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mama mills

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Posts posted by mama mills

  1. Have you tried changing where you are reading to her.  If we are in a room with alot of pictures on the walls (like on our living room chairs) or toys (like on his bed) he remembers almost nothing.  He is distracted but when we sit in our school corner that has nothing on the walls (he sits facing two blank walls) he then can concentrate on what I am saying.  He is very easily distracted(fidgety,wiggly, and day dreamy).

  2. While adjusting to the new school term, I'm starting to notice that my 7 yr old son (who reads on at least a 4th grade level) would rather burn a workbook than look at it and cringes everytime I have him write something. Lol He would rather curl up in a corner and read a book, be on a stage, imitate someone's voice, etc. I'm sure you get my point. :) He has a few subjects he enjoys doing, but grammar is just not one of them. I don't want to make it hard for him or make him hate grammar before he even learns how to construct a good paragraph. I've been looking at Learning Language Arts Through Literature, but I don't like it. So I need help from someone who can help me think outside the box. I don't know how to teach grammar through literature. Period. I grew up in the public school system and my older son seems to be doing well with traditional programs. So I'm trying to get myself out of the "workbook" frame of mind. I know the benefits of reading are significant, but...how do you know the student is learning the grammar?? This is still new to me and I don't have a very good grasp of the concept. If anyone could point me to any websites or give me any direction, I would REALLY appreciate it! :)


    I have bolded the part that is exactly like my 7 year old son.  We are doing BJU English 2 and are really liking it. It is a chapter of grammar and then a chapter of writing.

  3. I only have 2 this year a 2nd grade and a pre-k and I am trying to figure out how to handle that but the love and care you have for your kids and their education and happiness is obvious.  I am pretty sure that no matter how you go about it they will have learned so much. 

  4. Sorry you are feeling overwhelmed, that makes the whole process a bit daunting.


    Here are a couple of things that you might want to look into:



    For Writing you might take a look at Essentials in Writing.





    For Science you might consider Mr. Q. the Life Science is free so you could give it a try without much expense.




    I am trying Mr Q life science this year based on suggestions on this board. We have done 3 weeks so far and are really liking it.

  5. For us we did STOW vol1 in 5 months, but we spent the first half of the year just watching documentaries about Egypt and learning as much as we could. When we started our history in January we would go through a couple chapters a day. My son still remembers the things we learned about in vol1.  We are doing SOTW vol2 this year and I expect we will be done by christmas. My son loves history.  We do the coloring page and map work for each chapter and use the tests as our review.  And we will do a few of the activities but they usually require "things around the house" and I never have those things, we are spending the little extra money we have on our science experiments which in our opinion are more fun. We follow the SOTW for our sit down schooling, but we do a lot of interest led learning on our own as well.


    In these early years I think that a love of learning and love for the subjects they learn is the most important part of it. I don't think you should rush through a part of history he enjoys to keep on schedule. There is plenty of time to learn this stuff but only a short time to show them how much fun it can be.  As long as it is fun I think that it is certainly doable. If it were me trying to do this I would look at it like semesters Aug-Dec vol1 and Jan-May vol2. Each chapter in Vol 2 takes us about 45 mins (vol 1 was about 30) depending on how many times the younger ones interrupt.


    whatever you choose I hope that you both enjoy it!

  6. When my son was able to read the easy readers like Nate the Great, or Mr. Putter & Tabby easily, he still didn't want to read "real" chapter books. Around the same time, we got a Kindle. So I borrowed Magic Tree House from the library for the Kindle. I think the combination of not being able to see how many pages there were combined with being able to make the font size bigger helped. He read several Magic Tree House books on his own that way. Then I started having him read chapter books aloud to me as part of school.


    When looking for chapter books for this stage, I look at overall pages (under 100 is best, but about 80-120 is my general guide), how long the chapters are (5-8 pages or so make for frequent stopping points if he gets tired), and pictures (most books that meet these first two criteria also have pictures in them, several per chapter).


    This is a great idea!

  7. I definitely don't know the best way to help, but we made the mistake of sending him to PS kindergarten where there were teaching him to sight read words.  So when I pulled him out he had many bad habits.  When my son does this i now (a year later and we still struggle some) I cover the next word with my finger. That usually gets him to look at the letters.  Another thing I do is if he makes a mistake where I know he isn't looking at the words and is sight reading then I make him stop and sound it out phonetically.  This has seemed to help us with breaking the sight reading habit.  I also like to jump to the bottom of the page every so often to make sure that he can read random words, and while he doesn't like it when I do this because it is harder it has forced him to practice decoding instead of relying on context.  I hope this helps a little and that you can figure out what your son needs.

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