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MiMi 4under3

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  1. Haven't read other responses, but I'd bring it to my dry-cleaner and have them sew on straps. If there's enough fabric at the hem, very thin strips can be cut to make straps that match the dress perfectly!
  2. :bigear: I have a similar problem with ds. Unless we have a planned activity outside the house, which he willingly joins, he's glued to his computer. Seems like a common theme with this age group, though that's not to say it's normal.
  3. A similar thing happened in a class I'm taking at a community college... The professor was illustrating a point using 9/11 as an example, then she realized most of the class was less than five years old when it happened. In 2001, I had just given birth to my first dd, so most of my classmates, it seems, are my are kids' age... :glare:
  4. I heard Aerosmith playing on the "oldies" station the other day....
  5. Thanks, I did mean Sunday. And I've got to bring my twins with me! :eek:
  6. Ugh, please don't remind me! I have an 8:15 meeting an hour away.. so it'll really be 7:15, which means I need to leave at 6:00, so I've got to get up at 5:00??!!?? On a Saturday! I am not a morning person!
  7. I'm sorry! :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  8. I routinely use coffee ice cream in my coffee, and I drink it with a spoon. First, scoop a tiny bit of ice cream onto the spoon, then fill the spoon with hot coffee and eat/drink. Yum! I love the contrast of hot and cold in one mouthful.
  9. We pay our housekeeper $20 per visit to stop in and let the dogs out for an our. She comes three times per day, so $60 per day. I also round up and add extra $ to the total amount.
  10. When I did watch TV years ago it was: Seinfeld Friends Frasier Golden Girls Cheers
  11. Amen. I wish I had know all that from the beginning too. :( ETA: I thought of one: I wish I had known to be more compassionate, understanding, and light, instead of always trying to instill a life lesson or manners, or the "correct" way to do/say things. I wish I had given my kids more grace. For example, I recently learned that if I take my teen to Starbucks for an iced tea, or if I surprise her by getting it while I'm out and bring it home, she's so happy and thankful that her most dreaded schoolwork gets done a bit faster and with much less complaining. Whereas before I would have made her "earn" it. I'd insist that she finish all her math, without complaint, by a certain time, etc. and THEN I'd get her an iced tea. All the stipulations made her grumpy and didn't motivate her at all. I feel like I made a big deal out of things I could have let slide to boost the kids morale when they were younger. "Hey, we're all having a crummy day, let's go to the park after lunch!" instead of "If you don't finish your grammar, we won't have time to go to the park after lunch!" And I'm not a negative person, quite the opposite! But looking back, I guess I was too serious with regard to homeschooling.
  12. Dizziness alone is a good enough reason to rest in bed!
  13. A small potted tree in a corner? Hanging plants or plants on shelves?
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