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Status Replies posted by Caitilin

  1. The big news here: We're going back to homeschooling next year! Yippee!!!

  2. You know a class must have a fabulous reputation if not just one, but three students arrive in the classroom at 7:30am to secure good seats for a 9am class. (No, not my class, but my DD was one of the students)

  3. THe inscription on the grave stone of my father's GM and GF (he fought for the North in the Civil War): They dared to know the right, and knowing, dared to do it. I googled these phrases and found "He knew his duty, and knowing dared to do it" in a speech to the Senate regarding the death (in a duel with a pro-slavery judge) of David Broderick, about 1860. I'm sure the inscription is a reference to GGF's Civil War involvement.

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