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happi duck

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Status Replies posted by happi duck

  1. Moving week, bittersweet. We will be closer to all the things we do, but losing our house is hard.

  2. 29 days til we must be moved out.

  3. I feel like my life is falling apart :(

    1. happi duck

      happi duck

      Thanks for the hugs and the wise words. Framing things as making room and getting stronger helps a lot.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  4. For the first time ever, I have run out of "likes." Thanks, Obama!

  5. Tears. The best dog is gone. We had to let Bear go this afternoon.

  6. Where is the snow?

    1. happi duck

      happi duck

      We had the tiniest bit today and it was actually a relief to see it!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. The holiday season is over for us. School begins again on Monday. I am not sure my holiday was long enough.

    1. happi duck

      happi duck

      I'm in denial so we are starting Wednesday!


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. Why oh why can I not skip the freaking out and just skip to the sucking it up and doing the inevitable?? Everything is fine now except the splitting headache from my hissy fit...sigh...

    1. happi duck

      happi duck

      Thanks! I'm glad to be over the freak out hangover!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. My husband just finished defending his thesis. He is geting his dotorate!!!! It has been a long 7 years.

  10. funniest thing today: an old man asked where we were from. then asked how many times I've been shot at. Um none, zero times. He found that hard to believe.

  11. Lost: One Mind. If found, please contact Gil.

    1. happi duck

      happi duck

      Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most...

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  12. Kids are off to camp. I'm not sure whether having no communication with them this week will be harder on them or me.

  13. The 6 yo and the 5 yo BOTH learned how to ride bikes without training wheels today. Super proud of them! (This newsflash has been several years in the making.) :)

  14. I have a meeting in 43 minutes...ack! I used to be confident but recent experience makes me feel certain I'll be misunderstood...ack! *deep breath* I can do this!

    1. happi duck

      happi duck

      Thanks both of you...I sincerely appreciate your comments!! It went well!!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  15. Why has my normally aloof pet turned into Velcro Kitty?

  16. Why has my normally aloof pet turned into Velcro Kitty?

    1. happi duck

      happi duck

      When our aloof kitty turns velcro it actually makes me nervous! What does she know that i don't know?!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  17. Day 3 of NNWRM dawns and my word count is nearing 15K!!!

  18. I wrote 5141 words on Day 1 of NNWM--YAY!!!

  19. There's a tarantula by the door of our building. (They migrate through this area in the fall in search of girlfriends.) I may ask for a piggyback ride to my car.

  20. I've heard tarantulas can migrate through this area, and tonight the kids and I saw one crossing the road. HEEBIE-JEEBIES!

  21. Finally worked up the nerve to schedule counseling...freaking out...

  22. today is terrible...everything is going wrong...

  23. finally watching supernatural!

    1. happi duck

      happi duck

      I'm a few episodes in and really like the creepiness, Sam and Dean and the music!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  24. Taking down wallpaper today. I'd rather walk on hot coals. At least I found my steamer that I had planned on giving away. Why do people put up wallpaper if they aren't going to size the walls first?!?!?!

    1. happi duck

      happi duck

      We've dealt with this in each of our homes. If we ever bought a different home wallpaper might be a deal breaker!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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