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Everything posted by LinRTX

  1. My daughter just started a new job in June in Maryland. She and her roommate moved into her apartment July 21, one week later the roommate moved back home! Her family is in the area and she said it is too stressful living on her own! Now she wants to make the move back home permanent. My daughter is very stressed about this. Apartments are expensive in that area. On top of all this my daughter has a pretty significant stomach problem and is almost constant pain. She has finally gotten into seeing specialists up there. We are praying that we finally can find some answers, but she does not need this extra stress.
  2. But the best news is that you are out of this place!
  3. Are the blinds the last thing? You are almost there. In a year this will be something to look back on and laugh -- the landlord from ___ or the neverending move.
  4. I imagine you are loving being in a cool house.
  5. Such good news. This will be a much better place.
  6. I do love your daughter's room. Hopefully you are moving the last of your stuff today. And will be done with the old landlord.
  7. Praying this landlord actually fixes the AC problem.
  8. Just checking to see if the move was successful and you have AC tonight.
  9. I can contest to it is not hard to transition from concrete to abstract with Miquon. I did Miquon with two of mine. My youngest just graduated college as a math major. She had no problem with it at all.
  10. Something that is very unpopular on these boards. We used Saxon all the way through Calculus. And my two engineers and math major all graduated college summa (two with 4.0) so it did not hurt them.
  11. And this is my problem with most math instruction -- it is really only calculator instruction. My math major made in through to graduation without ever touching a graphing calculator. She found those who were taught with a graphing calculator in high school had a much harder time with the college math classes.
  12. Just thought I would share some pictures. This is my youngest and oldest at his graduation from college. He died 5 years ago. He would have been so proud. She had just turned 8, 14 years ago.
  13. I have two getting their bachelor's this week. My youngest is graduating with a math degree (and honors and a 4.0). Her next older sister is getting her BSN. She has done a RN to BSN. This has bee all online. But the struggles! She has done it with a newborn and toddler and a husband overseas, followed by a cross country move when he returned. She has definitely perservered.
  14. I can relate. Your daughter sounds like mine. I am not certain of the subject, but can your daughter suggest to the professor that instead of doing the busywork, she can read some published research in the field and write a summary of the paper. Or rewrite it in layman's terms. This semester, at least for my daughter, is almost over. So maybe the ideas will help for next semester. I hope some actual professors answer because I am certain they will have better advice.
  15. Found a few more resources that might help him. https://www.criminaljustice.com/resources/resume-guide/ https://www.iuk.edu/career-services/resumes/criminal-justice.html
  16. Actually she has 2 more weeks until this degree is finished.(She is doing an online RN to BSN). But as part of her class capstone they had to write resumes. I noticed that many resume sites had samples of recent graduates in nursing, so they listed the clinical experience during nursing school. I was hoping they would have something similar for a new Criminal Justice degree. Maybe this will help: https://www.myperfectresume.com/resume/examples/law-enforcement
  17. You could try this site. There are several out there that have examples of how to do this. https://www.resume-now.com/resume/templates/law-enforcement/criminal-justice-professional The sample is for someone with experience, but I only looked for a minute. My daughter just did this for a BSN.
  18. Well I don't have another suggestion, but Saxon does get a bad rap for not being conceptual. It is what I used to teach my 4 children. My youngest is graduating college in May with a math major. Every teacher she has had has been amazed at her conceptual understanding.
  19. We used one like the fisher price one linked above. Not certain it was this exact one. My granddaughter spent half her time here while Mom was in nursing school. It worked from the time she was first eating food until she could reach the table without a booster.
  20. Thank you everyone. She got full credit on her quiz. She also said the lowest quiz score has now gone up as well as the quiz average (by a full 10 points).
  21. She has contacted her professor. Waiting to hear back. And I told her to see what others are thinking in the group me. The problem is that no student has the same test. They are pulled for each student at random from a question pool.
  22. My senior math major daughter is taking a physics class for non-science majors on Energy and the Environment. Mainly because she just needs a science credit to graduate. This girl has a 4.0 GPA and has taken two semester of honors Physics (for science majors). This was supposed to be a just get it done for graduation class. Two of the last 3 tests have had material that is not on the slides (an on-line class). The last test was supposed to be on unit 1, part 2. The questions on the test are from unit 2, part 2 and very detailed information about percentages of use. I think the professor is pulling form a test bank for the first exam (over both unit 1 and 2, so 6 lectures). I don't know what to tell her to do.
  23. My daughter just tested positive for covid. She sounds pretty awful. But her husband must now quarantine so he can take care of her 2 preschoolers. And thankfully she tested positive today instead of yesterday. She is a HCW and at her hospital that have to go in 5 days after they test positive, and since she only works Friday and Saturday, she will not have to work this weekend and has more time to recover.
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