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Status Updates posted by Loesje22000

  1. Preparing exit exams is nerve wracking for parents.

    1. Monica_in_Switzerland
    2. Loesje22000


      Thanks! DD became Ill this week :( three of the four parts of the exam are under control, just the fourth one :banghead: one day she excels, the other day is like she just has never seen French before....

    3. visitor
  2. Math Troubles and expecting inspection is not a relaxed combination.

    1. Arcadia


      Hope the inspection goes smoothly for you and your daughter. Good luck!

    2. Loesje22000


      Thank you.

      They just made a first announcement not the real appointment. So they will come during this schoolyear.

  3. Within 8 days French oral exam! I am freaking more then dd.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. visitor


      Good luck to you both :-)

    3. madteaparty


      Bon courage (or something like that?) loesje and DD. We are rooting for you across the pond.

    4. Loesje22000


      Thank you all!

      I am very nervous...

  4. Just finished my planning for next year, one week vacation left...

  5. Just finished my planning for next year, one week vacation left...

  6. Just finished my planning for next year, one week vacation left...

  7. Yesss!!!!! WTM4 arrived :)

    1. Elizabeth 2

      Elizabeth 2

      The Precious has arrived?


  8. dd spoke French to me tonight! :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Monica_in_Switzerland


      Hmmm. It's too bad you don't speak German in home, otherwise we could just exchange kids from time to time. lol.

    3. Loesje22000



      Within 1-2 years we will need a German Language camp too. Those seem to be rare here.

    4. madteaparty


      Still awaiting that blessed day. I'd love to read a review of camps; DS probably going to one in Switzerland next summer but I have no basis to judge European camps by

  9. i've just dropped dd at French immersion camp. She is not allowed to speak her mothertongue for a whole week...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Loesje22000
    3. Sahamamama


      She will dream in French. Years ago, I used to dream in French. It was wonderful, to wake up from a dream, and realize it had been in French. All the best to your daughter!

    4. Loesje22000


      That would be a nice goal :)

      But then she should take turns, dreaming in English, Dutch, French or German ...

      So far the camp photo's look promising: a smiling, happy, active daughter.

  10. 17th + 18th history is hard to plan.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Loesje22000


      Glad I'm not the only one!

      What did you do instead?

    3. ....


      We're trying to follow AO - lol.

    4. Loesje22000
  11. Frustrating when publishers discontinue selling to homeschoolers :(

    1. Penguin


      Who did that?!

    2. Loesje22000


      A Dutch Company I bought our German textbooks from.

      They are willing to sell the textbook and workbook, but not the digital component with the audio and video files = 1/3 of each chapter


    3. Penguin


      Ugh. Sorry to hear that.

  12. I just saw a wild fox for the first time in my life...

  13. Yvonne, did you receive my answer on your message?

  14. I love thriftstore shopping :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Loesje22000


      A pair of shoes, 2 pairs of trousers, a skirt, a shawl, kitchenknives, cups and mugs, books, cd-set, a side table?, a medium sized trash bin.


    3. Angie in VA
    4. SunshineMom


      My teen girls love thrift shopping too!


  15. Nice christmas present: mailman just delivered the original 8th grade certificate of dd. We are done with exams for a while... :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Arcadia
    3. quark


      Awesome, must feel so nice to be done for a while.

    4. Loesje22000
  16. Yippie! The Story of Western Science is translated in Dutch!

    1. Tress


      It´s great!


      We need MORE books by Susan translated into Dutch!

  17. Tomorrow, hopefully our last 8th grade exam.

    1. quark


      Good luck!

    2. Loesje22000



      It became a terrible experience, though :(

      So we keep fingers crossed for the results.

      She can fail this one, but not a too big fail.


  18. Preparing our last exam (technical education) we made a bike! and it rides....

  19. Preparing French Oral Exam (8th grade)

  20. Today science exam.

    1. Tress


      Good luck!

    2. Loesje22000



      Back at home already :)

  21. Jour de l'examen

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chrysalis Academy
    3. RootAnn
    4. Loesje22000



      We are at home now, and we think she passed. This was reading, listening and writing skills. The Oral exam has not been planned yet.

  22. Preparing 8th grade French Exam - written...

    1. ....


      I hope everything goes well!

    2. Loesje22000


      Me too... :)

      But dd made a huge development in French this summer, so we expect to pass, nut one never knows...

    3. Monica_in_Switzerland
  23. DD Passed her 8th grade math exam!!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Woodland Mist Academy
    3. Arcadia


      Congrats. All the best for the rest of the exams.

    4. Loesje22000


      Thank you all!

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