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mama mills

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Posts posted by mama mills

  1.  I am such a worry wart about this topic.  I really liked the idea of interest led but I can't help but feel like I am going to miss something important for him, thus my interest in a curriculum.  linders thank you for the list of ideas it is really helpful to me.  I haven't heard of the Lets read and find out series I will have to check that out. 


  2. I am having the hardest time deciding on a science curriculum for the fall. My ds will be 7yo and hasn't had any "formal" science yet. I am not a science person so I am really struggling.


    I want something that is Christian friendly without being Bible based. I believe in an old world but I also believe that God created the Earth. I guess in my opinion Science is the explanation of how God accomplished such and awesome task.


    I don't know if I should do a formal curriculum or just do some interest led studies.


    How important is it to start them in a science curriculum in elementary? Does it make a big difference?


    If you don't start on a formal curriculum in elementary when do you start?


    If you just do interest led studies is there a suggested list of topics that are generally covered(to be sure I am not neglecting something important)?


    Like I said I am not a science person but I think my son could easily be one.



  3. Hi everyone,


    I am a stay at home mom of three kids, an almost 7 year old boy, a 3 1/2 year old boy and a 1 year old girl.


    Our oldest went to public school for kindergarten but we decided that it would be better to homeschool him.  So this past year we did 1st grade and we survived :)


    I am really looking forward to next year, I think that we are finally in a good place with school, it was quite a battle at the beginning.

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