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Posts posted by Jyhwkmama

  1. I have been away from this board for almost a year (not exactly sure why) and am surprised this thread is still going. This is the thread that I first read and connected with news reports that gave me the push to start mild prepping for the pandemic in February 2020. For that, I say thanks.

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  2. 1 minute ago, PrincessMommy said:

    I certainly understand that a secular group would not want to use curriculum that teaches or promotes a religious perspective.  But if a group won't even allow someone to "thank God" in their Introduction then I would suspect they wouldn't even allow a curriculum to mention the place of religion in something like Bach's music or Martin Luther King's worldview.  I would hope that various secular curriculums can acknowledge the place of religion in people's lives without promoting said religion.   It just sounded like one of the groups the OP mentions can't even do that.  

    Yes! There is a difference between between having a strong sense of faith and being pushy/evangelical. You can see that difference in curriculum too. 

  3. 6 minutes ago, Mrs. Tharp said:

    All this kind of thing makes it seem like their standards are extremely arbitrary.

    I think there is an undercurrent of anger that there are not more wholly secular homeschool materials. I get the irritation. I, too, wish the perfect science or history program existed. However, I will not throw the baby out with the bathwater. Climbing to Good English is a beautiful and effective grammar program. I will not completely discount it because one question out of 50 says something about "God's beautiful flowers." Instead, I just explain to my kid that an Amish person wrote this and has a different point of view. It is fine. I actually like my kid to understand that not everyone is the same.

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  4. 1 minute ago, MissLemon said:



    Which makes no sense, because RSO doesn't teach evolution in the lower levels, either (unless something has changed. The RSO books I tried a few years ago never discussed evolution). I asked about that once and was told by a moderation that evolution was too big a concept for young children and that is why they were omitted from the early RSO levels. Right...


    See, Nancy Larson doesn't teach it either (and it is for K-6 approximately). Technically it is neutral, but when you lay out the posters of the different animal groups for your kid to see you can just say "see how life started in the ocean and then animals evolved and partially moved to land and then evolved more and fully moved to land..." I can't imagine teaching high school biology without evolution being woven in, but little kids learn more basic things. The parts of a flower are the same no matter what. I was not taught much about evolution in PUBLIC school until 8th or 9th grade. I took many science classes at a public university and had no problem with the concepts or doing well in the classes.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Mrs. Tharp said:

    The FB group I mentioned was started by the author of a number of homeschool science curriculum, so I suspect she's around for the long haul.

    I know exactly what groups and who you are talking about. I am an atheist, secular homeschooler and I had to leave those groups there was so much intolerance.

    Just because someone has a faith does not automatically make them an inferior authority on a topic or a bad homeschooler. I would never use YE science or an overtly religious history program (Notgrass), but I can get over/edit a little religion in a math program (like Horizons), strongly edit and use an overtly religious math program (CLE), understand and explain to my child the religious references to the beauty of God's creation in a non evangelical program like Climbing to Good English, expand a neutral science program (LOVE Nancy Larson) to add in materials and references to evolution, or use a creative writing program that has some separate religious materials (WriteShop Junior). Religion is not the point of any of those materials and I tolerate other people's points of view. I know that as the teacher, my view has the most sway on my child. He lives in my house.

    I got so irritated with how overboard/intolerant those groups are to the mere mention of religion, I went in and deleted them all one day. God is not an offensive concept. As long as no one is pushing religion on me and I fine. Live and let live.

    Many, many excellent material are written by people of faith. Those intolerant homeschoolers are missing out.

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  6. Be sure you wash and thoroughly dry the blankets/comforters before putting them away. If they are still being used, I would wash them daily (a pain, I know).

    Get nail brushes (or cheap $1 toothbrushes that you mark with a sharpie) and have the kids use them. Help the little ones. Cleaning under nails is important.

    ALL the hygiene/floor cleaning/bathroom scrubbing (which you know).


    • Like 1
  7. She needs to file for emergency custody asap. People at the shelter can tell her how to do that.

    Burner phone is perfect advice. She should take her regular phone to a tech service that can identify the tracking software and document it for court later.

    The Legal Advice Forum on Reddit can be helpful. She needs to be sure and identify her state local laws vary.


    I also want to add this inspirational Reddit post. It may help you think about the kinds of things the husband may be doing and what can be dome to remedy it. ,(car tracker, phone tracker, etc...)  <edit--I deleted the post because it had foul language in it. I did not even think about that, but I would not normally post anything with foul language on this board. If you want the link, please PM me.)



  8. I am not a church attendee, but I definitely try to be fewer places in public in Jan and Feb (prime flu months where I live). I do get the flu shot, but know it is not foolproof and hate bad colds too (i always seem to have 10 days or more of coughing).

    My paranoia is enough that if I were church goer, I would probably stay home and do religious activities in Jan, Feb, and even early March.

  9. 30 minutes ago, bethben said:

    So, all the parents are getting convicted.  We’re there people on he other side taking the bribes?  What about those people?  If some kid gets recruited to play tennis by a large donation from his parent, where are the college employees who took that “donation”?  You can’t bribe someone who refuses to take the money.


    The man who organized the whole thing and the coaches involved in the scam are all in trouble. There was no donation. The coaches were paid a kick back. That money did not go to the college. They have been arrested/indicted.



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