwork. I give them the option to do that work at home, but if they choose not to take advantage of that option, they can always go sit in school for 7 hours and then come home and do homework. Not getting an education is NOT an option. When my boys have bucked my authority my not doing their work, slacking off, whining, I have told them to either get the the lead out and get it done or get in the car and I will drive them over to the school and enroll them now. It sounds like you are doing plenty to make it fun for them. You might have to take some of that away until they make it more fun for you. Time limits might help. Each of my boys gets one hour of undivided attention from me when I work only with them... but mine are older and I don't have a toddler. You might try separating them. Mine will feed off each other. I make them go to separate rooms and I also have a no playtime rule until school is over. If they are not done, they don't play, they don't go to x fun activity, they don't do anything but sit there. There are many days when I have felt like I am running a military school, but it got better as they got more in line with what I am expecting from them and now I rarely have to be a field-marshal.
  2. 1. Are your earlobes attached or free? Attached 2. Is there hair on your fingers between the hand and the first knuckle? No 3. Do you have a widow's peak or a straight hairline? Straight 4. Is your hair wavy or straight? wavy 5. Do you have a cleft in your chin? no
  3. This is just the way it goes sometimes. I had to be careful not to have my two work together for a while because my middle guy read better than my oldest for about six months. You might want to ask this question on the accelerated board.
  4. My middle son was an early reader like this. He was reading anything he wanted at about four. 1. Let him read whatever he wants for literature, with a focus on children's classics that you might not get to otherwise in your curriculum. My son read all the A.A. Milne books, all of Beatrix Potter, and sooo many others. 2. Make sure you have him read aloud TO YOU a few times a week. I still have my son do this. He reads like I do, very, very quickly in his head and has a more difficult slowing down to read aloud. 3. Singapore math introduces multiplication and division in first grade and the lessons are short enough not to be overwhelming for a little guy. 4. Handwriting. Do it. 5. If you use WTM, plan to follow just your son's interests this year. My son got on a shark kick that year and did an awesome shark study, corresponded with the scientist known as the "Shark Lady", visited the Aquarium. Even now, that kid knows more about sharks that anyone I know. 6. Play. Lots of legos, lots of blocks, lots of pretend. My little guy who is like this is a joy to have at home, but I can rarely say that I "taught" him anything. Mostly, I show him something and he takes it and runs. Just plan on lots of rabbit trails and get ready to enjoy his enthusiasm! In many ways, you learn to just facilitate and get out of the way.
  5. My six-year-old plays outside alone, all down the street with his buddies. We live in a middle-size town, dead end street, low crime area. He plays out back alone, rides his scooter or bike on the street alone or with friends. The only rules I have for him are don't go past the last driveway on the street near the VERY busy road and don't go in the neighbor's backyards without permission. He is also not supposed to go where he can't hear me if I call. He plays at the neighborhood playground with other kids without me for a few minutes, not for a super long time. He and his brothers can walk the dogs around the block and over to the grounds of the old country club nearby. He can make tea, light the gas stove with supervision, make sandwiches, toast stuff in the toaster oven, feed and water the dogs, run errands on the street, go in small stores alone and make purchases. And he mops and cleans bathrooms if I ask him! He is in a helpful phase and I am really hoping that it will last!
  6. Small Locally owned bank. We love them. They are heavily involved in the community.
  7. I chose sense of humor. I think that part of this is teaching a kid not to take themselves too seriously. Once you don't believe that you are the only important person in the universe, the others follow naturally.
  8. I think that either option is valid. My boys adore my mom who always gets all three of my boys something on each birthday. She remembers fondly HER aunt who began this tradition when my mom was a little girl. I think that if you want to do that, you should be prepared to start a tradition. But in my mind, it is a good tradition. :)
  9. We live in Central Va. Around here, you don't trick-or treat after about age 13, unless you are a part of a theme... for example, on of ds's friends dressed up as "Patsy" complete with coconuts and his little brother was King Arthur. But as far as getting candy? 13. Over that is just not done here.
  10. My middle son is like this, and I don't really worry about it. However, I will say that it is one reason I would probably keep him at home even if I sent the other boys to PS. He doesn't like to stand out in a crowd for things that he sees as "gifts", but he has no problem with standing out in sports. I think he feels that he shouldn't take credit for things that he didn't earn, which is a good thing. I have probably stressed that to him, maybe a bit too much. He is very smart, but also very attune to others' feelings; he would never want to make anyone feel badly about something they couldn't do or answer. That and he wants very much to fit in with the group.
  11. I voted yes, but I'll change my vote if you are only a bridesmaid. No need to go if it causes hardship.
  12. Thanks! We'll try it. It is certainly driving us crazy, but I just feel so sorry for him, too.
  13. Our dog, Trooper, has been itchy for a few days now... scratching til his skin is red and looks very irritated. It looks irritated, not flaky, like mange. In a few places the skin is raised, like a bite, but he is treated for fleas and his companion dog is fine, not irritation, no bites, no itching. It seems to be in various patches, though. Chest, belly and legs. Does anyone have any ideas what this could be or how to treat it?
  14. This site has some great adult women's costumes. I'd be Joan of Arc or Boudicca.
  15. I severely limit the computer. Dh is a graphic designer/web developer, so we are surrounded by technology. I want my kids to see the computer, iPad, Droid, etc... as a tool to be used only when it is the most appropriate tool out of the many available. We do own encyclopedias and we also own lots and lots of books certainly more books than anything else in the house (except legos). We have made a point of buying good resources (better than are available at the library) for history and science. The only time we use the computer for research is to look for something that is so cutting edge that it has not made it into books yet or if there is an exceptionally good website available. My kids play almost no computer games. They do have a game system which they play for a few hours on weekends. None during the week though.As far as doing work on the computer, this year I will let my oldest type his history, literature, or science summaries on the computer. He is also taking one online class (Latin 3) because he has passed me and left me in the dust. The younger two do nothing on the computer.
  16. Wouldn't bother me at all. My family jokes around like that all the time.
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