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Everything posted by Loesje22000

  1. Yes she is!! It was a perfect day: no rain, not too cold, and good company 🙂
  2. Somehow I missed the opening of the new week thread 😞 I just wanted to share I met Penguin yesterday 🙂 It was a lovely day, and this is us at the innergarden of Plantin Moretus Museum (Left me, right Penguin)....
  3. It would be cheaper to send from the Netherlands, somehow Belgium Post is more expensive then the Dutch Post... 😞
  4. I just checked the shippings: those alone will already be about 65 euros without additional custom charges, so I am not sure this will be the cheapest way for you as the Belgium Post consider this as a 'commercial activity' and I have to fill in a lot of custom forms.... I am afraid www.alibris.com wil be cheaper then me...
  5. How soon do you need it? DD has mathematics exam 29th april and it takes at least month before they publish the grades. If she passes, I'll sell LoF Trig, Calc & Stats so that could be 1 parcell. I only have no idea what the shippings are from me to you...
  6. I set my Goodreads goal today at 104 books again. I would like to read more in English and hope to finish the Britt Tripp challenge this year.
  7. I read 117 books this year: https://www.goodreads.com/user_challenges/10151847 For 2019 I set my goals again on 104 books. I would like to read more in English, but I am not sure that will happen this year based on my last year experience...
  8. @marbel @Melissa M I send you a Goodread friendship request. Although Loesje is my nickname, I use it there (and on Ravelry ) too, just for my overseas contacts.
  9. I encourage everyone who want to join, to try. I am not every year a weekly poster, but I do read :-). A goal can also be 10 books a year ... or 2. Just how life happens.
  10. Irvin Yalom is an author I like to read: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/909675.Irvin_D_Yalom And in Dutch quite some books are called 'Yemma', as that seems to be the word Maroccan authors use for their (older) mother. How that has been translated, and if Maroccan authors in other countries do the same I don't know.
  11. Thank you! The song at the Scaffold is a thin book. The opera based on the play of the book has a very impressive ending in music (I think): With the Ladys Choir we sing a different song of it.
  12. Thank you. We have no exams this month, as dd loves christmas and thinks exams are not unitable with that 🙂 The next exam will be at the end of january so we will have some breathing space. But we still have our regular lessons, as we hope to attempt German Written, Math & Science during March - June
  13. I finished this week several books I was reading the last few weeks. They are all over the plate... 🙂 - The Song at the Scaffold + watching opera ‘Dialogues of the Carmelitessens’ - Untrue (about female sexuality) - Van de koele meren des doods ( yes he can write beautiful sentences, yes I disliked the book although it is a Dutch Classic) - I finished the Servo Arbitio in Dutch, I am impressed how readable the book was, but I think most people would need some more background to be able to follow the thought lines. - Gold Mountain Blues a thick book about Chinese Immigrants in Canada. Very well writtten, but just a little too thick... Struggling with the December season as always, so I hope others have a more joyful season.
  14. 😘 Thank you for making the Bingo! As always I will have some questions during the road, but I am impressed it is such a different one!
  15. Thanks! Brit Trip didn't work finally this year (it is hard to do Brit Trip in Dutch ? ) But I would like to continue if possible, so I can finish it in 3 years or something like that ... I think when the majority of the exams has been passed, my brains can handle reading in English again. For the moment I am just glad I can read (in Dutch) and sing.
  16. Absolutely!! you can also use it when someone has a job application interview (sollicitatiegesprek) or when someone has an oral presentation to do. In artistic scenes ‘toi toi’ with two thumbs up means the same thing...
  17. Thank you! It is her track. she has less hours math & science. The Science & Math track has no Latin, and no German, but then she would have 6-8 hours of math per week, and seperate science exams for Physics, Chemistry & Biology. One has to pass for the main subjects of ones track so the choice was narrowed down to what subjects we think dd can pass: Latin, French, English, Math, Physics, Biology or Economics.... and yes we are longing for an exam free month
  18. 6 exams in 3 months might have been a little too much... It is also the travelling, the insights (so more travelling), and the stress... This week German oral, 30/11 Dutch written, and then we have a month no exams... I am waiting for the spring examplanning I hope dd will pass the foreign languages this school year, so we will haven science, math and Latijn next year
  19. Somehow if I don't catch the thread on Sunday I seem to get lost,... So I'm posting so I will be sure to be able to find the new thread next week... I finished Wintergarden, a book about German History during the 20th Century, and Dawn a book from a Turkish Author. Reading a thick book about Chinese Immigrants in Canada and still reading the book from Luther. DD is still attending exams
  20. I finished ‘You are your brain’ by Dick Swaab. He is a neuroscientist and the book has been written for the common people, it has no reference or source list, and is sometimes too popular imo. The line between facts and personal opinions is not always clear, which is problem for me when he states something which is not a logical consequence of the facts. The part of the book about Free Will, lead me to the translation of the Servo Arbitrio by Martin Luther. Luther and Erasmus disputed about Free Will, and I like the book so far.
  21. These are ‘krimi’ graphs, but most graphs will be about consumption patterns.
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