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11 Good
  1. I have heard good things about How Great Though Art, though I have yet to use it. It does have videos and teaches all that you requested.
  2. 2nd Year Kindy (6 years old) Hits: AAR MUS HWOT COAH Road trip USA Sassafras Science Home Art Studio Misses: Sonlight P4/5 - started this last year and really wanted to love it but it's not for us. Abeka Health, Safety and Manners 1 - it's quick, so that's good but I wanted to use something as a jumping off point for good discussions and have just found it cheesy and a bit inaccurate.
  3. I'm in the same boat, too, but trying to hold out until the summer. My understanding is windows 10 will be released on June or July and I've heard horror stories about windows 8, so I'm waiting for 10. I have 7 now and love it.
  4. I wouldn't recommend Peter Pan. It's rather violent (at least the original story) and Peter has a quality about himself that I wouldn't want to see my son possess. He treats Wendy poorly and has little care about harm to others. That's just MHO.
  5. Thanks for posting this! I love the looks of ELTL and Wayfarers and am glad to at least have a print code!
  6. I was following your story and am happy to hear such a great update! I hope you all have a wonderful year!
  7. Math in Focus, Elemental Science, and Biblioplan are three I would add as well.
  8. I had no idea their orders took so long. I ordered there for the first time on Monday and got my order today. Yay!
  9. :iagree: We've run into several boundary issues with my in-laws this year and sometimes they just have a hard time viewing us as "adults" instead of "their children". So far, homeschooling has not come up yet, but when it does (because I'm sure it will) they will be politely corrected by my husband. And, just as in previous issues, if not respected, then they lose time with us and their grandchildren. Because, honestly, I will not sacrifice my child's mental health to appease family. In other words, there will be no criticisms of our choices in raising our children or their development without consequences. It's sad that that has to be the case, but until my kids are adults and can make their own choices, I will protect them as much as possible. However, I think it is awesome that he talked to you about it and you had a dialog going because that age can be so difficult and so many kids shut down around their parents. So bravo for talking with him and setting grandma straight! I hope I have an open dialog like that with my children as pre-teens and teens! You are obviously doing something right ;)
  10. Just wanted to chime in that I love the math books from The Critical Thinking Company and we plan to use those as supplements as well for my son's K year coming up, along with Math in Focus, which is another type of singapore math. We will also be doing AAR 1 as we have just finished AAR Pre-1 and LOVED it! I think adding in read alouds is the only thing you are missing. Otherwise, your schedule sounds great!!
  11. Thanks, all! This helped so very much!! As a newbie, it is so wonderful to have you all give your experience and opinions. I think my son will take after my husband in the math department (mech. engineer...loves math...so strange to me :laugh: ) so I think there is a fear on my part that I will "mess up" teaching him math. I want him to learn to love it but to also...you know....actually learn it. I get so frustrated when I think about my math education (taught in ps), and while I certainly wasn't mathy, I really think I could have learned so much more had I been taught correctly. And math is one of those subjects where I think laying the foundation is so important. I'm off to check RS out, but feel much more confident now in my choice of MiF.
  12. Help! I can NOT decide which math to start on my son, who will be starting K in the fall. I keep going between each one and while I feel they are both very solid programs, I just can't figure out which learning style is best. Since I can't ask SWB herself, I'm hoping you all will help me. :laugh: Is MIF, or any singapore-style math program, too abstract for the "grammar stage"? I just finished listening to one of SWB lectures on the Joys of Classical Education and LOVED IT, but then began to wonder if singapore math is right for children who need concrete information. But it is such a popular math choice right now. What am I missing?? I've read WTM but since it was published before the singapore craze, I don't really know her thoughts on this topic. So now I would like your thoughts!! Thanks so much in advance!
  13. We are doing the PreK program for my son this year. He really enjoys the experiments, I'm just super lazy about actually getting it all set up. I love that it has a two day or five day schedule and it's all planned out. I also ordered the experiment kit and am glad I did because I added up the list of things I would have to buy and even though each item was cheap, it would usually have to be purchased in bulk (like a bag of rubber bands vs. just one) and the cost was greater than the kit. Also, I didn't have to worry about having a list ready each week. The pros for us is that my son really enjoys the experiments and does learn something. The cons are that he does not like the nature journaling (or writing at all...but he is four) and that makes up a large component of the program. Overall, though, I have recommended it to others and would continue it once we finish Exploring Science.
  14. I'm very interested in this as well since I have just bought one core from Sonlight but have been reading quite a bit about differences between the two leaders. Would love to hear if somebody has the information!
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