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  1. More than I want too :) I am also a school social worker :) happy to help anyone! To the OP, girls on the spectrum are still not really understood I feel, also for many GT aspies (boys and girls) they get stuck in the rut of things being too easy or too hard..finding the just right fit is hard! We have a unique situation right now, we are still technically enrolled in public school but our IEP is for online school at home. We have hired advocates etc. I became even more well versed in the law after dealing with the school system through middle school... She is a freshman now
  2. I have a gifted aspie dd 14, happy to help out if I can...lots of research..actual had her met with Dr. Lovecky and a ton of other people as we teased out issues
  3. I know a lot of you don't use textbooks for literature but I was wondering if anyone had a recommendation. Thanks
  4. Thanks everyone... So it is the pace and depth that make it more challenging? The depth I know she would love, not sure about the pace although she has self taught geometry already this year so she loves to move quickly...
  5. Are there good reasons for having to take regular bio before AP bio? Redundancy drives my dd crazy...she would rather learn new info than have things be repeated.... Have no knowledge in this area so thought I would ask...
  6. Anyone use cram 101 to design a class for your high schooler?
  7. We use Christa McCauliffe Academy School of Arts and Sciences and they are approved... Cmasas.org
  8. Anyone have suggestions for what to do when they hit high school? Have been trying to find a mentor type situation but so far no luck.
  9. My daughter is interested in finding a writing mentor to help with writing a book...anyone have any resources/ideas? Thanks
  10. Please share any feedback/experiences you have had with flvs....thanks
  11. Maybe look at Perfection Learning and their Alternative Assessments? They have some interesting ideas to show mastery that could be applied to most any book...
  12. Can anyone comment on how these two compare? Thanks!
  13. Forgot to add that I am thinking of adding an iew piece or some other writing program..
  14. Sorry, here is the link... www.perfectionlearning.com/alternative-assessment-for-literature I was thinking of including some of the Glencoe type study guides or other ones people may recommend to get her thinking about analysis...I keep thinking/researching the key points of literary analysis they need to learn and learn to write about if anyone has any info.... Thanks so much for the feedback so far!
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